Struggled to come up with 10... so many games that if I was looking objectively at I could easily populate three top 10 lists. But for me, personally, what I'm excited for?
1. Fallout 4
I hated Fallout 3. I could... play New Vegas. But I am super fucking stoked for this.
2. Doom
I don't like Bethesda, what's going on here? My top two games of show were both announced on Sunday. Doom looks mental and I love it.
3. Last Guardian
4. No Mans Sky
Didn't care about this before, do now.
5. Street Fighter V
I was dissapointed at how little coverage this got... but I suppose the people who are going to buy it are going to buy it so they don't need to burn too much effort on advertising.
6. Fallout Shelter
Bummed that it's iOS only for the time being, but they did announce that it'll be coming to Android eventually.
7. Final Fantasy VII
I have my reservations (I NEED to hear about the combat before I let myself get excited)... but what can I say? I love PS1 Final Fantasy games.
8. Shenmue III
I've honestly only played enough Shenmue to confirm that my copy works. However, this kinda came out of nowhere and the fact that it crashed kickstarter, met its target in 12 hours and is currently sitting at half again its target with like... a month to go? Cool.
9. Star Fox
I was dissapointed by the lack of Zelda information, but Star Fox looked great.
10. The Oculus Rift space shooter
This is the first thing I've seen that's made me care even the remotest bit about all of the current VR things in development.