All things you need to know about Bethesda:
Fallout 4 info: Release Date: Nov 10, 2015
Collectors Edition comes with a real pipboy where you can put your smart phone in. It will also include an app.
Will have some spoilers:
* Working on it since after fallout 3 release
* Game start before the bombs.
* Has deep player creator and can play as female
* Some of story: Sole Survivor 200 years later from vault
* Can give dog commands
* Dog helps fight
* Downtown boston
* Layered Armor
* Video Game tapes for PipBoy, can play games on you ingame pipboy
* You can rebuild buildings and rearrange stuff with items around the world.
* People will come to join your little town/s and you gotta make food and water, generators to help survivor (very cool looking)
* Many large sites, can run brahmincaravan
* All items have purposes to make new items
* Over 700 mods for guns 50 guns(?)
* Can mod and change up power armor
New game for phones and tablets: Fallout Shelter, make your own vault, you are overseer (don't need internet, instant builds). releases tonight.
Releases: Spring 2016.
Systems: Xbox One, PS4, PC
Mulitplayer: Fast pace, arena style, domination, freeze tag, clean arena
Doom SnapMap: Make your own Doom maps
Sign up before June 18th for be a beta tester
Dishonored 2: Can use either male or female Character. You can play entire game without killing anyone.
Systems: Ps4, Xbox one, PC.
No release date
Dishonored Definitive Edition: Releases this fall, upgraded graphics, for new gen's
Elders Scrolls:
Elders Scrolls Online: (showed series of ingame scenes)
Elder Scrolls Legends: A strategy card game. Free to play. PC, Ipad