Author Topic: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer  (Read 3372 times)


'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« on: March 03, 2016, 03:00:58 pm »
Kinda surprised that no one has leaved this one before, can't wait to see it and really hope to see some cameos from the old characters  ;D

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Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 03:45:58 pm »
Looks good, I'll definitely be going to see it. But I still don't think it will top the originals.

Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 04:02:37 pm »
I don't know what to think. I didn't grow up with the originals (I'm only 17) but I have seen them and I like them. This, to me, doesn't look all that Ghostbuster-y. It looks like a generic comedy to me. But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, I guess I'll just wait and see.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 04:27:56 pm »
I think it could be fun.  I'd rather see something new with the premise than it just fade into nothing as long as its funny.


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2016, 05:31:11 pm »
I just hope it doesn't pull a Force Awakens, and pretty much retread the original just to feed on nostalgia for likability. It looks pretty good, anything with Wiig and McCarthy is usually pretty good stuff.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2016, 05:40:53 pm »
I just hope it doesn't pull a Force Awakens, and pretty much retread the original just to feed on nostalgia for likability. It looks pretty good, anything with Wiig and McCarthy is usually pretty good stuff.

Other than it being another "New York is in trouble", it sounded like there was a proper villain in this that is summoning the ghosts.  I couldn't tell if this was a reboot or not.  Did they ever confirm that? I feel like the graffiti they showed on the wall means that that it is a continuation and not just a reboot.


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Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2016, 07:44:00 pm »
I'm a huge fan of the originals.  I didn't want to like this when I heard it was all female cast.  It just didn't seem right. 

With that said, I'm in.  That trailer won me over.  I'll go see it. 

It looks like it's in the same tone as the original.  It's a movie with characters; not just them being silly for the sake of being silly. 


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Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 03:50:21 am »
Looks like the production value is pretty high. Story wise it's had to tell from a trailer.

But I'm willing to give it a shot.


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2016, 11:11:23 am »
I just hope it doesn't pull a Force Awakens, and pretty much retread the original just to feed on nostalgia for likability. It looks pretty good, anything with Wiig and McCarthy is usually pretty good stuff.

Other than it being another "New York is in trouble", it sounded like there was a proper villain in this that is summoning the ghosts.  I couldn't tell if this was a reboot or not.  Did they ever confirm that? I feel like the graffiti they showed on the wall means that that it is a continuation and not just a reboot.
My guess is that there will a cameo or two (sadly not from Ramis) but likely Akroyd and Murray. I don't think Rick Moranis will be in it either because he retired from acting. I'd say it will be a lot like Force Awakens, a reboot and a continuation all in one.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2016, 11:27:00 am »
Ill skip on this one. Not a big movie guy, and i hate remakes/rebrands/reboots etc.
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Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2016, 12:29:55 pm »
It looks like a really lazy reboot, i would've preferred a mixed gendered cast and less stupid stereotypes, the "comedy" in the trailer was pretty poor... don't even get me started on the visuals. I am going to go back to pretending this doesn't exist....


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2016, 12:32:52 pm »
I just wanted to comment on this. I'm not a Ghostbusters fan. In fact, I've always hated it, even as a kid I thought it was lame-sauce. But I have to say it's really annoying me how so many people are bashing on this movie before it comes out, saying that it's terrible and somehow a disgrace to the original. There is too much criticism focused on the cast, and people acting like it's an agenda that someone is pushing just for this movie to exist.

I'm not one to claim sexism in everything, but I'm definitely seeing it here. I wish we didn't live in a society where it actually mattered what gender you were to play in the lead role in a sci-fi / action film, or that people weren't so resistant to things changing from it's original state. I don't think that should matter at all. A Ghostbuster in theory I guess, is a job, it's a not a gendered thing. I'm seeing lots of commentary on how the actresses "aren't smart, they're just pretending to be" and I'm like.... what does that even mean? Of course, they're only acting, this is a movie after all. Did you think Bill Murray was really a scientist? All of the criticisms I'm seeing hurled at this are really shallow and quite sexist, and just I'm just constantly face-palming.

I don't have high expectations myself, because I never liked the premise of this movie. I'd think it would be better off as purely a comedy, because it's just so dumb. I'm sorry GB fans, but IMO it is.  :-X


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2016, 03:43:10 pm »
2+2 = 7.

Miami has low humidity.

Surströmming has a mild and pleasant odor.

I'm not a Ghostbusters fan. In fact, I've always hated it, even as a kid I thought it was lame-sauce.

These statements make no sense.  ;)

I do agree with you that the movie is bringing out a very ugly side of the internet. Personally I'm really excited to see this, mostly because I'm a fan of all 4 casting choices. The original was heavy on SNL talent (with Winston even being originally written for Eddie Murphy), so it makes perfect sense for the new movie to also feature SNL players. All female? Why not?

One sad point is how people are treating Leslie Jones' character, screaming about racial stereotypes. As I see it, I'm not a particle physicist or engineer, so I don't "understand this science stuff" either. Her character is the "normal" person off the street who gets caught up in the ridiculous events.

Option 1: Leslie Jones is one of the scientists and Melissa McCarthy is the average joe character.
Result: People freak out that "PC culture" is changing the original dynamic and Melissa McCarthy has no reason to be in the movie.

Option 2: Leslie Jones is replaced with, say, Emma Stone.
Result: People freak out that Ghostbusters is being "white-washed".

Option 3: Leslie Jones plays who she currently does.
Result: People freak out that she's an uneducated stereotype.

There's no real solution that doesn't result in an unreasonable freak out. Can't we just try to enjoy a movie for what it is?


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2016, 05:34:12 pm »
Can't we just try to enjoy a movie for what it is?

Well, i'm a huge Ghostbusters fan too. It's kinda hard to understand what all this ruckus about the new movie, trailer and female staff for people who are not that close to the series. So, i'll try to explain a few things, for good, for bad and also trying to be at least a bit open minded.

1) It's very hard to mess with a very famous movie formula without unpleasing all the old fans.

As a ghostbusters fan, my favorite thing about the original movie is that jokes are either simple and clever, not to mention perfect timing and a lot of successful on-the-fly improvisation on the script. The movie makes small things fun in a clever way, without being sexist and appelative. Also, it was about 4 friends (1 genius, 1 genius-kid-minded, 1 smart-ass-game-show-host-alike and 1 "normal" feet-on-the-ground guy) who were totally the anti-hero stereotype. But the movie always seemed to me as a very "universal" comedy, and not too manly. I fear the next might be more "girlish", and i surely hope it's not. That's were the fear of this new cast of girls originate itself. Also, Melissa McCarthy is always referenced for roles on comedies that has sexism and slapstick (and mostly unfunny) jokes. Also, a lot of the gags on the original movies set the standards for a lot of movie-referenced jokes (WOWWOWOWWOOOW NICE SHOOTIN, TEX! - i know this is from an old comic book - THAT´S ONE HELL OF A TWINKIE). So when you revive an old movie, it's hard to keep up with such high standards, surely expected by the fans.

2) Fans waited for too long for a sequel or reboot.

As i did, millions of GB fans waited for over 15 to 20 years for a sequel or reboot with the famous 4-bustin´ guys. This movie has generated so many expectation all these years, with so many script versions, revisions and refusals. When it seemed to finally start to work, the script was stalled and rewritten. So every time someone from hollywood said the words "new ghostbusters movie", a lot of expectation was generated. That´s also why fans tend to be so critic.

3) Reboots / sequels are usually done to get more money than fame.

Indeed. Robocop 3 came a lot after the 2 first movies and it's terrible. I can tell the same about Pirates of the Caribbean (they are nice but i think the stories became a lot weaker after dead man's chest...). So that's what fans are also afraid. That some guys that wanted solely to make money based on an old and loved movie series and the script wasnt thought deeply as the original movies were, resulting in poor story, a ton of GFX and no resemblance to the old characters.

4) The official "3rd movie" - Ghostbusters: The Video Game - had a lot of the rhythm the old movies had, with a good story

Indeed again. GB:TVG had its script made by Ayrkroyd and Ramis and the rhythm is the same of the movies. Also, the great voice acting by the original cast gave a nice shine to the game. It was even indicated to the Best Game Audio Voicing (or something like that) on the same year it was released. So, producers knew how to make a good sequel, so there would be no excuse to make a bad one now. Aykroyd said he prefered a game as a 3rd movie because he would had a lot more freedom to create the story and the scenes, at the same time keeping the original movies atmosphere.

So, i can understand why people are so critic about this movie. Specially because most hardcore fans watched this movie as kids and learned to love it so much (as i did). Same goes for Star Wars.

I'm really not expecting that this movie is as good than the originals. but i'm sure there was a lot of effort to keep much of the old gags, jokes and cleverness on small things the original movies had. Producers might be greedy but they´re not stupid.. :D

I always try to see things in a new perspective. Movies that try to repeat the same things ended up being boring. Changing things is good and this new female cast may change the series to new directions (i wonder, what if there were multiple GB franchises with several 4-person teams? a tv series? netflix series? that would be so cool).

I loved the new equipment looks, the new proton streams, traps and Ecto-1.

So, as zenimus said, "can't we just try to enjoy a movie for what it is?". Maybe. A little less criticism would be good.

But i must point that the first Ghostbusters movie is a lot more than just a movie. It´s a mark on cinema, comedy and pop culture.

And we love it to die for. That's why we worry too much.

Sorry for the english mistakes guys, i'm not an english native speaker. But as a GB fan, that's what i think!

"Two on the box! / Ready to go! / We be fast! / And the be slow!"

« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 05:42:55 pm by HarvestDude »


Re: 'Ghostbusters' Trailer
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2016, 05:36:52 pm »
Please delete this message, i did a double-post and i can´t erase it.


« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 05:38:26 pm by HarvestDude »