Author Topic: Anyone had experience buying games from Goodwill stores on eBay?  (Read 1330 times)


I took a gamble, an inexpensive one with a Goodwill store recently. Still waiting on the package. They sell everything with generic descriptions and stock images. I know, I know, never buy a game with a stock image. :-\ But, when something pops up for a 1/3rd the average price from any seller and claims to be "very good" condition, it's hard to say no and opt for a more expensive listing with a picture.

I don't know how these GW stores operate, they seem to have their own idea of what condition is. Which is against eBay's policy. eBay defines "very good" as having the artwork and liner notes without much wear and tear. These GW stores on the other hand make no mention of completeness, but as far as I know are bound to the same policy as everyone else, or should be. I'm just hoping I get lucky enough to receive a complete game (PS1 game) that isn't too trashed up. I've bought a music CD from a GW seller, it turned out complete but kind of worse for the wear.  :-\

I know there are many sellers who disagree with that policy, who think as long as the disc or cart is good looking, it should be above acceptable. I disagree there, and side with eBay on that. Acceptable is the condition of an incomplete game, imo. Even if the game looks mint. In the description a seller can brag about cart or disc condition until their heart is content.


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Re: Anyone had experience buying games from Goodwill stores on eBay?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2015, 12:23:41 pm »
It's guaranteed to work, but hit or miss on condition. They usually say right in the description that games may not include artwork or linear notes, and they always use stock photos.

But I've never gotten a game that doesn't work. And they usually are very cheap.


Re: Anyone had experience buying games from Goodwill stores on eBay?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2015, 12:38:59 pm »
Not a game, but my wife found a lone Goodwill listing for the Okami guide several years back for a fraction of what everyone else was asking. Was in incredible condition when we got it. :)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Anyone had experience buying games from Goodwill stores on eBay?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 02:02:23 pm »
I found 'Klonoa Beach Volleyball' from a Goodwill on Amazon a few months ago.  Like you mentioned, it had a copy/paste description and no photo.  I asked about the condition and they check for me. 

"Condition as new, looks like it’s never been played. All teeth present, manual included, case mint."

it wasn't sealed or anything, a few case scuffs from storage maybe, certainly not mint but it was in pretty great condition for £3.65.

Re: Anyone had experience buying games from Goodwill stores on eBay?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2015, 03:40:47 pm »
The one GW in Maine that posts stuff on eBay is pretty good. (Not that I've bought anything from them.) Usually post one or two images of the actual item and leave a brief description.