Probably one of the biggest jump scares I had was years ago back when me and two friends were playing Fatal Frame together. I don't remember which game it was in the series, but we being babies about the horror stuff, and we would pass the controller around whenever someone didn't want to keep playing. Underneath my friends bed was a huge bass speaker, like this shouldn't be in a household big, let alone underneath a bed, as I was pretty sure it was a car bass speaker lol. So apparently that had gotten turned up and while the game volume was loud enough, the bass had been turned up too high. We are playing, on edge, that game has great creepy atmosphere, and then suddenly a ghost pops up, there's a huge boom from the bass, shaking the bed, and we all freak out, having to hurriedly pause the game till we could pull ourselves together because it had gotten us so good. Certainly the most impacting jump scare a person might have lol
More recently, in Batman: Arkham Knight, there's an amazing jumpscare when you play in New Game + and I won't spoil anything, but it legit got me to the point that I had to slide back from the desk, and recover, really laughing to myself. It was so brilliant. I hadn't been spooked like that in awhile. Heck, there's technically two jumpscares in the game, but both are so spoilery, I don't want to say anymore, but if you played the game, you know...You know lol
Also so far, I've never beaten a Silent Hill game. I've tried to play Silent Hill 2 through 4, but because I'm determined to play them in the dark, I've never gotten very far. They are creepy ass games. I saw Thedarkpersian bring up Doom 3 which could fit into that at times, but I can beat those games cause of the action it. Same for Dead Space. Crazy games, but because I can blow up the horrors, it's playable. I actually hate most horror games. I don't want to just be scared and I don't see any real game value with games like Amnesia and Outlast where I just have to run and hide all the time lol Silent Hill borders that line, but those are just generally creepy games. Might have to go back someday to see if I can play them at all. I was actually pretty hyped for Silent Hills before it got canceled. I was gonna delve into a straight up horror game, but it wasn't to be.