Its been a slow weekend for garage sales. I barely found anything this week.
I only had one good find this week (as far as garage sales go) it was mostly scraps.
Here's my Store/Online pick ups...
PC- Retro City Rampage 486
Figured I'd pick this up to go with the other 2, but might use it to trade.
NDSI saw a video of this and figured I had to get a copy to complete my Zelda series. lol
- Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
CD32- Trolls
SFAM- Cosmo Gang the Video
FDS- Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
Now onto Garage Sales...
The first sale I went to advertised Video Games and showed a picture of a huge stack of PS1 games. When I got there there was already a line of known resellers holding empty boxes waiting for the sale to open. They where all saying they where going to buy everything and acted like they where going to fight anyone in their way. The sale was an hour away from opening and I figured this wasn't worth my time, I'll hit other sales while these guys fight it out.
WiiPicked up both of these for $5.
- Animal Crossing: City Folk
- Elebits
XBFound this stack for again $5.
- Gun
- Midnight Club 3
- World Championship Poker 2
I later went back to that sale that had the line of resellers and found the guy still had a lot left. Nothing to get excited about but for $2 each, I can't complain.
PS1- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider III
- Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
- Midway Arcade's Greatest Hits 2
- South Park Rally (disc only was in with DC game below) so.. Free. lol
DC- South Park Rally
PS2Stopped at a sale and the girl said she had game boy stuff to sell, I wait and she brings out a stack of PS2 games. I offered $5 for the stack and she was happy. I asked about the game boy stuff and she said she couldn't find it.

- Toy Story 3
- Petz Horsez 2
- Friends
- Tom & Jerry War of the Whiskers
- Stuntman Ignition
- Manhunt 2
- Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
- Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
A sale advertised Super Nintendo so I raced to the sale and got there right as they started to set up, I asked about the SNES and the guy went to go get it, I waited in excitement and he brings out a large box (yay) and I look inside only to see the worst condition SNES I've ever seen, I picked it up and it rattled like there was a bunch of rocks in it. There was no games but did have 1 original controller, AC adapter and 2 off brand controllers and the guy wanted $20 for it. And it came with no games at all. So needless to say I passed.
PS3Not to far from this last sale was another that advertised NDS and 3DS, They only listed the street but not the address number, so I get to the street and it was a short street and I see no signs of a sale. I drive in circles til I see a lady opening a garage and I see stacks of totes, I think this might be it and walk up and ask the lady. She tells me the sale was cancelled. I ask about the NDS and 3DS and she said the NDS games where in a storage unit.

The 3DS her son couldn't find.

but he did bring out a stack of PS3 games and some Disney Infinity Figures. So I bought everything here for $15.
- Disney Infinity with plate and 6 figures.
- Lego Batman
- Wipeout 2
later found these two PS3 games for $1 each.
- Sniper Elite V2
- Farcry 3
GBThis was my best find of this blah weekend. I stopped at a random sale and this was one of those sales that looked like a junk yard. lol Just full of crap everywhere. I asked about games and the lady said she had a Game Boy and she digs around and finds a clear original Game Boy with 4 games in the plastic shell it was sold in. I asked how much? She said make an offer and I thought I'd start low and say $10. She then says "I might go $20" then She says no I'll have to check Ebay. I'm thinking well there goes this sale. lol I told her I don't go to garage sales to pay retail and she still says no she has to look it up on Ebay. She looks on her phone and shows me a Game boy going for $60. I said again I can't pay that. I was about to leave when she says I'll go $25 and at that point I said deal. lol Here's the games.
- Tetris
- Super Mario Land
- Dr. Mario
- Mario Picross (with manual)
It definitely was a poor week for garage sales (at least for me) lol