Author Topic: Fantastic Four 2015 Film Opinions?  (Read 903 times)


Fantastic Four 2015 Film Opinions?
« on: August 11, 2015, 03:08:11 pm »
I haven't seen this film yet and with the reviews both from the pros and the people who have described their unfortunate experience of watching it-I don't think I want to.  I didn't have much hope that it was going to be good, but you know the film is trash when the director publicly criticizes it and basically calls it $hit on his Twitter. 

It's already considered a box office bomb and being called the worst superhero film ever made. 

I will add in contrast that my oldest daughter and I watched Pixels and was pleasantly surprised.  We got some good chuckles out of it.
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Re: Fantastic Four 2015 Film Opinions?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 04:29:22 pm »
I saw it and I was bored. The whole movie was a mess, I never even chuckled at anything in this movie.
I more enjoyed the campy Fantastic Four then this one. This film was nothing but a waste of time.
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: Fantastic Four 2015 Film Opinions?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 04:36:57 pm »
It looks pretty awful; defenitely not worth my time.

I probably be seeing it a year from now on Netflix or Amazon prime video, mostly because my dad will probably be interested in it. He has a thing for terrible movies.