I missed the start of the show on accident, but Twilight Princess HD confirmed with a Midna/Wolf Link Amiibo bundle. March 4th. Pre-orders now available. Apparently there was a slight Zelda Wii U tease, but it was just confirmation of the game releasing next year mostly and will be on Wii U. There's an Amazon placeholder up right now, no pre-order quite yet, but it says that the amiibo will unlock bonuses in Twilight Princess and for Zelda Wii U.
Some free DLC for Tri Force Heroes. More DLC for Splatoon of course.
Interesting thing, but for Xenoblades Chronicles X, you can get download packs that speed up loading, though of course the Wii U's space is a factor as the 4 packs are anywhere from 1.5 to 3gigs each.
Pokemon Picross I think is literally Pokemon Minesweeper lol
Pokken Tournament is out Spring 2016.
Starfox Zero is out April 22nd.
Mario Paper Jam on 3DS is January 22nd.
Final Fantasy Explorers on 3DS. Another co-op type game like with Tri Force Heroes in that its better to play with friends. January 26th and it has a collector's edition with some physical and digital things.
Fire Emblem Fates. February 19th. You can get all three games for 80 bucks in the collector's set, or you can buy one and get a digital download for the other two at 20 bucks a piece.
Mega Man Legacy Collection 3DS February 23rd. Mega Man Amiibo unlocks more challenges and more unlocked with Golden Mega Man that comes with the collector's set.
The original Pokemon games are out February 27th on the eshop and now have a new wireless trade system!
Linkle confirmed for Hyrule Warriors! Hell yeah! Dual Crossbows! Looks badass.
Dragon Quest 7 on 3DS next year. Early Summer. Dragon Quest 8 also out next year.
Holy crap, Cloud from FF7 is confirmed for Smash. He gets his own Midgar stage and his alternate costume is his Advent Children sword and clothing.