Xbox 360 actually had quite a few RPG's if I remember correctly, several exclusives too. Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean were all Xbox exclusives with Star Ocean getting a port over a year later to the PS3. Then you have others like Arcania Gothic 4, Blue Dragon, Dark, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic: Elements, Divinity II-Ego Draconis, Divinity II-The Dragon Knight Saga, Fable Anniversary, Fable II, Fable III, Happy Wars, Kingdom Under Fire-Circle of Doom, Magna Carta II, Ninety-Nine-Nights 1 & 2, Naruto-Rise of a Ninja, Operation Darkness, The Outfit, Risen, Spectral Force 3, Too Human, Two Worlds and Witcher II. All of those were Xbox exclusive.
Last Remnant eventually ended up on the PC. That game is an example of extremes: people either love it or hate it. It was like Yggdra Union on steroids, so I enjoyed it.
Honestly, if not for Tales of Vesperia, I wouldn't have ever bothered with the system. Magna Carta II was fantastic, so in the end I'm glad I got one but much disappointment for us niche gamers.
Spectral Force 3 was a shit show. Infinite Undiscovery was lame. I was so upset with tri-Ace for making that. Lost Odyssey was redeeming. Sort of. N3 was like diet Dynasty Warriors. For fans of more western style RPGs, I'm not sure how they felt about the console but the ones that came from the land of the rising sun were either hit or miss.
I never bothered with Blue Dragon since I can't stand Toriyama's art style. As much as I adore Chrono Trigger, that art work...goodness. @_@