Author Topic: Release Country TLD Master List  (Read 43099 times)


Release Country TLD Master List
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:41:30 pm »
TLD cheat sheet.
Region codes:
[EU] Europe
[NA] North America

Country codes:
[AE] United Arab Emirates
[AR] Argentina
[AT] Austria
[AU] Australia
[BA] Bosnia
[BE] Belgium
[BG] Bulgaria
[BR] Brazil
[CA] Canada
[CH] Switzerland
[CN] China
[CZ] Czech Republic
[DE] Germany
[DK] Denmark
[EE] Estonia
[EG] Egypt
[ES] Spain
[FI] Finland
[FR] France
[GR] Greece
[HK] Hong Kong
[HU] Hungary
[ID] Indonesia
[IE] Ireland
[IL] Israel
[IN] India
[IT] Italy
[JP] Japan
[KR] South Korea
[KZ] Kazakhstan
[LT] Lithuania
[MX] Mexico
[MY] Malaysia
[NL] Netherlands
[NO] Norway
[PH] Philippines
[PL] Poland
[PT] Portugal
[QA] Qatar
[RS] Serbia
[RU] Russia
[SA] Saudi Arabia
[SE] Sweden
[SG] Singapore
[SK] Slovakia
[TH] Thailand
[TR] Turkey
[TW] Taiwan
[UA] Ukraine
[UK] England/Great Britain/United Kingdom
[US] United States
[ZA] South Africa

Never use a TLD in an item title where the item is in a category that has the same TLD in its name.
- don't have ITEM NAME [EU] in CATEGORY [EU]
- don't have ITEM NAME [US] in CATEGORY [NA]
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 10:07:54 am by tripredacus »


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 02:53:44 pm »
TLD cheat sheet.

[AS] General Asian/Hong Kong release
[AT] Austria
[AU] Australia
[BR ] Brazil (remove space)
[CA] Canada
[CN] China
[DE] Germany
[EU] Europe
[ES] Spain
[FI] Finland
[FR] France
[GR] Greece
[JP] Japan
[NL] Danmark/Netherlands
[NO] Norway
[PL] Poland
[PT] Portugal
[RU] Russia
[SE] Sweden
[UK] England/Great Britain/United Kingdom

Never use a TLD in an item title where the item is in a category that has the same TLD in its name. For example, don't have ITEM NAME [EU] in CATEGORY [EU].
[NL] Danmark/Netherlands?? Its only Netherlands. DK is danmark


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2016, 12:51:58 pm »
Added Benelux [BV]
 (for additions into [EU] categories)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 11:00:22 am by tripredacus »

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 01:09:32 pm »
[US] and [NA]


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2016, 01:30:14 pm »
Currently, items in [NA] category are implied to be US releases. The only games where you add a country code on a title is Canada.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2016, 01:49:49 pm »
Currently, items in [NA] category are implied to be US releases. The only games where you add a country code on a title is Canada.
You don't have either listed in your list.

Also, Neo Geo and Vectrex have [US] instead of [NA] with no [CA] counterpart.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2016, 02:21:10 pm »
What about multiple regions for example France and Netherlands? As it should be written [FR][NL] or [FR/NL]. I prefer second option [AA/BB] as it is easier to read.


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2016, 06:40:07 pm »
What about multiple regions for example France and Netherlands? As it should be written [FR][NL] or [FR/NL]. I prefer second option [AA/BB] as it is easier to read.

We don't seem to have a rule for that. I think we've been each doing the different method, I use [FR][NL]. I am the opposite, I think the one I do is easier to read.

@ctracy87, Vectrex [US] and the 3 Neo Geo categories are not in agreement with the rest of the categories. They probably should be changed to [NA] to match.


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2016, 01:22:29 pm »
What about multiple regions for example France and Netherlands? As it should be written [FR][NL] or [FR/NL]. I prefer second option [AA/BB] as it is easier to read.

We don't seem to have a rule for that. I think we've been each doing the different method, I use [FR][NL]. I am the opposite, I think the one I do is easier to read.

@ctracy87, Vectrex [US] and the 3 Neo Geo categories are not in agreement with the rest of the categories. They probably should be changed to [NA] to match.

You could use [BE] for the [FR][NL]. In Belgium they speak both languages, French, Dutch and some German  ;D.


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2016, 01:51:10 pm »

[CZ] Czech Republic
[SK] Slovakia
for use in [EU] categories

What about multiple regions for example France and Netherlands? As it should be written [FR][NL] or [FR/NL]. I prefer second option [AA/BB] as it is easier to read.

We don't seem to have a rule for that. I think we've been each doing the different method, I use [FR][NL]. I am the opposite, I think the one I do is easier to read.

@ctracy87, Vectrex [US] and the 3 Neo Geo categories are not in agreement with the rest of the categories. They probably should be changed to [NA] to match.

You could use [BE] for the [FR][NL]. In Belgium they speak both languages, French, Dutch and some German  ;D.

In cases where games get labelled [FR][NL] it is due to flags or countries on the box. So this is a regional release for the appropriate languages, but it doesn't mean that it is a Belgian game.


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2016, 05:16:12 am »
It was a joke, but it worked better if you where European.

I don't think Belgium has a release to its country because of the different languages spoken there. So they get releases from France, Holland, and Germany.


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2016, 10:32:13 am »
Add [KO] for Korea I'm guessing
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2016, 12:02:04 pm »
Add [KO] for Korea I'm guessing

It is [KR] for South Korea. I will update the first post.


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2016, 01:20:27 pm »
Add [KO] for Korea I'm guessing

It is [KR] for South Korea. I will update the first post.

I dunno, the listing on GameFaqs for South Korean games have it as [KO] They could be wrong though, I have no idea personally.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2016, 07:16:41 pm »
Add [KO] for Korea I'm guessing

It is [KR] for South Korea. I will update the first post.

I dunno, the listing on GameFaqs for South Korean games have it as [KO] They could be wrong though, I have no idea personally.

Well KR is legit the TLD for Republic of Korea (South Korea) besides, we already use [KR] for Korean releases for some games, like this PS2 category:

KO is the TLD of Kosovo from OpenNIC/New Nations but has no actual designation in the "official" ccTLD list.

Further reading if interested: