Author Topic: Collection Achievements thread  (Read 87932 times)

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #615 on: September 12, 2018, 08:43:44 pm »

This is less of an achievement post and more of a damage control, regret post. I include it because eventually I'd like to rebuild what I got rid of in order to make this an achievement.

I've been touch and go for about two weeks trying to re-catalog my collection after going on a bit of a hiatus from serious collecting and also not keeping track of the new games I've bought. Also, for those of you who forgot or were unaware, I had the biggest collection purge I've ever had in 2017 due to a string of medical issues that I needed cash for and what better place to get it than my vast, expensive video game collection. Because of how much I sold and how demoralizing it was to sell off so many of my games, I stopped keeping track of what I had. So far I'm at a net loss from the 1990 games I had listed for a long time. I temporarily went over 2000 to 2021, but after taking inventory of my PS2 and Gamecube collection just now, that number now stands at 1974. Sadly, I think I'll be sitting at around 1950 when I finally have cataloged everything.

For the most part I haven't regretted selling much, outside of a handful of games. The Gamecube currently holds the most amount of regrets, but luckily none of those games are insanely expensive or rare. My most expensive regret has been Einhander on the PS1, which I felt like I had played enough to convince myself that I'd be fine not playing it ever again, or at least for the next few years, but sadly I want it back. I almost considered getting Giga Wing 2 again, but after seeing the going rate for that game now and remembering it is a wildly mediocre, albeit cool looking shooter, i'm okay not repurchasing that one. If I ever find it for below $100 again I'll buy it, but only then.

I still have several other console libraries to inventory, including the bulk of my retro games which took the biggest hit when I had to sell stuff. We'll see what the damage is soon enough.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2018, 08:48:56 pm by bikingjahuty »

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #616 on: September 13, 2018, 01:01:32 am »

This is less of an achievement post and more of a damage control, regret post. I include it because eventually I'd like to rebuild what I got rid of in order to make this an achievement.

I've been touch and go for about two weeks trying to re-catalog my collection after going on a bit of a hiatus from serious collecting and also not keeping track of the new games I've bought. Also, for those of you who forgot or were unaware, I had the biggest collection purge I've ever had in 2017 due to a string of medical issues that I needed cash for and what better place to get it than my vast, expensive video game collection. Because of how much I sold and how demoralizing it was to sell off so many of my games, I stopped keeping track of what I had. So far I'm at a net loss from the 1990 games I had listed for a long time. I temporarily went over 2000 to 2021, but after taking inventory of my PS2 and Gamecube collection just now, that number now stands at 1974. Sadly, I think I'll be sitting at around 1950 when I finally have cataloged everything.

For the most part I haven't regretted selling much, outside of a handful of games. The Gamecube currently holds the most amount of regrets, but luckily none of those games are insanely expensive or rare. My most expensive regret has been Einhander on the PS1, which I felt like I had played enough to convince myself that I'd be fine not playing it ever again, or at least for the next few years, but sadly I want it back. I almost considered getting Giga Wing 2 again, but after seeing the going rate for that game now and remembering it is a wildly mediocre, albeit cool looking shooter, i'm okay not repurchasing that one. If I ever find it for below $100 again I'll buy it, but only then.

I still have several other console libraries to inventory, including the bulk of my retro games which took the biggest hit when I had to sell stuff. We'll see what the damage is soon enough.

I didn't think I would have the time or discipline to finish going through my entire collection tonight, but I did it.

My current collection count stands at 1934 games; a net loss of 56 games from when I last was keeping track of my collection back during March of last year. Even though it's only 56 games, it still bums me out a bit seeing that consoles like the Gamecube, all of my cartridge based retro consoles, save the N64, and a decent amount of PS2 and XBOX games were sold off. My massive selloff was offset a lot more than I expected by the PS4 and to a lessor degree the Switch and 3DS. Despite the overall loses, there were very few games that I genuinely regret selling, and luckily none of the games I sold save a few will be too difficult or expensive to reacquire.

Going forward, with a few exception, I plan on passively rebuilding my retro game collection (essentially everything from the N64/PS1 era and older) casually, only picking up games I have an interest in when I find them for relatively cheap. Also with these older retro consoles my focus on what I collect for them will be a lot more specific, mostly including only the must have titles and a lot less of the hidden gem and mediocre fluff I used to have. Luckily with consoles like the PS2 and original XBOX there were very few games I sold from these consoles I would want back, as both collections had a lot of unnecessary fat on them that was mostly trimmed. However, the Gamecube will be on a higher priority list for me because of it having the most games I regret selling so I will be on the look out for that console more than most other older consoles. Regarding the 360, PS3, and Wii, I fortunately have almost everything I want for all three, and have been on the lookout for the remaining titles on a very casual, slow basis. I'm pretty certain that the bulk of my newly acquired games will be for the current gen seeing how these are the games that I play the most right now and have the most interest in overall. One final note, I am uncertain where I stand in regards to when to include PC games in my collection. I'm debating on whether to only include complete PC games, including the box and all associated items that came with it, or to settle for just jewel case and the game itself. If I go with the latter then I could easily bump my collection count up about a dozen games or so.

I guess in the end, there is an achievement in doing what I did just now; I feel like I have reinstated myself as a collector officially after a year and a half of rejecting the label. However, how I collect and what I collect will look pretty different from how I was doing things before which was far more aggressive than the approach I am taking now. Save maybe completing a collection for a specific console, I don't think I'll be posting again until I hit the 2000 game mark, which if I had to guess will happen sometime next year. We'll see I guess.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #617 on: September 18, 2018, 09:30:13 am »
It's gutting that you had to eat into your collection, but it's great that you got the treatment! At least you've been able to identify exactly what you need, since not only can you chase them directly you can also trade any cheap finds towards them too. Good luck rebuilding your Gamecube collection and adding to it again :)

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #618 on: September 18, 2018, 11:14:05 am »
It's gutting that you had to eat into your collection, but it's great that you got the treatment! At least you've been able to identify exactly what you need, since not only can you chase them directly you can also trade any cheap finds towards them too. Good luck rebuilding your Gamecube collection and adding to it again :)

Yeah 2017 was a pretty rough year for a variety of reasons, but luckily things have been mostly on the up and up since late last year, collecting wise and just in general. Luckily I've been seeing a lot more retro trade in at a local of local stores that take it in, going along with my theory that a lot of people are retiring from the hobby of video game collecting. A few weeks ago before going through my collection again I found a bunch of cheaper NES games at a pretty good price that I considered picking up, but I passed because I actually don't even have an NES console at the moment lol.

But yeah, I plan on trading up to a lot of the things I want. I belong to a local collecting group that frequently has meetups to sell and trade games, and people bring some pretty good stuff nearly every time. I'm sure it will take me a really long time to find some of the titles I lost and want back, but I'm a fairly patient person so it's not a big deal.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #619 on: September 18, 2018, 11:25:05 am »
You've got a pathway to get them, so it is just time, but at least you've got a great collection to enjoy while you work towards getting everything you want. Pleased things are looking up  :D

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #620 on: September 18, 2018, 11:34:33 am »
You've got a pathway to get them, so it is just time, but at least you've got a great collection to enjoy while you work towards getting everything you want. Pleased things are looking up  :D

Thank you :)


PRO Supporter

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #621 on: September 19, 2018, 04:42:39 pm »
 Sorry to hear about your health issues,at least having your collection to sell helped you with your bills. I would've done the same thing best of luck to you.Alot of the fun of collecting comes from finding games (at least for me) good luck, hope you have fun rebuilding your collection.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #622 on: September 19, 2018, 05:55:36 pm »

This is less of an achievement post and more of a damage control, regret post. I include it because eventually I'd like to rebuild what I got rid of in order to make this an achievement.

I've been touch and go for about two weeks trying to re-catalog my collection after going on a bit of a hiatus from serious collecting and also not keeping track of the new games I've bought. Also, for those of you who forgot or were unaware, I had the biggest collection purge I've ever had in 2017 due to a string of medical issues that I needed cash for and what better place to get it than my vast, expensive video game collection. Because of how much I sold and how demoralizing it was to sell off so many of my games, I stopped keeping track of what I had. So far I'm at a net loss from the 1990 games I had listed for a long time. I temporarily went over 2000 to 2021, but after taking inventory of my PS2 and Gamecube collection just now, that number now stands at 1974. Sadly, I think I'll be sitting at around 1950 when I finally have cataloged everything.

For the most part I haven't regretted selling much, outside of a handful of games. The Gamecube currently holds the most amount of regrets, but luckily none of those games are insanely expensive or rare. My most expensive regret has been Einhander on the PS1, which I felt like I had played enough to convince myself that I'd be fine not playing it ever again, or at least for the next few years, but sadly I want it back. I almost considered getting Giga Wing 2 again, but after seeing the going rate for that game now and remembering it is a wildly mediocre, albeit cool looking shooter, i'm okay not repurchasing that one. If I ever find it for below $100 again I'll buy it, but only then.

I still have several other console libraries to inventory, including the bulk of my retro games which took the biggest hit when I had to sell stuff. We'll see what the damage is soon enough.

I can definitely relate to this my dude, it sucks but sometimes hobbies need to take a back seat to life especially when it's down to survival. Thankfully you're in a better place in life now and you're starting to rebuild.
For me personally after years of having to get rid of my Gamecube collection multiple times as a kid, I finally have all of the Gamecube games I used to own and now I'm able to get the ones I wanted to get so many years ago when my family didn't have the money for it.

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #623 on: September 20, 2018, 12:17:41 am »
Sorry to hear about your health issues,at least having your collection to sell helped you with your bills. I would've done the same thing best of luck to you.Alot of the fun of collecting comes from finding games (at least for me) good luck, hope you have fun rebuilding your collection.

I've always enjoyed the hunt more than actually owning many of the games I have and had before selling them. I enjoy the memories or stories behind how I got X game at a flea market or thrift store for dirt cheap, which despite having sold some of those cool story games, I still have my memories of finding them. Unfortunately many of the games I sold, particularly a lot of the retro games were games I found when retro games were still relatively easy to find and hunt for (around 2011 and 2012) so it might be a while before I come into ownership for games like Lightening Force, Sunset Riders, or Turtles in Time. But I'm happy that the specific health issues I was having are behind me as is the debt I would have had to take on had I not tapped into my collection for additional funds. Games are replaceable, your health and peace of mind aren't.

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #624 on: September 29, 2018, 10:44:12 pm »
I decided that I wanted to review my video game want list, aka my sacred, long standing, ever evolving list of video games I'd like to own and have in my collection. Primarily I wanted to divide all the games on it into tiers of how badly I wanted them; tier 1 essentially means I'd pay ebay prices for the game and represents the games I want the most. Tier 2 are games I want a lot, but can't justify paying more than 75% of the game's current ebay price. Essentially I want these games, but don't mind holding off on them until I can find a decent price on them. Then there is Tier 3, which are games I just can't justify paying more than 50% of the games current ebay price for, and are games I will only buy if I find a store significantly slipping on or find it in the wild for dirt cheap. There is also a tier 4 which means I won't spend more than 30% of the games value, but only a handful of games are in this group, mostly because of how insanely expensive they are and how I'd never even spend half of what they're worth since even half would mean these games would be worth over a hundred bucks still, sometimes even more.

But while reviewing and revamping want list I came to the realization that there are maybe around 10 games total that I really, really want at the moment. Mind you, these only include games from gens prior to the current console gen we're in since new games are still being released for the present generation. I had probably about 25 or so Tier 2 games as well, and then literally hundreds of tier 3 games. Essentially, there is barely anything else left in regards to "retro" games that I actually want, at least enough to pay significant money for.

What all this means is that I'm not nearly as much into collecting, particularly retro games as I originally thought i was since returning to collecting. It also means that I am mostly content with my current collection, and there isn't a ton of gaping holes in it that I desperately want to fill. Sure, there are those games I regret selling, but many of them I'm fine with holding off until a great deal comes along (essentially a tier 3 deal for the vast majority of them). By definition I am still a collector, but outside of mostly newer games coming out I doubt I'll be adding a lot to my retro game collections, including the PS3, 360, Wii, and Wii U which aren't retro, but are unsupported legacy consoles at this point. With that said, I do have some pretty big plans in the future regarding my retro game collections.

Currently, the NES, Genesis, SNES, and N64 only include tier 3 or 4 games, however when I am finally able to afford a permanent living situation (I currently rent part of a house with very limited space), and hopefully have more disposable income than I currently do, I'd like to start getting into more CIB collecting for these systems. Not only do I want to upgrade many of the cart only copies of games I currently have for these systems, but would like to obtain many games I don't have for these systems and add them to my collection CIB. During this time I'd also like to get back into NTSC-US Saturn collecting and also big box PC collecting again as well, deliberately going out and buying them. So pretty much all these retro platforms will be upgraded to tier 1, or at least tier 2. The biggest reason for this is both cost and space, which hopefully won't be as much of an issue someday. In the meantime, if I can score a killer deal on the systems and platforms mentioned I'll gladly add them before and if this ever happens.

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #625 on: October 13, 2018, 12:40:12 am »
Reached a massive milestone in my Team Fortress 2 inventory:

100 unusual quality items, all with the same effect. Still need to work my way up and get about 60-some more to take the spot for largest single-effect collection overall though.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #626 on: October 15, 2018, 12:25:53 pm »
But while reviewing and revamping want list I came to the realization that there are maybe around 10 games total that I really, really want at the moment.

Happy days! :) It's a bit late in life, but I'm coming to the realization that anything you do which actually takes time, effort or is something you devote time to thinking about requires re-evaluation from time to time, to make sure you're on track and not devoting resources to whatever it is needlessly. It's great to have been able to narrow it down to a small number of must-haves and then have your other wants ranked, nice and clean and it means you've got priorities in your ebay searches etc.

At the minute I'm writing a kill-list for several systems using youtube to get an idea of how all these unknown games actually play. Despite already grabbing fistfuls of Xbox games and trading them in, using YT I've found more than 30 more that I'm not interested in owning. My interest in owning as big a collection of games to play as possible is undiminished, but I'm increasingly irritated by the revelation that servicing all these unknowns and picking something to play etc. is taking more time than actually enjoying the things. It's good to clear out.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #627 on: December 29, 2018, 10:56:08 pm »
A mere 2 days before the end of the year and I reached my goal. 900 physical PS4 games. Steadily working toward that sweet goal of 1000. If LRG and all the other limited game publishers would send me what Ive paid for, Id probably already be another 25-30 games closer!

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #628 on: January 08, 2019, 12:47:46 pm »
I just worked out a deal for my 2000th game with a local collector. It isn't anything amazing, but it's still pretty awesome and it is definitely something I will remember to commemorate the milestone. Another post will hopefully be coming soon regarding it.

Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #629 on: January 08, 2019, 05:12:45 pm »
Here it is folks, game number 2000!

I wanted to make game 2000 special, and aside from obscenely expensive games I could buy to remember it by, I thought that it would be a better idea to start collecting for a platform that I currently am not. NTSC/US Saturn collecting was the first collecting I ever did back in 2008, and anyway if you want to hear more about that please read my post in the "When did you first start to collect video games" thread. Short of it is, I amassed a modest collection of US Saturn titles before having to sell them off about a year later in order to pay for school.

A year or so after that I decided that US Saturn collecting was too expensive and also there were so many import titles that I wanted that collecting just Japanese Saturn titles made way more sense. Since then I have collected quite a few import Saturn games, and also have found several US Saturn games during that time as well, however every single one of the NTSC/US Saturn games I traded or sold since I didn't want to get back into US Saturn collecting at the time.

The reason I decided to change my mind about US Saturn collecting and get back into it, beyond wanting to make my 2000th game memorable is because I adore Gen 5 games. My PS1 and N64 collections are among my favorites in my overall collection, and many of the games for those two consoles are among the most nostalgic and special to me. The same goes for the Saturn, which I grew up playing at friends' houses and have equally fond memories playing. Couple that with an incredible library of games and also that the Saturn library has been trending downwards in price for a couple of years now, it just made sense to get back into it.

So last night I posted an ad in a local facebook buy/sell group I belong too and a local collector I know replied saying he had a double of Clockwork Knights 2. It seemed to perfectly fit the criteria of uncommon and interesting, but not obscenely expensive like Panzer Dragoon Saga or Burning Ranger. I met up with him on my lunch break and bought my first US Sega Saturn game that I actually plan on keeping in over a decade. I also won a few ebay auctions for other Saturn games, but I will save those for another post in the pickups thread. So here it is, game number 2000, Clockwork Knights 2