Since my bed faces a wall that has a bunch of PS2/XBOX stuff on it, it's pretty much the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see waking up. I sometimes think to myself - when did I become this wall-o-games person? Then I remember I've been at it for 7 years, maybe longer, buying more games every single week.
Yeah, it's pretty awe inspiring seeing all of this great software in one place, but also sometimes scary. I buy them because I intend to play them, but I fear that I won't for most of them. It's difficult for me to do stuff like play a game, especially living with untreated depression and anxiety. Popping in a game often seems like building a house with my bare hands, in my mind. So imagine what playing all of them would mean. Just going out and buying another one is so much easier.

But I keep looking at this light at the end of a tunnel. There are strict limitations to what more will be added to the pile and that feels good. I'm not collecting games beyond 7th gen except for Nintendo consoles, from this point, and my wishlist keeps shrinking ever so slowly.
I do that too, I buy a game I probably won't ever get around to playing. With my Wii U though, I've completed or at least tried to complete every game I've purchased for it. It may sound odd, but sometimes when I pop a game in and start playing it, I feel guilty, like I should be doing something else. Every game I've gotten recently is something I genuinely wanted to play, but sometimes I don't end up doing so.
A lot of my PS2 games were found next to a dumpster at GameStop and I have no interest in about half of them, I just grabbed them because they were there. I've been thinking of selling off the games I don't want so my collection is just all the games I like, but I keep telling myself it's quantity over quality when I know it's not true.
I've come to accept that my intention is only to play these games, not to beat them. I'm okay with it, as long as I've given it a go for a few hours. Whether I love it, or hate, it's likely that I won't come back to playing it that many times. Unless it's really, really something special and I'm in a really positive mood.
I couldn't sell my games off. As sad as it sounds, this collection is one of my life's biggest achievements, and I've put a lot of my soul into it. It's flawed in some ways, but it is my creation I guess. That's why right now, I see it as worth keeping basically forever.