Author Topic: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities  (Read 250120 times)


Flinthook - Generic platformer

I couldn't disagree more. I popped this one in on a whim weekend before last and was instantly hooked. It's a rogue-like platformer with RPG elements and a touch of Bionic Commando, and it's extremely well done. In the same class as Rogue Legacy IMO. *HIGHLY* recommended!

I laughed at the "hooked" comment. So did I judge this game too quickly? I dont mind trying again. I need something between now and DQXI. Detroit wasnt nearly as long as I expected.


Flinthook - Generic platformer

I couldn't disagree more. I popped this one in on a whim weekend before last and was instantly hooked. It's a rogue-like platformer with RPG elements and a touch of Bionic Commando, and it's extremely well done. In the same class as Rogue Legacy IMO. *HIGHLY* recommended!

I laughed at the "hooked" comment. So did I judge this game too quickly? I dont mind trying again. I need something between now and DQXI. Detroit wasnt nearly as long as I expected.

Was completely unintentional. ;)  But yeah, especially if you enjoyed Rogue Legacy I'd say give it another go.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities
« Reply #1337 on: September 14, 2018, 10:04:16 am »
Just picked up Salt and Sanctuary on PS4 :D
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities
« Reply #1338 on: September 14, 2018, 11:46:48 pm »
Just picked up Salt and Sanctuary on PS4 :D

I was on the 10AM launch and noticed the Vita/Vita CE versions of that game sold out FAST. Went regular edition on PS4/Vita S&S and I decided to take the Nestea plunge on Dust for Switch and the PS4 game from last week as well.


Re: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities
« Reply #1339 on: September 15, 2018, 12:59:36 pm »
Le whoops. Completely forgot about S&S. Eh, no biggie.


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Re: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities
« Reply #1340 on: September 16, 2018, 04:01:11 am »
I struck out on the vita version of salt and sanctuary.  Got a Ps4 version but it's just not the same...


So, like, is Cosmic Star Heroine still a thing?

So, like, is Cosmic Star Heroine still a thing?
Yes?  They receive the copies this week, should ship this or next week unless it's held up by other stuff in your order.


I use this link now to keep track of any production updates on games. This update page was kind of obscure and I didn't know it existed until I asked about CSH's status specifically on LRG's forum.
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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So, like, is Cosmic Star Heroine still a thing?
Yes?  They receive the copies this week, should ship this or next week unless it's held up by other stuff in your order.
It's been a hot minute since preorders. I forgot all about it until I was going through old emails and saw the one from LRG.


So, like, is Cosmic Star Heroine still a thing?
Yes?  They receive the copies this week, should ship this or next week unless it's held up by other stuff in your order.
It's been a hot minute since preorders. I forgot all about it until I was going through old emails and saw the one from LRG.

It takes them longer to get the preorders out compared to regular releases because they have to send the number of games they want to produce to Sony after they get the preorder numbers at the end of the timeframe. With the standard releases they already know how many copies they're going to produce so they can send that along earlier.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 01:13:23 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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In case folks missed it in Ignition's thread... On sale this Friday:
A collection of 3 NES adventure games, “Shadowgate™”, “The Uninvited™” and “Déjà Vu™”.
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FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


So, like, is Cosmic Star Heroine still a thing?

Just got shipping notification of my CSH / Antiquia Lost bundle. I mean, I only ordered them in *MAY*.

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Yeah I got an email about it yesterday

Better late than never I suppose, but still
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


I got that email yesterday. Better late than pregna--never.