Author Topic: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad  (Read 8648 times)


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2016, 12:49:49 pm »
Saw it late last night, my buddy had an extra ticket so i went... It was decent..... not great, not terrible.... Didnt care for Lex Luthor or Lois.
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2016, 08:04:08 pm »
I'm going to preface this with saying, I know absolutely dick about DC comics and that universe. I just know that Superman isn't interesting to me.  My n

Now, I saw the movie earlier today. I had a good time, but I went in with no expectations. There were some highs, lows, and WTFs.

This chode isn't how I'd picture Lex Luthor at all. He's not even bald. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Luthor is a criminal genius, businessman, and general gangster mfer, right?  This guy was closer to the Riddler. He was nervous and cracking up. Not how I'd picture Luthor. I may be wrong though.

Affleck was one of my favorite Batmans. He is pissed!  I dig it. I loved Daredevil though.

Wonder Woman was cool. I would watch a Wonder Woman before I would another Superman movie.

Speaking of Superman, why does he have to be in a love story every movie?  The world is getting blown up and his dropping "I love you"s. It's stupid. I was pulling hard for Affleck in this one.  Superman has too many powers and in no imaginary world could Batman beat Superman.

With all these complaints, I still had fun. It's a decent flick.

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2016, 09:06:39 pm »
Affleck was one of my favorite Batmans. He is pissed!  I dig it. I loved Daredevil though.

I was with you till the end.  You are alone on this talk of Daredevil lol That one was awful.

Wonder Woman was cool. I would watch a Wonder Woman before I would another Superman movie.

Well you are getting your wish with the Wonder Woman movie coming out next year.  I'm generally more interested in the movie now that I know she seems to generally do well in BvS.


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2016, 12:34:38 pm »
^ He's not alone. Daredevil was great.


I saw BvS yesterday. I enjoyed it. It had some epic fight scenes. And gave a lot of easter eggs to the fans. Fantastic movie for a longtime DC fan!

But at the same time, I can see why a lot of people didn't like it. It's such a dark movie. It really could have used a little bit of comedy relief. I think the only thing we got is when Batman said, "Oh shit." when Doomsday was coming at him.

One big plot-hole I saw is when Lois went after the Kryptonite spear. Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman were talking about how Doomsday was grown from Kryptonian tissue and Kryptonite could kill him if it pierced his skin...but Lois wasn't there. So how did she know that?

Another thing me and my dad were wondering: When Batman has the dream of the guy warning him of Superman, it looks to be the Flash. But in the dream, he looks like he's a black guy. In the footage that was stolen from Luthor, Flash looks hispanic. So was that Flash in his dream?

How cool was Wonder Woman?

And who thought that Superman was going to die? That was a shocker!


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2016, 04:01:24 pm »

Ha! Suck it critics! No one cares what you think. #1 opening superhero movie of all-time!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 04:53:26 pm by burningdoom »

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2016, 04:05:05 pm »

Ha! Suck it critics! No one cares what you think. #1 opening superhero of all-time!

It's deserving of its criticism with the problems it has, but I'm glad it did well because I hope they can then push to do better with the next movies.  They can make Wonder Woman better, hopefully not make too many mistakes with Justice League.  Maybe we'll get the Batman movie sooner than later because it seems like Batman is considered the best aspect of the movie lol


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2016, 04:08:57 pm »
Speaking of Superman, why does he have to be in a love story every movie?  The world is getting blown up and his dropping "I love you"s. It's stupid. I was pulling hard for Affleck in this one.  Superman has too many powers and in no imaginary world could Batman beat Superman.

ya that kinda annoyed me too... i was like really!?

^ He's not alone. Daredevil was great.


One big plot-hole I saw is when Lois went after the Kryptonite spear. Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman were talking about how Doomsday was grown from Kryptonian tissue and Kryptonite could kill him if it pierced his skin...but Lois wasn't there. So how did she know that?

Another thing me and my dad were wondering: When Batman has the dream of the guy warning him of Superman, it looks to be the Flash. But in the dream, he looks like he's a black guy. In the footage that was stolen from Luthor, Flash looks hispanic. So was that Flash in his dream?


Dude, first thing i said after the movie was,, how the hell did Lois know to go for the spear. Like you said, she was no where near the location and no one told her about its weakness.... ANd I am not the type of person to look for plot holes, so that tells you how big of a plot hole that was.

As for Flash, also noticed that..... he looked light skin to me with facial hair. hard to tell though. (during the dream). But cant flash time travel if he runs fast enough? (not a comic book fan here). So it could be a future flash, if he indeed that was him.

Also, Aquaman looked awesome
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2016, 06:15:36 am »
  You are alone on this talk of Daredevil lol That one was awful.

Really? I loved season one of Daredevil but season 2 surpassed it by a country mile. I thought it was fantastic. Great story arcs and characters. Punisher and Elektra were great additions to an already great show. Maybe you mean the old Ben Affleck/ Jennifer Garner Daredevil movie? If not I couldn't disagree with you more if I wanted to.

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2016, 07:06:41 am »
  You are alone on this talk of Daredevil lol That one was awful.

Really? I loved season one of Daredevil but season 2 surpassed it by a country mile. I thought it was fantastic. Great story arcs and characters. Punisher and Elektra were great additions to an already great show. Maybe you mean the old Ben Affleck/ Jennifer Garner Daredevil movie? If not I couldn't disagree with you more if I wanted to.

Yeah I was talking about the trash Daredevil movie.  The show is fantastic.  I don't get how anyone can find that movie to be watchable lol I think the only redeeming aspect of that was just having Michael Clarke Duncan in it as Kingpin, cause it's Michael Clarke Duncan.


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2016, 10:27:58 am »
Yeah I was talking about the trash Daredevil movie.  The show is fantastic.  I don't get how anyone can find that movie to be watchable lol I think the only redeeming aspect of that was just having Michael Clarke Duncan in it as Kingpin, cause it's Michael Clarke Duncan.

I was talking about the movie too.  I loved it.  I liked the Thomas Jane as Punisher movie too. 


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2016, 12:53:40 pm »
I loved the Thomas Jane Punisher, too. Both of those movies were great action flicks. I loved the popsicle scene!


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2016, 02:20:00 pm »
Yeah I was talking about the trash Daredevil movie.  The show is fantastic.  I don't get how anyone can find that movie to be watchable lol I think the only redeeming aspect of that was just having Michael Clarke Duncan in it as Kingpin, cause it's Michael Clarke Duncan.

I was talking about the movie too.  I loved it.  I liked the Thomas Jane as Punisher movie too.

I didn't think the Daredevil movie was terrible.  Certainly not the best out there, but far from the worst.  I just watched the Punisher (Thomas Jane version) a couple of days ago.  It's pretty entertaining.  I like how he destroys John Travolta's life, then pops a cap in his ass, ties him to the bumper of a car and he gets drug along, finally catching fire and screaming, then the big explosion. 
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2016, 02:32:30 pm »
I have to ask the comic collectors out there, what the hell is going on with Marvel and DC?  Most of their stuff has been renumbered yet again and the respective universes keep undergoing major realignments.  Marvel's don't seem as bad, but DC just keeps on with do-overs that never "fix" whatever it is they are trying to fix. 

My next big issue is with both companies putting crappy artists on their books.  I used to laugh at the art of guys like Mike Alred and Frank Quitely, but now it seems crap art like that is in demand.  What happened to the Silvestri's and Lee's of the four-color funnies?  A huge chunk of the comics out there now look like ass IMO.

Then I noticed DC soliciting damn near every single book with an alternate John Romita Jr. cover.  I have to ask, why?  I've thought that guy's art sucked since back in the 80's.  He regularly made Spider-Man look like a buffed-up, square-muscled freak.  I put his crappy art on the same playing field as Rob Liefeld in the suck department.  And wouldn't you know...old Liefeld gets just about as much cover art duties.  You can't browse a comic rack without seeing some guy with no feet, tiny thumbs, shoulder pads, 1 billion pouches and a grimace like he's shitting a brick...all surrounded by disembodied heads similarly constipated or making the "O" orgasm face.

Next up, why the hell did Todd McFarlane feel it appropriate to put the sucktastic Erik Larsen on Spawn penciling duties?  Spawn faded into mediocrity years ago, but seeing Larsen's lame-ass artwork on the cover makes me feel bad for Spawn.  I didn't feel as bad for Spawn about getting killed and his old lady remarrying his bestest buddie as I do about seeing him ravaged by Erik Larsen's gnarly pencils. 

Other little things I have noticed are an abundance of nudy-cover variants for independent publishers and Marvel must being using a roulette wheel to come up with names for their relaunched books.  Uncanny Avengers?  Ugh...this all just makes my head hurt.  At least these guys haven't gone and done something super regrettable like turning Thor into a chick or making Doctor Octopus the new Spider-Man.....oh wait....damn.   :'(
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 02:34:53 pm by gf78 »
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2016, 02:17:11 am »
I have to ask the comic collectors out there, what the hell is going on with Marvel and DC?  Most of their stuff has been renumbered yet again and the respective universes keep undergoing major realignments.  Marvel's don't seem as bad, but DC just keeps on with do-overs that never "fix" whatever it is they are trying to fix.

The New 52 from DC came about because they wanted to "freshen up" the line, allowing them to reinvent themselves for a more diverse audience. It was also in reaction to Disney acquiring both Marvel and the Star Wars franchise a few years earlier. I did NOT care for them dropping the numbering on tenured books like Action and Detective Comics but they decided that they needed a clean break from what they were doing and that meant all books got new number #1' exceptions.  >:(

Anyway, for the first year or so seemed to be a big enough success that Marvel aped the concept and introduced the whole "Marvel NOW" relaunch. It was meant to steal DC's thunder from the New 52 as well as helping them deal with the fact that they weren't getting the ROI they wanted for dealing with Sony & Fox on the Spider-Man, FF, and X-Men related movies. You mentioned books like Uncanny Avengers as being a contrived title but it was actually a smart legal move on Marvel's part in that it denied Fox the ability to use the stories to be made into movies since the X characters were intertwined with the Avengers. As time went on, it became more obvious that Marvel wanted to get out of the deals they had with both Fox and Sony so things like mixing X-Men with Avengers on one team, hyping up the Inhumans over Mutants and discontinuing the FF in their own book was deemed necessary. You can see other things taking shape like them focusing more on characters like Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker for a while there.

As far as renumbering's partly due to people getting excited over the concept of the #1 issue and both companies view that high numbered books tend to scare away potential new readers (which is almost to say to hell with the existing readership). In DC's case for the New 52 it did make sense that they were renumbering their entire line to appear more cohesive (which wasn't exactly the case) but for Marvel, they kept hitting the reset button to keep getting that spike in sales, volume numbers be damned.  :P At least with this latest streamline attempt with DC's Rebirth, they're going back to the legacy numbering on books like Action Comics and Detective Comics even though it's not completely fixed in that the New 52 issues count towards the totals and a book like Action will resume around the 950's instead of at 905 (the first volume ended at 904). I would have preferred they reinstated legacy numbering to books like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman as well (along with bringing back Adventure Comics) but I guess I should settle for the fact that I should see Action Comics #1000 in my lifetime.  :)

My next big issue is with both companies putting crappy artists on their books.  I used to laugh at the art of guys like Mike Alred and Frank Quitely, but now it seems crap art like that is in demand.  What happened to the Silvestri's and Lee's of the four-color funnies?  A huge chunk of the comics out there now look like ass IMO.

Then I noticed DC soliciting damn near every single book with an alternate John Romita Jr. cover.  I have to ask, why?  I've thought that guy's art sucked since back in the 80's.  He regularly made Spider-Man look like a buffed-up, square-muscled freak.  I put his crappy art on the same playing field as Rob Liefeld in the suck department.  And wouldn't you know...old Liefeld gets just about as much cover art duties.  You can't browse a comic rack without seeing some guy with no feet, tiny thumbs, shoulder pads, 1 billion pouches and a grimace like he's shitting a brick...all surrounded by disembodied heads similarly constipated or making the "O" orgasm face.

I don't like Mike Allred on mainstream stuff but his style fit a book such as Madman like a glove. I haven't much cared for Quietly's artwork but it worked for All-Star Superman. I don't follow Top Cow so I don't know if Silvestri is still producing artwork or not but I know Lee is more behind the scenes now since selling Wildstorm to DC and becoming co-Publisher with Didio. He still draws covers and as much as I like his art, it's starting to feel a little dated to me.

As for Romita Jr., I used to utterly despise his artwork back in the day. He did do a crossover book with Punisher/Wolverine/Ghost Rider that I enjoyed the look of and I really liked his effort on Punisher/Batman that I wasn't as aggravated by his art. I get what  you're saying about it looking boxy and what not but let's not fool ourselves, it's still leagues better than anything Liefeld has ever done.  :P

Next up, why the hell did Todd McFarlane feel it appropriate to put the sucktastic Erik Larsen on Spawn penciling duties?  Spawn faded into mediocrity years ago, but seeing Larsen's lame-ass artwork on the cover makes me feel bad for Spawn.  I didn't feel as bad for Spawn about getting killed and his old lady remarrying his bestest buddie as I do about seeing him ravaged by Erik Larsen's gnarly pencils.

I dropped both Spawn and The Savage Dragon around the same time and eventually quit collecting comics for most the late 90's and early 2000's. I was suffering serious burn out from Image and the stuff coming out of DC and Marvel at the time was NOT stuff I gave a crap about. I'm surprised Spawn is still going at this point and I'm just as surprised as you that McFarlane would let Larsen work on pencils. I used to enjoy The Savage Dragon for the first couple of years until the wheels fell off. Oh well, I figure McFarlane is still too busy making toys.  :P

Other little things I have noticed are an abundance of nudy-cover variants for independent publishers and Marvel must being using a roulette wheel to come up with names for their relaunched books.  Uncanny Avengers?  Ugh...this all just makes my head hurt.  At least these guys haven't gone and done something super regrettable like turning Thor into a chick or making Doctor Octopus the new Spider-Man.....oh wait....damn.   :'(

They're between movies so this gives them time to mess with things like make Sam Wilson Cap and have Thor be a woman. They've done worse in the past like making Tony Stark a teenager and the whole Heroes Reborn thing. Steve Rogers should be back as Cap here shortly and Jane Foster will stop being Thor once the Thor: Ragnarok movie rolls around. Like I mentioned before, Uncanny Avengers is them using the characters to sell books but mixing them with Fox prohibited properties. I don't know if UA is even still going or not since I don't buy Marvel (though I've been sorely tempted to pick up Spider-Woman as she's always been a favorite character of mine). They're also pushing the Inhumans and if I recall they just came out and said that Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch aren't mutants nor are they Magneto's kids but Inhumans instead.  :-X

In regards to independents, the only "nude" stuff I see comes from companies like Zenoscope who do the Grimm's Fairy Tales stuff. It all looks super cheesecake to me but apparently it sells.  ??? The only indie stuff I keep up with anymore is the Hellboy/Mignola-verse stuff from Dark Horse and Valiant. I'd count Astro City from Vertigo but that's a DC banner so that doesn't really count.  ;)

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2016, 06:31:00 am »
BvS spoilers of course...

I just realized something that was pointed out to me, that makes the plot kinda suck a little more.  It's something I forgot after I left the movie, but not only is this a terrible Lex Luthor, but this awful Lex Luthor, right off the bat, knows exactly who Superman is and very clearly knows who The Flash is or I'm sure he could figure out who that is.  It's less of a big deal that he knows Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Aquaman right away to some degree, but he technically can know the background of Cyborg no problem, and he can very easily keep track of Wonder Woman.  The cameos were already poorly used in the movie other than Wonder Woman, but this kinda stuff just shows how badly written this movie is.  It's just a lot of crap that didn't need to be in this movie and I worry the three hour cut will make things worse as apparently they removed like an important connectin character for the Justice League leadup from the theatrical cut and is a deleted scene now.

Only good thing that might come out of this is that Warner might be panicking right now as they try to likely movie up the Batman movie.  They screwed up and now have to figure out a way to do this right to make up for their problems. I hope that means firing Snyder from all movies, hope that Suicide Squad is good (I'm hearing it could be, since it wasn't directed by Snyder or written by the guy who did BvS) and hope they are handling Wonder Woman right.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 06:32:35 am by kamikazekeeg »