I was extremely disappointed that I was unable to acquire one of those beautiful, limited PS4's in the OG grey. I'm also not really willing to pay upwards of $1,500 for one on eBay because some scalper snatched them up to resell, screwing the true-blue fans like me over in the process. I told my wife, if they ever release the controller for general sale, I had to have one.
Well, lo & behold preorders have gone up for 20th anniversary Dual Shock 4 and Gold Wireless headsets!!!! I showed my wife on my phone while we were out and she told me if I wanted it, stop at Gamestop and she would preorder it for me. I went in, paid in full while they told me about the headset which I already knew was coming. I told them my wife would kill me and left it at that. When I returned to the car, I told her they were trying to get me to buy the Gold headset too. She asked me how much it was and when I told her, she said if you want it, this is your chance. Go in and preorder it. So what's a fanboy like me to do? I ran my butt back in their and preordered it too!
They are to be my birthday gifts from her and our two daughters, and it seemed fitting that they release on 09/30 which is my birthday!
So with my goofy story out of the way, is anyone else planning on purchasing either of these items?