Author Topic: new nintendo 3ds  (Read 2803 times)


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new nintendo 3ds
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:58:49 pm »
Since I've finally gotten back into gaming, I noticed at the store a "new Nintendo 3ds" system.  So does this mean my 3ds xl system is obsolete? What is the new 3ds? Someone drop some knowledge on me!


Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 10:13:39 pm »
It's just a souped up 3DS with better 3D, more RAM+ CPU power, and adds a c-stick, zl and zr buttons, an upgraded camera, built in nfc amiibo support, and wireless data transfer. There's only been one  game released specifically for the system, which is Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, and a few games are programmed to run better on the New Nintendo 3DS.

Right now, its in the same situation as the Nintendo DSi where it has some nice improvements overall, but most games are not going to need an upgrade to the new 3ds in order to be playable. Your regular 3DS/3DS XL should still be fine for usage for the next few years.

Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 10:41:31 pm »
Since I've finally gotten back into gaming, I noticed at the store a "new Nintendo 3ds" system.  So does this mean my 3ds xl system is obsolete? What is the new 3ds? Someone drop some knowledge on me!

The only unique game available for the system is Xenoblade Chronicles, and its honestly not worth it.  The new hardware is better I think, but not really worth it to upgrade right now.

Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2015, 12:56:00 am »
I might have bought one if they brought the standard size to america with the changeable face-plates. Kind of like the GB Micro <3

Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2015, 01:05:51 am »
I might have bought one if they brought the standard size to america with the changeable face-plates. Kind of like the GB Micro <3

I love the bigger size, but it was sad that they didn't have a face-plate version available.  I know I would just love a gold tri-force face-plate, mostly cause I couldn't get the Majora's Mask version lol


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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2015, 02:21:31 am »
The 3d works better on the "New" 3DS also. It has a sensor that tracks the position of your face to help with the 3d effect. I enjoy my system a lot, but agree with what is said above.

I use the 3d effect on all games that support it though so I have loved it.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2015, 03:37:54 am »
The 3d works better on the "New" 3DS also. It has a sensor that tracks the position of your face to help with the 3d effect. I enjoy my system a lot, but agree with what is said above.

I use the 3d effect on all games that support it though so I have loved it.

Yeah me too. I love the new 3D technology. Before I never played with my 3D on but now I can actually play for a while with it turned on. I also love how much quicker everything loads. if you play Smash Bros on the 3DS or visit Miiverse you already know what I'm talking about. Also the second c-stick really made playing Monster Hunter 4 a lot more enjoyable.

I got one right when they came out, but that's because I wanted the gold Zelda one. I think it's worth an upgrade but it really just comes down to what's important to you. If the features talked about above don't seem like it's worth the money, than I would wait for a price drop.

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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2015, 04:13:36 am »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.


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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2015, 07:56:09 pm »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2015, 09:38:15 pm »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)

I never used 3D on my original 3DS, but I use it more often now on the N3DS because the tracking is much better.  Before, it would usually not look great to me, especially since one of my eyes is much worse than the other.  It's much easier to look at the 3D now.
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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2015, 09:40:34 pm »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)

I never used 3D on my original 3DS, but I use it more often now on the N3DS because the tracking is much better.  Before, it would usually not look great to me, especially since one of my eyes is much worse than the other.  It's much easier to look at the 3D now.

I used the 3D when I played Ocarina of Time, but I never used it with any games after that. I guess it wore out on me/ other games didn't really use it. Plus the 3D drains the battery faster if I'm not mistaken...
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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2015, 09:53:07 pm »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)

I never used 3D on my original 3DS, but I use it more often now on the N3DS because the tracking is much better.  Before, it would usually not look great to me, especially since one of my eyes is much worse than the other.  It's much easier to look at the 3D now.

I used the 3D when I played Ocarina of Time, but I never used it with any games after that. I guess it wore out on me/ other games didn't really use it. Plus the 3D drains the battery faster if I'm not mistaken...

It does indeed drain the 3D, as does streetpass/wifi :/
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2015, 06:37:04 am »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)

It's an okay gimmick, but I never felt it warranted its inclusion in the system.  I would look at Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask and go "this is kinda cool", but it gets distracting and I can't use it for hours on end.  I feel most gaming gimmicks are like that lately.  Motion controllers were neat for a short bit, or in games designed around it entirely, but usually with like Skyward Sword, I would just hate it after awhile and wish I had a proper controller.  I feel the same thing will happen with the VR craze about to erupt.  I'm sure some very specific games will be cool, and there will be an initial novelty that is neat, but I'm not gonna want to play Fallout 4 for 100+ hours with them on! lol


Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2015, 01:54:03 pm »
I never use 3D and find it to be a mostly useless addition to every game that uses it lol It's kind nifty for a few moments, but then I just turn it off and never use it again.

It's an okay gimmick, but I never felt it warranted its inclusion in the system.  I would look at Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask and go "this is kinda cool", but it gets distracting and I can't use it for hours on end.  I feel most gaming gimmicks are like that lately.  Motion controllers were neat for a short bit, or in games designed around it entirely, but usually with like Skyward Sword, I would just hate it after awhile and wish I had a proper controller.  I feel the same thing will happen with the VR craze about to erupt.  I'm sure some very specific games will be cool, and there will be an initial novelty that is neat, but I'm not gonna want to play Fallout 4 for 100+ hours with them on! lol

It is so funny how most people really enjoy 3D or they could care less.

There is something about playing the games in 3D that makes the experience so much more fun to me. I know I'm probably the minority on this. :)

I dont know i played skyrim through (60-70 hours) with my brothers occulous and loved every second of it... (except when the headset decided to bug out and scroll the images in a jumpy mannor, we fixed that tho)

I dont think it will be just another gimmick but i also do not feel like it will overtake traditional gaming for a long time. it deffinately has more potential than motion controls.
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Re: new nintendo 3ds
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2015, 02:57:29 pm »
Now that i got a Wii U, my next buy is a 3ds XL... And I am conflicted...

Ill assume I wont care too much for 3D and I don't want Xenoblade Chronicles....

So it would make sense to get the "old" one and pay less....

But I also want the newest "best?" one. (because that is how i am).... but i heard that new thumb stick has mixed reviews.....

I am not a big hand held gamer, so i will only be playing every once in a while....


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