Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 83236 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2016, 05:28:29 pm »
Finally added some reviews to my page.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #196 on: April 09, 2016, 02:30:06 am »
New stuff from last week:

15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)-  Birthright Completed/Chp. 13 Conquest- So the Birthright side was finally completed, the endgame chapters weren't too bad in my opinion. I made a little bit more progress in Conquest as well, thanks to some reworking of strategy for Chp.10.

19.  Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Completed- Damn, this was a great experience from start to finish. It's a very good port of the xbox 360 port, ( considered to be the best), and every single aspect of the game comes together very well, especially the music and gameplay. My only compliant is some of the quicktime events don't give you much time to react, and then you can die and screw up your entire stage score. But this was really well done; one of the best hack n slashes and games of the last generation. 8.5/10

20. Bayonetta 2 ( Wii U)- Completed  This one feels like a incremental sequel but with some better changes, they got rid of the quicktime events, difficulty feels a bit more balanced in the earlier stages, new ways to get more life/magic, not too many reused assets, you are able to fight infernal demons now in some chapters.  The graphics are really good for the Wii U, its got a much brighter color palette than the first game, only a few minor slowdowns and a bit of extra time for loading screens. I was a bit dissapointed about the final boss compared to the first game, but I still had a great time. I'm looking forward to see what happens in its sequel. 9/10

21. House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)- Completed This a light gun shooter that happens to be the prequel to the original House of the Dead. Its got a 70's horror B-movie vibe to it, and a money system that allows you to upgrade weapons. For the most part, it was graphically alright, but there were some slowdowns here and there due to the fact that there is a physics system for the zombie parts after you shoot them up. It's especially bad in level 5, where the game comes to a standstill with too much going on, and putting it in 480p makes it even worse. There are also missing parts to the story that can only be done in the director's cut mode, requiring a second playthrough. Overall, it was okay, but the upgradable system made the later stages a pain in the ass to not lose health and be forced to continue; I dunno if the PS3 port fixes any of this. 6/10.

22. Dragon Spirit( Namco System I Arcade/ Namco Museum 50 Annv. GC)- Completed A pure fantasy shmup from Namco that was originally released in 1987. It's the first game where Shinji Hosoe composed for, and its a pretty good first showing from him. The graphics are decent for there time, and there a quite a bit of powerups/ terrain/enemy patterns to deal with. The biggest problem with this game is your hugeass hitbox, and that having multiple heads only increases it, which leads to too many places where you'll get stuck, especially since many of the popcorn enemies home into your position. 6.5/10

23. Dragon Saber ( Namco System II Arcade/ PS1-JP Namco Museum Encore)- Stage 5 on 1c- Wow, the three year jump between Dragon Spirit and this game has a taken a huge leap in graphics and sound, many due to the vast increase of power in the arcade board. The soundtrack is even better this time; composed by Hosoe, and even includes a hidden soundtest to play remixed tracks from Dragon Spirit in the main game! Most of the old powerups are back, along with some new ones for different stages. Your hitbox is a little bit smaller this time, however you only have one bar of health, opposed to two in the original game. This makes many situations in the game extremely frustrating, especially since most of the bosses are beefed up compared to Spirit. This is even worse in the World version, requiring 2 credits for 3 lives, vs 1 for 3. Scoring is also more important here for end game bonuses, but I'm not gonna worry about it since I can only get halfway through the game on 1c right now. Quite a good improvement over Spirit. 7.8/10

24. Crimzon Clover: World Ignition ( Steam-PC)- Novice Arcade Complete- Got this for a buck, so I decided to check it out. It's a very well made bullethell shmup, with multiple ships/modes to test your skills. The main compliant is the lack of difficulty between novice and arcade; novice feels too easy while arcade will curb stomp you if you are trying to clear on one credit. There should have been a difficulty in between the two; everything else is pretty solid for the most part. 7.5/10
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 02:46:08 am by maximo310 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #197 on: April 09, 2016, 02:40:46 am »
18 - Twilight Princess HD (Wii U ) - Playing - Been excited to play this since I heard it was going to be released.  I last played this years ago when I bought it at launch with a Wii and from what I remember, I use to love the game (Minus the controls) and I have it in my head that this could be up there as one of my favorite Zelda games.  Ocarina of Time is basically up there for nostalgia value, but I remember Twilight Princess essentially just being like an updated version of Ocarina in the best way, so we'll see if that is true at all.  Also just wanting this to be good after a rather mediocre experience with Wind Waker HD.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #198 on: April 10, 2016, 07:18:35 pm »
Finished the campaign for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It was enjoyable. Short and didn't overstay its welcome. Kinda cool seeing Kevin Spacey in a video game too. Makes for a good break between long RPGs.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
  • Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
  • Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
  • Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
  • Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
  • Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
  • Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #199 on: April 12, 2016, 04:53:21 pm »
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 3 Hours PLAYING - Gonna be some tough times for abit with this game lol This and Twilight Princess are probably gonna keep me busy for awhile.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #200 on: April 13, 2016, 07:47:18 pm »
I'm coming to this late but I'll give it a shot (no chance!)

1) Samurai Warriors 4-II  (PS4) - An excellent add-on to the original with an interesting new character and new takes on old battles. The final scenario is like the 'dream' battles in Samurai Warriors 2, but spread over several stages. There were a few laughs but that was a little flat. Otherwise delighted with it. Nice side-modes too :D

2) Samurai Warriors 4 Empires (PS4) - Passable as an 'empires' musou title, interesting castle set-up for the strategy component. It's a bit weird setting the game during the period of famous battles without you even taking part in said battles, necessarily, but it's OK.

3) Monster Attack (PS2) - This is actually the first Earth Defense Force game, released in Europe by Agetec. It's Earth Defense Force... There's only 25 stages, the single character type (soldier), no AI team-mates (so no "EDF EDF EDF" or silly banter) although vehicles are present. There's not even any giant spiders, or voice over/commentary, nothing. Still, enjoyed it.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #201 on: April 13, 2016, 07:54:45 pm »
Finished up The Wolf Among Us today. Probably my favourite TellTale game so far with an ending that made me immediately google if there was a "Season 2" come out!

Games Completed in 2016
1) Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
2) Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
3) Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - 03/29/2016
4) Life Is Strange (XBone) - 04/03/2016
5) The Wolf Among Us (XBone) - 04/13/2016

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #202 on: April 13, 2016, 09:01:02 pm »
I'm coming to this late but I'll give it a shot (no chance!)

My goal for this has been less about getting to 52 and more making sure I try to complete the games I get.  Also a good way to keep track of what I've played over the year.  Getting to 52 games played is a secondary goal in the long run, because that's hard, especially for me as I tend to play more new games than diving back into shorter retro stuff lol


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #203 on: April 15, 2016, 11:19:00 am »
Cleared career mode on hard in Guitar Hero II. Lots of fun, but I find I can't play Guitar Hero for too long anymore before my shoulders get really sore. It's hard to believe that this game's a few months short of being 10 years old already. :o The plastic instrument fad doesn't seem like it happened all that long ago.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
  • Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
  • Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
  • Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
  • Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
  • Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
  • Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10
  • Guitar Hero II (PS2) Apr-15 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


  • Guest
Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #204 on: April 16, 2016, 03:30:55 am »
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013

19. Puzzle & Dragons Z [3DS]: 3/5, 32 hours and 5 minutes
I played PD: Super Mario Bros. Edition last year, but never bothered with this one until now. It's a fun game, but I think SMBEdition is the better one of the two. I don't think having this town to walk around in and all these people to talk to, (things I usually like in games) are fitting for this type of game. Also SMBEdition felt better balanced. There is a whole lot of post-game content, but I think I'm done with this game.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 05:53:11 am by PlayerC90 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #205 on: April 17, 2016, 12:26:41 pm »
I took a break from Panzer Dragoon Saga and finished a couple of things over the weekend. First, I went through Nightshade since I wanted to see Hibana do her thing outside of PXZ2. Also, I finally finished all four chapters of Genroku Legends in Muramasa.

EDIT: I'll need to add one more. I went through Mega Man X4 (as Zero) for the nth time.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 08:20:19 am by kashell »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #206 on: April 18, 2016, 09:41:01 am »
I had actually intended on not starting my 52nd game before finishing some of the other games on my list, but I decided I really really wanted to start Brotherhood.

So I'm sitting at 40 games beat out of 52 games played.

I also had to move onto a fourth post for all of my content.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 10:58:06 am by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #207 on: April 18, 2016, 07:24:20 pm »
Finished up Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and had some fun with it.

Shadow Dragon is a remake the original Fire Emblem on the Famicom (which had already been remade once before as "book 1" of Monshō no Nazo on the SFC). As a result, the game is a little simple compared to the other, newer Fire Emblem entries. It's a little short as well. I was only around the 20 hour mark when I finished it. Still, it's worth a play through and is a little more accessible to new players than the original games it was based on. If you can find it for a decent price, or you're a fan of the series, it's worth picking up.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
  • Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
  • Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
  • Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
  • Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
  • Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
  • Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10
  • Guitar Hero II (PS2) Apr-15
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) Apr-18 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #208 on: April 18, 2016, 07:38:43 pm »

1. Undertale- Neutral Route, Genocide Route (ATM), Pacifist Route

2. Borderland 2 - Normal Mode, True Vault Hunter (ATM), Ultimate Vault Hunter

3. Borderland 1 - Normal Mode (ATM)

4. Final Fantasy X HD Remastered (Complete) (4/17/2016)
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #209 on: April 19, 2016, 12:54:16 am »
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 39 Hours FINISHED - Very solid game overall.  I don't know why I stuck through this one and didn't beat the previous 2 Dark Souls games, but I liked this.  It feels really good to play and it keeps up that frustrating difficulty with only minor conveniences they added to the game to make things a tiny less miserable which I appreciate.  I don't think I like it as much as Bloodborne, but it's a good end cap for the series as it is.  I hope they take a good bit of time away from the franchise and come back with something to actually inject some new blood into the series.  Also give it some narrative you jerks! All of this constant tiny details hidden away and very little explanation for most stuff without weeks of researching and compiling information is stupid.  And if this and Bloodborne are any indication of the whole series, they apparently ALWAYS bomb the ending, every single time.  Real lame payoffs for a conclusion.