So I haven't gamed on my PC in a bit, but oddly enough my wife has been wanting to do some PC gaming. I'm in the IT field, so I'm no stranger to PC upgrades/builds, but I am out of the loop on newer tech, mainly CPUs and especially video cards. I could barely keep up with video card technology back when I used to work for a place that built PCs.

Anyway, I'm thinking of taking my current PC, which I now only use to surf the web/watch YouTube/some light Photoshop, and upgrade it enough to make a good (not bleeding edge, but somewhat robust) gaming machine for her. Maybe get a Steam Link when they come out, depending on reviews, so we don't have to have the PC physically in the living room.
OK, so right now my PC has an Ivy Bridge i3 processor on it w/ 24gb RAM. I'm thinking if I can upgrade the CPU on that instead of buying a new board (and then inevitably having to buy new RAM....) and put a new video card in it, it should make a pretty decent rig. Will a CPU upgrade on that board be worth it? (here's the board for reference: And what video card should I be looking at? I'm looking to come in under $500 for the upgrades, which I think sounds pretty reasonable given what all I'd be keeping.
Any advice/tips greatly appreciated!