Author Topic: The top 5 games that defined your childhood  (Read 18065 times)

Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2015, 03:07:42 pm »
The second and third generations of the Pokemon series...Gold Version and FireRed Version, specifically

The indomitable Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros. Melee...I have fond memories of playing this almost every afternoon with my brother and friend for years

Super Mario World (in the form of Super Mario Advance 2)

Age of Empires II: The Conqueror's Expansion...played it often with my dad and brother over a local connection. Good times.

I write for a video game/movie/book review blog that can be found here


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2015, 04:06:22 pm »
What are the top 5 games that defined your childhood? You can include honorable mentions if you wish.

Super Mario 64
Duke Nukem 3D
Face Ball 2000
Roller Coaster Tycoon

+ HM

Crusin' USA
Super C
The Sims
Sunset Riders
Golden Eye 007
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 04:08:36 pm by Warmsignal »


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2015, 12:38:36 am »
Awesome replies

Growing up playing MS-DOS games Lode Runner, Pitfall, Fairy Godmom, Treasure Island Dizzy from ages 3-7. My parents bought me Nintendo Entertainment System then. I grew up with Mario Bro. Duck Hunt bundle (still have today) and many other NES games to come including; Little Nemo, Yo Noid, Blaster Master, Mega Man 2, M.C. Kids, Little Ninja Brothers, Tiny Toons, Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros, and The Adventures of Lolo series.

Moving into the next gaming era, I chose the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to follow suit playing many classics these titles really stood out and I kept coming back to them.

Eventually moving into the 32-bit era, I chose Sega Saturn with the Virtua Fighter 2/Daytona USA/Virtua Cop bundle. What really caught my attention was Die Hard Arcade being exclusive for Saturn.

What are the top 5 games that defined your childhood? You can include honorable mentions if you wish.

F. Godmom (MS-DOS)
Treasure Island Dizzy (PC)
Bubble Bobble (NES)
The Adventures of Lolo (NES)
Snow Bros. (NES)

Honorable Mentions:

Little Nemo (NES)
M.C. Kids (NES)
Tiny Toons (NES)
Little Ninja Bros (NES)
Kirby Superstar (SNES)
Rocky Rodent (SNES)
Metal Warriors (SNES)
Die Hard Arcade (SAT)
Nights Into Dreams...(SAT)
Pokemon Blue (GB)


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2015, 04:49:58 am »
Super Smash Bros Melee (GameCube)
Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
Mario Kart Double Dash (GameCube)
Mario Party 5 (GameCube)
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Gameboy Advance)
I write books, collect games and achievements and so on. Considered pure, molten evil by many.

- Everything

VGCollect stuff:


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2015, 02:19:29 pm »
Super Mario Sunshine
Spyro the Dragon
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Pokemon Firered
Pokemon Colloseum

Yeah it span a couple generations, but that was my childhood. :P


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2015, 04:56:04 pm »
Super Mario Sunshine

Personally I still rank it above Galaxy (and that one was also a masterpiece). I'd love a second Sunshine so much, imagine what they could pull off today with this idea...but this will never happen I guess.
I can you only chance
You need spell your soul
To the horrid spooky devil
That's a voyage to Hell



Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2015, 05:36:47 pm »
Final Fantasy VIII - One of the first games I played, and the first story-driven game I'd played. From a young age until very recently it was my favourite game of all time, it only recently got dethroned by Persona 3, but it still holds a special place in my heart no other game can ever replace.

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - The first game I ever owned. To this day it's my favourite platformer of all time. I always took really poor care of my PS1 discs when I was little, and I could hardly ever get this game to play, but on the few occasions I did it was such a great feeling.

Croc 2 - Not the best game ever, but I played the living shit out of this as a kid, and it's nostalgic. Though I don't remember if I ever finished it. I lost the game when I was quite young, only managed to get a new copy of it several months ago.

Monkey Hero - Okay, I have seriously conflicting thoughts about this game nowadays. I loved this game so much as a kid, it probably took up more of my time as a kid than any game other than FF8, but a couple of years ago I played Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the first time.. and.. just wow... it can't even be exaggerated how much of a ripoff of LttP Monkey Hero was. Like, holy shit. Everything from the gameplay, the structure, the items, even the goddamn UI and inventory screens were copypasted straight from LttP. The UI and inventory screens just had a slight recolour and the items were different, but had the exact same functions as LttP's. Just about the only things it didn't steal were the world and story. But there's definitely elements of LttP's story in Monkey Hero. Goddamn. It is a good game, but that's mainly just because LttP was too. I can't even play and enjoy LttP because it just feels like I'm playing an older version of Monkey Hero.

Those are really my main four, but if I had to choose a fifth:

Digimon World - This is quite a late one, and may not really count, as I didn't play it until I was about 10 years old. The other four were all games I'd played starting from a younger age, but I'm slightly strapped for ideas, so hey. When I first befriended my now best friend one of our main mutual loves was Digimon. I don't remember exactly how I first came to play it at all, but one day when I went to his house I guess he showed me that he had the game and we played it, and soon it became our game. This game took a LONG-ass time to beat. At least a year. Digimon World is one of those games that requires a mountainload of exploration and experimentation and a LOT of trial and error to beat (kind of hard to explain exactly what I mean, but basically beating the game isn't easy), and these were the days when the internet wasn't as available to check for walkthroughs, so we had to figure everything out ourselves. My hand still stings from the high-five when we finally beat the final boss. Good times.


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2015, 08:50:57 pm »
5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare/ World at War
3. Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
2. Sonic Adventure DX
1. Pac-Man World 2

HM: Kung Fu Chaos, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, and Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers

Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2015, 01:30:31 pm »
Really tough one for me since there were so many. My top 5 are standard-fare but I mean I'm being honest! lol

1. Goldeneye 007
Played this one to death both SP (getting those single-player cheats!) and MP (huge hit in my neighborhood). Got to the point where I was so good at MP that no-one wanted to play against me lol.

2. Final Fantasy 7
I remember being absolutely mind blown by the demo disc of the first mission in the game. To this day it's in my top 5 favorite experiences. And dat soundtrack doe!

3. Super Metroid
My favorite game of all time and one I played to death. The amount of clever ways that you can sequence break this game is just incredible. A perfect game.

4. Half-Life
Best PC Game I played until the second, and it got me into the whole modding community (I made mods as well).

5. Super Mario 64
I remember playing the demo for this (my first 3D game) at the local Toys R Us and being ABSOLUTELY mind-blown. I didn't play anything else until I 100%ed the game.

Runner-Ups -

Resident Evil
The first game I played that showed me that a game could scare the crap out of me. RE1 was THE reason why I bought a PS1.

Secret of Mana
The only multi-player RPG I've ever played and beating this with my brother and our neighborhood friend when it came out is just an amazing memory for me. Such a well-made game...

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Still my favorite fighting game and Smash Bros. game in the series. Everything about this game feels perfect to me, and the controls are especially fun compared to other SM titles. Played this game to death for years!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 01:37:08 pm by csauce »


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2015, 11:50:04 am »
Phantasy Star III - Was probably the worst of the series as far as storyline, and character growth, but was the first RPG I really got into and played to the end. My mother bought this for me at a place called Software Etc during a random visit to our local Mall. It was in the bargain bin for $14.99. I had to agree to not ask for anything else for awhile, and not gripe when it came to chores. As straight forward as any RPG of its time. You'd recruit people for a common goal to kill some boss terrorizing the land, and then would have a choice of two women to marry at the end of each generation. Depending on who you chose, you'd get any number of characters and storylines. Two faithful cyborgs were by your side the entire trip. I can't say I'll ever go back and play this again, but my heart holds a fond place for this game as it introduced me to RPGs, and it kept me busy while I saved up money for FF6, and a SNES.

Final Fantasy VI - I can't say enough about this game. I'm one of those old guys who rants and raves about this one. If PSIII was the first RPG I played start to finish, FFVI was the first I completed. My first glance into this game was at my friend's house for a sleepover. He had just gotten it and was only a few hours into the initial scenario split from the Returner's meeting. I was immediately hooked. I guess you can say this was the reason I purchased PSIII. My first play through was 60+ hours. There wasn't a part of the map I didn't investigate. I bought gaming magazines that had tips & tricks, game art, whatever I could fine. Every year I still play this game at least once.

Chrono Trigger - This was the first game I had ever anticipated. I never really was an avid gamer until I bought a SNES. I started seeing advertisements in magazines for this new "Squaresoft" game coming out. Much like PSIII, I found this game and begged my mom to buy it for me as a Christmas gift. If she bought me that game, I wouldn't ask for anyone else. I meant it, too. She reluctantly agreed, and sure enough, it was my main gift, though, I did get other things. Sadly, I wasn't the perfect son as I located where she hid the game and put about 4 hours into it before feeling guilty and putting it back...after deleting my save. I don't go back and play CT as much as FFVI, but I do revisit it often. Most recently last year. I've seen every ending, and all of the extra cutscenes you can setup. SEE: Saving Lucca's mom. This will forever be in my top 2 games of all time. Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI helped me through some dark middle school times of my life. I wasn't a tragically bullied kid, and had a wonderful home life, but these games allowed for me an escape.

The Legend of Zelda - I never have beaten this game, and to be honest, I watched my brother play this far more than I ever will. My first gaming system was a NES. I couldn't tell you how excited my 8-year old self was whenever I saw this unwrapped. I had my very own NES...I just didn't have a TV. So I either played this on the livingroom tv, which was normally kicked off by my sister, or my brother's tv, which was normally him playing. I watched him play this from start to finish. Witnessing every battle, every boss, and seeing Ganon vanquished. The final dungeons music still creeps me out. I can't think back on my childhood and not think of my brother playing this.

Sonic the Hedgehog - If I could go back, I would have asked for an SNES rather than a Genesis. Of course, I can't say I didn't enjoy the crap out of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic was the first side-scroller I had ever beaten. And beaten. And beaten. I only had about six games for Genesis and they were mostly sports games. So Sonic was something I could zone out into and play for hours. He was the mascot for Sega, and went head to head with Mario for a time.

Honorable Mentions - Joe Montana's Sports Talk Football, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Xenogears.

FF7, FF8, and Xenogears could have easily been on my list, but the ones listed were responsible for directing me to these games.


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2015, 05:23:38 pm »
Super Mario Bros
Sonic 2
Comix Zone

Super Mario Bros was the game everyone had. It was something that even someone not being into video games would have a hard time escaping. I spent every bus trip to school and every lunch for several years playing Pokemon. StarCraft became an obsession in my early teens. And Sonic 2 and Comix Zone were just two favorites I always went back too and always seemed to be there for me.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....

Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2015, 05:59:56 pm »
Number one for me has to be Space Invaders in the arcade. Spent many quarters playing one in the lobby of a hotel we were staying at on vacation in Hawaii in 1980. I had played other games previously, like Sea Wolf but Space Invaders kept me coming back for more.

I'd also have to include Boot Hill at number 2, it was a game my (late) father and I played a lot in the arcades back then as well. My other top three would have to include Mr. Do, which is my favorite arcade game of all time and number 4 would have to be arcade Donkey Kong.

For number 5 I'd have to include my first 2600 game (beside combat) which was Asteroids, a port I still love today


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Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2015, 10:36:33 pm »
5. Plok (SNES) I never owned this game (I just recently remembered the name of it.) but I'd rent it every chance I got.

4. Spyro the Dragon 1,2, and 3. (PS1) I definitely DID own these games. For the longest time I only had a demo of the first game but eventually somebody bought me Spyro 1 and I played it non-stop.

3.Resident Evil 2 (PS1) It scared the shit out of me but I couldn't stop playing. The Licker that jumps through the 2-way mirror still gets me today even when I know it's coming.

4. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (Genesis) Arguably the best Sonic game. A lot of people like 2 more but Knuckles is my favorite in the Sonic universe. The fact that you could lock these two games together was crazy to me and I always tried locking all my games onto Sonic and Knuckles, only to be treated with the "No Way" Screen.

5. Final Fantasy VII-IX (PS1) The series that got me and basically everyone else into RPG's. While I've come to be more of a Dragon Quest guy, I still love the PS1 era Final Fantasy games with all my heart. Yes, even VIII.

Honorable mentions are the Pokemon series, (I took my gameboy everywhere. I one time bawled when i thought i broke my Crystal version. It wasn't broken..) The Oddworld series, Crash Bandicoot, and Croc 2.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 10:41:59 pm by baseycillings »


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2015, 03:29:58 am »
5. Plok (SNES) I never owned this game (I just recently remembered the name of it.) but I'd rent it every chance I got.

Great one, too bad it was a flop back then. Love the style and especially the music!
I can you only chance
You need spell your soul
To the horrid spooky devil
That's a voyage to Hell


Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2015, 06:16:29 am »
1. Super Mario 64
Similar to Kazooie/Tooie, it cemented my love of 3D platformers which I absolutely love more than anything 2D.

2. Legend of Zelda NES/Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I feel like these games fed into my love of exploration in video games that turned into enjoyment for games like Fallout 3, searching every corner I can find secrets.

3. Tony Hawk Pro Skater
The late 90's/early 2000's was all about this series.  While they didn't really move me into any other type of gaming, I played basically all the Tony Hawk till they eventually killed off the series after Proving Ground. That's 9 games which I think is quite a lot lol One of the series that really got me into the music too up to a certain point and I felt turned me on to certain bands like Bad Religion, Vandals, etc, at a time when kinda my musical direction was forming.  I haven't played one in like 7 or 8 years, but I still got certain music tracks locked in my head and some of the well known maps of the series remembered.

4. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
Same as Mario 64 above, where I just love these kind of games, even the lesser Rare ones like Conker, DK64, and into the future such as the first Jak & Daxter and Okami.  Sadly with the Microsofting of Rare and other series kinda dying off or going into directions I didn't like, 3D platforming kind of died off for the most part.

5. Goldeneye
This started my love for FPS games.  I played the main story a ton and the multiplayer a lot, moving into Perfect Dark after that, and then away from the N64 and onto Xbox with Halo and then eventually PC with Battlefield 1942 and Counter-Strike.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 06:19:31 am by kamikazekeeg »