Author Topic: Release Country TLD Master List  (Read 44145 times)


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2019, 10:28:52 am »
Alright, I'll just add [Latin] for now, then I'll post all of those games here when it's done and you admins will just have to edit the item names.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2019, 12:03:58 pm »
Alright, I'll just add [Latin] for now, then I'll post all of those games here when it's done and you admins will just have to edit the item names.

[Latin] is invalid, use [MX] instead.


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2019, 06:59:01 pm »
I meant (Latin). It's really just a placeholder, because anyway those games have a L at the end of the item number, I suppose it means Latin. I disagree with using [MX] for those games, because they are trilingual, and were sold everywhere in north america as you said yourself. Or of you prefer I could just post pictures of those games here in this discussion so we can discuss about what name we give to those versions before I create the database.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2019, 10:13:33 am »
I've put this game in the Nintendo Switch [CN] category and technically it's a Taiwanese/Hong Kong release. Please check if i did it right with the TLD's ? (just have put a general [AS] behind it

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Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #49 on: April 01, 2019, 11:00:12 am »
I meant (Latin). It's really just a placeholder, because anyway those games have a L at the end of the item number, I suppose it means Latin. I disagree with using [MX] for those games, because they are trilingual, and were sold everywhere in north america as you said yourself. Or of you prefer I could just post pictures of those games here in this discussion so we can discuss about what name we give to those versions before I create the database.

Create a thread and put the pictures into, asking how to name them.


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #50 on: April 01, 2019, 11:02:16 am »
I've put this game in the Nintendo Switch [CN] category and technically it's a Taiwanese/Hong Kong release. Please check if i did it right with the TLD's ? (just have put a general [AS] behind it

We should not be using [AS] to represent Asia, because .as is American Samoa!

If it is Taiwan, you can use [TW]
but the art on the entry needs to be fixed. Put the actual back as the back, and we can remove or put the actual cart picture. In the description, what you have is fine already, but you can put the barcode and item numbers from the "under-back" into there. Same as you would do for any game that has a slipcover.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2019, 03:18:35 pm »
Create a thread and put the pictures into, asking how to name them.

Related to this question:
I have a bunch of PS3 and PS4 games bought in Chile, with Latin American Spanish packaging and Latin American Spanish dubs, and they're not only available in Mexico. Shouldn't the category be something like [LATAM] or [ES-419] (based on the IETF language tag), since the translations are usually not in Mexican Spanish, but in the "neutral" version made for the whole region?

I know it's a special situation in this case, since it's not something that is available in a single country (like the difference between a [PT] and a [BR ] release).


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2019, 09:20:42 am »
I would need to see some pictures of some, including a back image where I can read any of the fine print.

It can be inferred that any game with Spanish with the ESRB rating is to be Mexico. It does not matter if the game was also sold in another country. The only time we would have an entry for a game like that, but say released in Chile, is if it has an import tag on it. Then the entry should have the import tag visible on one of the photos if at all possible, if not then it would be noted in the description.

If these are games with Spanish and not an ESRB rating (and not sold in Spain) then you can use the [LAT] TLD. If the game has a country specific import label on it, use that country's TLD instead.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2019, 12:16:33 pm »
It can be inferred that any game with Spanish with the ESRB rating is to be Mexico.

That's where the issue comes from. Those games are made for the whole of Latin America (Spanish text, ESRB rating.), not only for sale in Mexico (where only an [MX] tag would be valid). My PS4 copy of RDR2 says "Software licensed for play on PS4 consoles sold in Mexico, Central and South America" (see text marked up inside the red box), but has an ESRB rating. Similar issue with Spider-Man. Wouldn't a middle ground be something like [MX][LAT]?

Some Brazilian games (with ClassInd ratings) also come with Spanish texts, but they're sold in the whole region (Like this Fallout: New Vegas: Ultimate Edition, where it says "For sale and distribution in North and South America", in both Spanish and Portuguese, on the back). Should they be classified ad [BR ][LAT] based on that, or [BR ][MX]?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 08:28:24 pm by theodw »


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2019, 11:06:43 am »
As pointed out in other thread, make sure to use actual text on descriptions and not translations.
That Fallout game is  only, as that rating system is for Brazil and not Mexico. If this game was sold in Mexico, it would have an import label or some other distinction.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #55 on: June 17, 2019, 11:25:32 am »
As pointed out in other thread, make sure to use actual text on descriptions and not translations.
That Fallout game is  only, as that rating system is for Brazil and not Mexico. If this game was sold in Mexico, it would have an import label or some other distinction.

Related to that and the other thread:

Latin America doesn't really have a rating standard. We mostly follow the ESRB rating, because all the games are imported from the US. They can be legally required to include an "imported by" label on the package (like Mexico and Peru) due to consumer law. Some companies make efforts to translate the packaging to the region, but they're not distributed by the companies themselves, but via third parties (like Solutions2Go for Sony and JVLAT for Nintendo)

Y'know? This made me wonder if adding games from Latin America is really worth the time. Gives me the feeling that Mexico is the only market that matters.


Based on the standards, should these entries be removed from the system, since they were not bought in Mexico?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 11:52:02 am by theodw »


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #56 on: June 17, 2019, 12:09:48 pm »
They don't need to be removed, but if they are not Mexico releases then they should be amended.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2019, 12:16:12 pm »
They don't need to be removed, but if they are not Mexico releases then they should be amended.

How should they be amended? You mentioned that all games with ESRB rating and Spanish text should be [MX] only, and none of those was bought in MX (And all were official distribution)

« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 12:23:41 pm by theodw »


Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #58 on: June 17, 2019, 12:26:55 pm »
They don't need to be removed, but if they are not Mexico releases then they should be amended.

How should they be amended? You mentioned that all games with ESRB rating and Spanish text should be [MX] only (,7009.msg168111.html#msg168111).

Be aware that we are tasked with trying to handle everything ever released. Up until you had added a game that fit that criteria but wasn't released in Mexico, that was how we handled it. Because we did not have any users who had games like that, or didn't know what they were. Most users on this site are not interested in documenting specifics about regional releases and are quite happy with just adding "games" into their collections rather than specific items. So I would say less than 1% of our users would fall into this category.

A quote goes "you choose your level of involvement" which means, you have to decide if you want to just add "games" or want to be involved in documenting and researching games in this way and helping us determine the best ways to handle things like this. You can also just give up and we can delete your account, that is up to you, but it seems a bit extreme.

For these specific games, it may be that more research needs to be done before we decide what to do with the entries. There is no harm in them sitting in the db as is until then. Of course, if these are the same as the Spider-Man example, we may want to change [MX] to [AR] for now on those. Perhaps the answer will be to create a new category for these types of releases.

It is good to see that we are reaching into new areas not previously known. We must not really had any users from Central/South America (besides Brazil) that cared about making these entries, or else we would have known about it. So if you want to stick around and help out, it would be great and perhaps we can get more collectors to help out further down the road.

Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« Reply #59 on: June 17, 2019, 12:58:42 pm »
Regarding that:

Most games are either distributed by JVLAT (Nintendo, Ubisoft, Activision), CD Distribution (Most third parties, including EA and Sega) or Solutions2Go (Sony). There are some exceptions, like WB (in Mexico) and Microsoft.

They're released for the region with ESRB ratings, since there is no standard for all the countries, and in some countries they're required to put a "distributed by" label on top of the foil, due to local consumer laws (like Mexico and Peru).

There are some odd exceptions, like that ClassInd FO:NV mentioned before. I remember once having a Fallout 3: GOTY that included two covers in it: One in English and Spanish, with ESRB ratings, and one in Portuguese (Brazil) with a ClassInd rating, so it can be a hodgepodge of standards.

EDIT: This is the "warranty card" (actually printed on the back of the cover) for the Spider-Man I have.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 06:49:26 pm by theodw »