Author Topic: The Best Playstation Games?  (Read 994 times)

The Best Playstation Games?
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:19:09 am »
What are some of your favourite games for the original Playstation? I have such fond memories of that console and was wondering how it impacted you? I grew up with a NES and then moved on to the SNES, but when the Playstation released and I played such classics as Resident Evil 2 and MGS I knew I would be a gamer for the rest of my life!

Re: The Best Playstation Games?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 08:49:11 am »
Come on man, I thought we were done with the youtube links outside of the youtube thread.

I got my PSOne, yes PSOne, after the PS2 was already out, so I only really remember playing Smackdown! and Smackdown! 2 before I got a PS2.  But the best Playstation game for me, Wild Arms 2.  I had a friend who lived a couple of houses down from me, and he needed a couple of bucks, so he tried to sell me this game.  It was loose disc, and I knew nothing about it.  He insisted it was a great game and that he'd sell it to me for $2.  So I was like, you know what man, sure, you need $2, sure take it.  Sometime down the road I finally decided to give it a go, and I loved it.

Same thing went for an anime called Key the Metal Idol, but that was a different friend and he needed $1... though I really don't remember that anime, so whatever.