Author Topic: Many Steam keys from bundles FS (Amazon GC payment only)  (Read 2965 times)


Many Steam keys from bundles FS (Amazon GC payment only)
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:54:33 pm »
I've got a bunch of BTA keys from recent Humble Bundles available at actual cost.

Amazon gift card codes preferred! (They have a 0.50 minimum though.)

Groupees Steampunk 4 Preorder gift code - $2.50 (preorder cost) -

BundleStars' Killer Bundle 4 split - 50 cents each
theHunter: Primal
Of Guards and Thieves
Hero of the Kingdom II

Humble PC & Android Bundle 13
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians - 0.25

Humble Weekly Bundle: Games from Japan
Vanguard Princess + 2 character DLCs - 0.45
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure - $1.50

Humble Jumbo Bundle 4
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - $.75
Screencheat - $.75
Freedom Planet - $.50
Coin Crypt - $.50

Humble Weekly Kickstarter
Guns of Icarus Online + OST + Costumes - .33
AR-K - .33
Full Bore - .33

I also have other keys I don't really want or need, so... PM me if interested. Priority will be given to people who want lots of games. Thanks.