Author Topic: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)  (Read 11773 times)

Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:14:21 pm »
You can use whatever criteria you want for what hidden gem means; could be that the game didn't sell well, generally low ratings, games that just flew under the radar entirely, whatever you want.

I didn't really play many PS3 or Wii games last generation, and what games I did play were all generally very popular titles, so my list is entirely 360.

5. Fuel (360/PS3/PC)
This game plays like your average off-road racing game.  From what I recall of the original advertising from this game, you live in a world where the US has become an uninhabitable wasteland with extreme weather conditions caused by the fallout of global warming.  You along with other racers are dropped in to race in various locales in this expanse and open world environment.  This game was given a world record for having the largest playable area in a video game.  There is a video out there on youtube and many articles that encapsulate just how large this world is in terms of how long it would take to drive from one corner to the opposite corner.  The world is 5,560 square miles.  I believe I read it can take 2 hours to reach corner to corner of the map.  With a world this large there are plenty of places for the developers to hide collectibles and the "Vistas" in the game, which are areas where you park and see beautiful views.

4. Duke Nukem Forever (360/PS3/PC)
I'll probably get shit for this one, but I stand by it.  I actually bought this game day one, even bought the special edition, if I could use hindsight and go back and tell myself not to buy it and wait for it to drop like crazy in price like it did, I would have done that.  But alas, I can't.  Objectively speaking, completely ignoring all of the hype and anti-hype surrounding this game, it's a fairly solid Duke Nukem game.  All of that aged Duke Nukem humor is there, though we as people have aged and mostly find the humor disgusting and childish, it very much matches the Duke Nukem character.  Some of the aspects of the game are very aged gameplay wise, but you can't play a Duke Nukem game expecting Call of Duty seriousness, you have to take it tongue in cheek, just like Bulletstorm.

3. WET (360/PS3)
When folks talk about wanting a fierce, dominating leading lady in a video game who isn't hindered by her gender, I always think of this game... though I rarely mention it because the game is super dependent on her gymnastic abilities.  This game has you playing as a badass mercenary, playing through various levels in very grindhouse settings.  Each level is scored, giving the ability to replay over and over arcade style trying to beat your best score.  But you can always upgrade your character to have better stats, skills, and weapons.  I can't honestly recall the story from this game, but for me, this game sold me for the wacky grindhouse setting and the fun run and gun gameplay.

3 2. Naughty Bear (360/PS3)
You play an angry Teddy Bear who is so upset that he wasn't invited to have any fun that he decides to murder everyone.  I really shouldn't have to say more than that, but I will.  Each level has different requirements, but it's generally all the same, kill everyone.  Tons of environmental ways to kill folks, you can make people so paranoid that they start killing each other, and you can sneak around and pick them off one by one.  Kind of Metal Gear meets Hitman, with teddy bears.  Honestly, I think this game deserves to be higher up my list... so I will.

1. Bulletstorm (360/PS3/PC)
I won't even pretend this game had a good story or even a unique art style (Looking at you Gears), but what this game lacked in that department it made up in sheer awesome gameplay and dialogue.  The gameplay in Bulletstorm has you run through a level absolutely destroying enemies, I wanna say the tagline for this game was "Kill with Skill".  Not only do you have the usual badass weaponry that comes from usual Epic games (like Unreal Tournament and Gears of War), but you have the ability to kick enemies with a badass spartan kick and use a wicked whip.  You combine all of these things, along with environmental objects, to kill your enemies in different ways to obtain a higher score.  The dialogue has a lot of bro jokes, hetero-homo jokes, dick jokes, and my favorite... Waggleton P. Tallylicker.  Lots of profanities, but I would definitely say that this is a game for Deadpool fans, the sense of humor and gameplay will probably tickle you in ways that only Wade would consider.


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 03:25:58 pm »
I love the idea of this thread. I have such nostalgia for the PS2/DS/Gamecube gen but haven't really found anything that I should be looking for amongst last gen now that they're going into clearance bins.

If I think of anything, I'll let you know. But I didn't play much on any of the last gen systems...
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 03:27:30 pm »
I agree with you on Duke Nukem Forever.  That game caught so much crap, not for being what it was as advertised but for not being what everyone expected it to be.  It was a decidedly throwback shooter, straight out of the late 90's, early 2K's.  The game made me chuckle more than a few times and the Turd Burglar Trophy was priceless.  More importantly, it was just plain, goofy fun and I wanted to keep playing it. 

So many times these days, the big popular "AAA" titles that are supposed to be so great....don't feel so great to me.  They feel like a slog that I have to basically force myself to keep playing.  Duke Nukem kept me coming back with it's old school toilet humor and gameplay that made me remember why I loved stuff like Duke Nukem 3D so much. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2016, 04:47:41 pm »
I've got a few. :)
  • Akai Katana (360) - A really fun shooter/bullet hell developed by CAVE. Still plenty of fun even if you aren't particularly good at other games in the genre.
  • Catherine (PS3/360) - A really weird puzzle game that's pretty entertaining. It was developed by Atlus' Persona team, so it's got some pretty great art.
  • Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F (PS3/Vita) - While Miku and the other vocaloids may be gaining in popularity in the west, they're still nowhere close to how popular in Asia. A great part of what is easily my favorite rhythm game series of all time.
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3) - The series is a lot more popular now than it used to be, but you could still probably consider this a "hidden gem" as long as you have the patience for somewhat grindy JRPGs. While it's still a little rough around the edges compared to others in its genre, the humor and character interactions are the game's main draw.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle (PS3) - A really awesome 3D fighting game that's even better if you're a fan of the manga/anime. It's pretty impressive how well it captures the art style of the source material.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2016, 04:54:23 pm »

So much fun, and a great update to a great series!

I don't even play the table-top version and know zero about it. But nonetheless an incredible game with lots, and lots of violence! You get a chainsaw for your melee weapon!!!


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2016, 05:38:51 pm »
Im not sure I can get behind the "hidden gem" thing. I cant imagine there isnt a good game out there that people dont know about. But I have some definite favorites from last gen.

Ni no Kuni - Still the greatest game ever made. Period.

Kingdoms of Amalur - Not talked about nearly as much as Elder Scrolls but this game is much more fun and game play is better

Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2016, 06:29:25 pm »
I think the phrase "Hidden Gem" has started to lose it's original's being overused. 95% of what was posted here most people already know as good games and or were big titles at one point. For it to qualify as a hidden gem i think it needs to be a game not many people knew about and was overlooked or underrated at the time to be found later to be a great game.

Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2016, 07:10:40 pm »
I only had a Wii during the last generation, and I only got a PS3 last december. However, the Wii was my first console ever, and I have a ton of nostalgia for it. I don't really have any games that stand out to me as unknown but amazing, but there are a few titles that have gone fairly unnoticed which are actually rather good. These are just the ones I have:

3. Barnyard

Based on the Nickelodeon animated movie, Barnyard is one of the best licensed games I've played. Granted, I played it as a kid, so there's some nostalgia here. And it's most definitely for kids. I recently played it again, and there isn't much to find for adults. But as a kid, I absolutely loved it. The overworld is varied and fun to explore, the tasks and things to do are simple but fun, and the minigames, while not super deep, are fun for kids to play. Not to mention, the game has a lot of personality and style to it that perfectly reflect the movie and tv-series, and it also helps it stand out. I still chuckle a little whenever I tease the mailman. It's silly, but it's silly in a good way. Honestly, the licensing is really unfortunate, because I know it'll turn some people away from the game. I, as a gullible kid, bought it because of the licensing however, and I'm so glad that I did. It's definitely not a game to hunt down for yourself, but if you're looking for a game to introduce your kid into the world of open-world mission based gaming, with some amusing minigames and characters to boot, then this game is a certain recommendation. And don't worry, almost no prior knowledge of the license is required to enjoy the game. The only advantage you'll get is that you'll recognise the characters and locations. It's an advantage, but not a requirement.

2. Excite Truck

I don't know how popular this title was when it came out, but I never hear people talk about it, so I think it quickly fell into obscurity. That's a shame though, since it's one of the better racing games on the Wii. As a spin-off to the Excitebike series, this game was clearly meant as a way to show off the capabilities of the WiiMote. It, however, does it really well. The off-road racing feels just right; the turning can be somewhat slippery, but just enough so that it doesn't become frustrating and feels fitting with the style of the game. I also like the varied vehicles with clearly different stats, which really change the way you play and make for a good fit for any player. For example, I prefer cars with more control, while my brother is willing to sacrifice that for more pure speed. I know this seems like standard stuff, but this game pushes the boundaries of what you can do with these stats, and it does it really well. The stages are clever and somewhat varied too, and trying to score extra points by landing right and making awesome boost jumps is a fun extra challenge. I won't deny that the game gets repetitive after playing a little while, but if you have friends around, I highly recommend it.

1. Go Vacation

I believe this game was a moderate success, but again, I never hear people talk about it. And that's really too bad, because Go Vacation is a great game. Go Vacation can be classified in the same category as Barnyard; a family friendly introduction to open-world mission based gaming. However, Go Vacation sacrifices some of Barnyard's personality and variety for HUGE amounts of content. There are four resorts to explore, each with a distinct theme, vehicles, and minigames to find throughout it. The minigames aren't anything special, but they're fun time-wasters. What make this great to me, however, are the resorts. I spent hours just going around these resorts with my little brother, driving along the beach on ATV's, riding horses through the mountains, or skiïng down a mountain. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about these overworlds that just makes them so fun to ride through. It's like the title screen to Scribblenauts; you can spend hours on it and not get bored. I'll admit, it does bore me now, partially because I've grown up, and partially because I now know these resorts like the back of my hand. However, it's still fun to play when someone who isn't as familiar with the game joins in. I highly recommend it, especially if you've got kids around to play it with.

Now, none of these are truly outstanding titles, and I don't think any of them would make a top 10 best Wii games (except maybe Go Vacation as number 10), but they're still really good Wii titles that too many people seem to have overlooked. If you ever see them going cheaply, don't hestitate to pick any of them up, they're really worth it.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 07:22:22 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


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Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2016, 07:11:03 pm »
Im not sure I can get behind the "hidden gem" thing. I cant imagine there isnt a good game out there that people dont know about. But I have some definite favorites from last gen.

Ni no Kuni - Still the greatest game ever made. Period.

Kingdoms of Amalur - Not talked about nearly as much as Elder Scrolls but this game is much more fun and game play is better

Kingdoms of Amalur was awesome! It really sucks that the studio shut down right afterwards. I would have LOVED to get an expansion and sequel.

They probably spent all their money on that all-star creative team.


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2016, 08:01:58 pm »
I think the phrase "Hidden Gem" has started to lose it's original's being overused. 95% of what was posted here most people already know as good games and or were big titles at one point. For it to qualify as a hidden gem i think it needs to be a game not many people knew about and was overlooked or underrated at the time to be found later to be a great game.

Im not sure I can get behind the "hidden gem" thing. I cant imagine there isnt a good game out there that people dont know about. But I have some definite favorites from last gen.

Ni no Kuni - Still the greatest game ever made. Period.

Kingdoms of Amalur - Not talked about nearly as much as Elder Scrolls but this game is much more fun and game play is better

I can understand people not caring for the term "hidden gem," especially how easy it is for folks to find out about games these days. But stuff still slips through if it's not Mario, Zelda, or a big FPS game, feels like.

I had a 360 but wasn't really keeping up on games at that time, so it'd be nice to know what I may have missed. It's sad that I only own about 10 games for that console despite owning the console for many years now.  I didn't have a PS3 at all so I didn't make a point to keep up with what came out for that system.

I had a Wii for a very short period of time. I just recall really enjoying Little King's Story and Trauma Team, for instance. A lot of folks may already know about those games, but in case they haven't, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked them.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2016, 09:22:38 pm »
Drakengard 3- Blood, Crude Humor, Harsh Language and the "censored" parts make me laugh

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure- pretty much what Abe Said

Anarchy Reigns- Sequel to Madworld that's very much a beat em' up without all the stick a tire on an enemy, shove a few Signpost in them, then finally impale them on a wall of spikes

Sakura Wars:So Long My Love- Dating Sim/Tactical RPG that Surprisingly works

Dragonball: Revenge of King Piccolo- It's a Platforming Beat em' up based on Dragonball (not Z) on the Wii that Allows you to use the Classic Controller, or the Gamecube controller and I never hear anyone else talk about this


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2016, 11:37:37 am »
Hidden gems seems pretty accurate for the games I'm about to describe. These aren't in any particular order, except the last one. I like to save the best for last.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva f: Like abe, I'm a huge fan. I've been following this darling piece of singing technology long before PDF was announced for localization. When I heard she was coming over, I was thrilled. It's so much fun and whenever I mention it outside of here, folks are like, "What's a vocaloid?" *sigh*

The Last Story: While basic bitches were playing Xenoblade and tweeting about it on their iPhones, I was not acting like a Lemming and playing this gorgeous game. A fun battle system coupled with some of the best characters written in an RPG, The Last Story was a brilliant game. Also, 'DAT ARTBOOK!

Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of Dusk While Atelier is becoming more popular, it still doesn't get the recognition in comparison to other RPG juggernauts. Ayesha is a great place for folks to start if people are interested in this series. Obviously, the game is stunning audibly and visually. The clever item crafting system and the relatable characters make the game even more of a favorite. My 300th review was for this game.

Resonance of Fate: As I play through this game a second time, I can't help but to feel annoyed with Sega for releasing it a mere two weeks after Final Fantasy XIII. RoF offers a unique look at the RPG genre and doesn't pull any punches. Vashyron, Zephyr and Leanne make a wonderful trio that players will get to know as though they're long time friends. Once you "get" the battle system, you'll have a hard time going back to something more vanilla. I really wish more folks gave this game a shot, no pun intended.

Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of Dusk Sea My favorite game of 2015 that, like Ayesha, didn't get the love it deserved. Basically, it takes everything I love about the series and cranks it up to 11.


Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2016, 03:20:40 pm »
The original Klonoa Door to Phantomile was a hidden gem.  It was a great, great quasi-3D platformer that nobody bought.  I guess that's why complete copies command upwards of $100 today. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2016, 05:35:08 pm »

The Last Story: While basic bitches were playing Xenoblade and tweeting about it on their iPhones, I was not acting like a Lemming

Whoa, whoa, your tone, it's all wrong


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Re: Favorite hidden gems from last gen (PS3/360/Wii)
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2016, 07:06:38 pm »

The Last Story: While basic bitches were playing Xenoblade and tweeting about it on their iPhones, I was not acting like a Lemming

Whoa, whoa, your tone, it's all wrong

"You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron"