Author Topic: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?  (Read 5858 times)


You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:19:13 pm »
I was talking to a friend. He told me the people at his workplace  attacked him for never having been to a music gig before, and for playing video games/collecting, and watching anime. To make a long story short they said he would kill a lot of people probably. Not sure if that part was joke? That he's sad, and he has no life because he's never been to a music gig? (He's not even that into music) Well he was quite upset.  :-\

So I was wondering if any of you had any similar negative experiences to share about collecting, or something related. Or what views you share on this subject. Would be much appreciated.   :D

« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 04:25:24 pm by dreama1 »

Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 04:32:18 pm »
I've never been attacked, but I have felt it better at times to keep it a secret. I used to work in the healthcare industry and most of my coworkers were your typical 20-somethings that were too concerned with being cool to ever even pick up a game controller, much less collect. Think trendy sorority girls, and you've described 75% of the people I used to work with. Needless to say I never brought it up, probably because when I expressed my excitement for the new Star Wars movie when the first trailer came out I got looks of disgust by most of them, as expected.

I work in the IT field now and I am among like minded people more than I was, but still I don't bring it up to many people.

Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 04:36:10 pm »
Verbally attacked or physically attacked?

I have had family members insult me and call me a child and that when I grow up and put on big boy pants that I will sell all this stupid shit and be an adult.  I am married, own a home, and have a well paying job.  Those same family members now collect comic books and legos and such, I wonder if that is because it is the in thing right now to like nerdy things.

Physically attacked... I would say no.


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 04:39:04 pm »
I've never been attacked, but I have felt it better at times to keep it a secret. I used to work in the healthcare industry and most of my coworkers were your typical 20-somethings that were too concerned with being cool to ever even pick up a game controller, much less collect. Think trendy sorority girls, and you've described 75% of the people I used to work with. Needless to say I never brought it up, probably because when I expressed my excitement for the new Star Wars movie when the first trailer came out I got looks of disgust by most of them, as expected.

I work in the IT field now and I am among like minded people more than I was, but still I don't bring it up to many people.
Ah.. I feel better then that i'm not the only one to act that way. I also kept it under wraps, and not talk about it.

I heard somewhere someone make the comment that people who hide that they're gamers/comics/anime. Are fake gamers/fans.. blah blah. I don't really agree with that sentiment.   ??? But.. well I don't know..   :o


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 04:40:07 pm »
Verbally attacked or physically attacked?

I have had family members insult me and call me a child and that when I grow up and put on big boy pants that I will sell all this stupid shit and be an adult.  I am married, own a home, and have a well paying job.  Those same family members now collect comic books and legos and such, I wonder if that is because it is the in thing right now to like nerdy things.

Physically attacked... I would say no.

Yeah.. I wonder too.. The real gamers, the original hardcore gamers were doing it before it was cool in the 80s/90s before it was accepted in the mainstream. I think before playstation, gamers had a really bad wrap. It's funny the same people that were trashing the industry back then are the people that hijacked it today, and well destroying it to put it politely, are also throwing the people who helped start it. Out. And calling them non gamers, and basement dwellers.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 04:50:24 pm by dreama1 »


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 05:01:00 pm »
No, I haven't. But then again, I don't make it habit to tell others about it. I sort of think what it comes back to, is that this is just a hobby of mine and nothing more.


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 09:02:50 pm »
Never really been attacked. I tend to not talk about it though. I think I have gotten looks of confusion more than disgust. More of the you have How many games? Why? How can you play them all? But, honestly, there is truth to that. There is a bit of collecting for the sake of collecting. I probably think the same at people who collect dust collectors. I just don't understand it. And they just don't get what I'm into.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 09:26:01 pm »
Not quite as avid of a collector as most of the VGC community, but I think verbal attacks from parents is something a bunch of us might have experienced at least once.  But now the misery that my own family brings me in general is at an all-time high (or low?) to the point of scorning hatred, which only strengthens my passion and gratitude for video gaming culture.  I will stand by video gaming culture till the day I'm dead in the ground, they've helped sculpt the person I have become today.  Even if it's taking life lessons and philosophies from other gaming enthusiasts, I owe it to the art form nonetheless. 

I suppose my take on this is being a 'gamer' rather a 'collector' per se.   

<--- I picked that personal text for a reason. 

If it ever did get physical, I'd be sure to punch my Dad in the nuts or something, specifically my Dad
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 04:42:23 pm by indenton »


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Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 09:39:41 pm »
Interesting topic. I've been gaming as an adult for 30+ years, and I remember the derisive remarks about that activity. I also received similar condescension for attending classical music concerts or live musicals. The same goes for the 100's of auto races I've attended. People tend to criticize what they don't understand rather than embrace the idea. I think it's akin to jealousy of things they don't know anything about, but you do. As for feeling threatened, no. Unfortunately, that's becoming all to common from the increasing coarseness of recent generation(s). I'm afraid politeness and chivalry is dead.

Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 11:57:09 pm »
Never had an issue. But than again I don't go around flaunting it either. Even if someone did have a beef I wouldn't really care anyways. The way I see it; everyone probably knows someone who collects something. Cars, guns, typewriters, farming implements, records, insects, coins, baseball cards, Beanie Babies, vintage photos. The list goes on and on. If they're fine with people collecting other stuff but not games then they're just hypocrites. Who the hell cares what folks do for hobbies. Negative stereotypes can apply to any hobby. 

Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2015, 08:17:20 am »
My parents... I don't want to say they collect Barbie dolls, but at the very least they are authorized resellers (retailer?) of Barbie dolls and such.  They don't give me shit about it, of course, I think they think I'm doing this to make money in the long run.  Which could explain why my siblings think I'm greedy and doing it for evil money reasons.

My mother in law, any time she comes over, she calls my wife and I retards and autistic and stuff because we have this stuff.  She thinks she's being funny.


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2015, 09:11:04 am »
Attacked not really, made fun off, yes.  :P
In the 90s early 2000's people didn't get why I held on to old video games, I used to find them I lot more at garage sales and people treated old games like most treat VHS today. My Dad never understood my passion, he always thought that video games where a waste of time and a waste of money. People back them never understood why I held on to all my games.

Nowadays when I say I'm a video game collector most people just think I have a hand full of games and If I show them I picture of my collection they usually have a look of surprise and want to see it them selves. They ask "Do you have a Nintendo? Atari? Sega?" etc..

The closest I get to being "attacked" is once in a while at a garage sale I'll mention I'm a collector they treat me like a reseller and won't work with me on prices or just give me some sarcastic remark because they got ten other guys before me asking about video games.
Then there's the resellers them selves who push me, lie to me, say nasty things to me because they look at me as taking their profit away.

But funny thing is most of the time when I show pic's of my collection to people (even those who never played a game in their life) they think it's awesome. I have even gone to a garage sale or a game store, show them pic's of my vast collection and they start bringing out stuff and are generous about price because they see it will go to a good home. There's a local game store I visit that the owner will save odd gaming stuff that comes in and offers it to me first at a price below what he'd normally sell it for just because he wants it to go to someone who will love and appreciate it.
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2015, 09:29:13 am »
"Attacked" is a strong word. My parents still think it's silly that I play and collect video games. Everyone else? They don't care. I never hide the fact that I'm a gamer. And no one else should.

Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2015, 10:37:06 am »
The closest I get to being "attacked" is once in a while at a garage sale I'll mention I'm a collector they treat me like a reseller and won't work with me on prices or just give me some sarcastic remark because they got ten other guys before me asking about video games.
Then there's the resellers them selves who push me, lie to me, say nasty things to me because they look at me as taking their profit away.
lol, this.  There are a few spots I hit, or used to hit frequently.  I haven't been hunting like I used to.  I would wind up buying like 20-50 games in one go at like $1-2 a piece, not too often, but when the situation occurs, I buy up a ton of crap or filler titles, it's how I have over 2500 games, quantity over quality it seems.  But they always ask if I own a game store or if I resell online, I always tell them that it goes straight to my collection, if it happens to be a title I already own that I didn't realize I own, I generally give it to a friend or trade it off to someone else.


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Re: You ever been attacked for being a game collector?
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2015, 10:49:54 am »
i have a friend who talks mess about my gaming hobby and collection, saying its a waste of time and money...

And what does he do every Friday, Sat and Sunday? get drunk at home, he even brags about it on the forum we are both on.

he is always telling me I should drink more, or we should go bar hopping.... And I am like, I am good, bars cost too much and I no longer really drink haha.

And gaming is a waste of money lol. But one time he was over playing on my n64 and he was horrible. So i understand his hate, hes not good at games lol
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