OMG, how are more people not talking about this?! This week's Gotham was magnificent! The Arkham inmates escaped, and wreaked havoc on Gotham. Joker (or who they are leading us to believe is Joker) is leading the gang of anarchists, while there is a master-planner that's a rich serial-killer (although I see Joker taking his place sometime in the future). Others include Barbara Keen (who they seem to be molding into Harley Quinn), and a serial cannibal, as well as a guy that will do any violent thing you tell him to but is dumb as a sack of bricks. The show doesn't pull any punches, either. It shows all the grim-n-gritty violence.
But then the havoc they cause, oh man, classic Joker here. And what happens in the police station with the new commissioner getting murdered, Gordon getting beat, the triumphant return of Bullock. And the kid that plays him, channels the character perfectly. It's like your seeing the Animated Series Joker in real life (but younger).
...damn, what an episode! You guys are missing out on one of the best shows on T.V., period, if you are missing this. Only two episodes in and it's already topped last season!