Author Topic: new nintendo 3ds  (Read 2804 times)

Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2015, 04:58:51 pm »
Now that i got a Wii U, my next buy is a 3ds XL... And I am conflicted...

Ill assume I wont care too much for 3D and I don't want Xenoblade Chronicles....

So it would make sense to get the "old" one and pay less....

But I also want the newest "best?" one. (because that is how i am).... but i heard that new thumb stick has mixed reviews.....

I am not a big hand held gamer, so i will only be playing every once in a while....


Go "old" or go new?

The thumbstick is good, but not great.  They kinda half-assed it's design, so its not super comfortable but its helpful to have that for sure I thought with Majora's Mask.  And definitely don't get Xenoblade Chronicles lol