Author Topic: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad  (Read 8650 times)


Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:24:33 pm »
its coming out on the 25th and its already has a 39% ( 30% for top critics)  on rotten tomatoes, i was hoping it would be good but it seem like its going to be a big old disappointment   :'(


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 09:39:30 pm »
Idk after watching Deadpool I can't imagine any superhero movie topping it anytime soon in terms of action or sheer creativity.
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 10:41:32 pm »
I'm hearing that critics aren't liking it, but fans are actually liking it more. I'm gonna go, not gonna read anything, mostly just wanting a good superman vs batman fight.  I'll be alright with the movie if they get that right lol


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 08:16:43 am »
kamikazekeeg: I get such a kick out of that animated GIF you have in your signature, watching those super heroes rocking the house. Where did you find that?


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2016, 08:31:08 am »
My best friend wants to go opening night. I'm not much of a super hero movie fan myself. So I might go. I just hate crowds. I rather go on a weds morning at like 10 am.  But he usually is working. HAha.

So I might suck it up and go Thursday night
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2016, 12:34:14 pm »
I'll be there Saturday. This is a comic fanboy's dream movie.

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2016, 01:00:32 pm »
I'll be there Thursday.  A quick glance at a beginning of a review from a reviewer I like (Chris Stuckman) said he generally liked it, though it had problems and apparently the stuff between Batman and Superman is great, which is what I wanting.  Particularly Batman being great which I had thought since the beginning that he'd probably be fine.


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2016, 08:19:04 pm »
kamikazekeeg: I get such a kick out of that animated GIF you have in your signature, watching those super heroes rocking the house. Where did you find that?
It's from this :P

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2016, 08:59:13 pm »
kamikazekeeg: I get such a kick out of that animated GIF you have in your signature, watching those super heroes rocking the house. Where did you find that?

I overlooked this on accident, but Matimo with the save as it's Batmetal.  Basically a Batman parody built around the music of Dethklok from Metalocalypse :)


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2016, 03:37:48 am »
its coming out on the 25th and its already has a 39% ( 30% for top critics)  on rotten tomatoes, i was hoping it would be good but it seem like its going to be a big old disappointment   :'(

I'd say I'm surprised at these scores but I'd be lying.  :P

I'm a HUGE DC fan with years and years of comics collected. I'd estimate a good 75% of my collection is DC published books. Superman and Batman are soundly and without question my numbers 1 & 2 favorite super-heroes (with Spider-Man, DC's Captain Marvel & the Huntress rounding out my top 5 for those curious  ;)). That said, this looks/feels/sounds TERRIBLE to me. I can't see myself willingly paying money to see this. Now that they've released more trailers it seems to me that they're trying to really shoehorn in as much as they can to kick start/ramp up their own Cinematic Universe. Apparently they learned nothing from Green Lantern.  ::)

I imagine it will do well enough money wise but It'd be funny if it tanked like the FF reboot did.  ;D


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2016, 12:35:01 pm »
^ Who did they shoehorn into Green Lantern? Every character was a GL character.


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2016, 01:11:54 pm »
Bad as in not as good as expect or bad as in Aliens vs Predator: Requiem?


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2016, 02:11:20 pm »
^ Who did they shoehorn into Green Lantern? Every character was a GL character.

That's the problem. The scale of movie was too ambitious. This isn't some hindsight is 20/20 thing; they should have just copied Marvel's style tit-for-tat and copied the pace of something like the first Iron Man movie. Green Lantern came off to me as some overly anxious grand epic wannabe instead of being a decently entertaining and well written popcorn flick.  ;)

What Green Lantern should have been was him getting the ring and taking on an Earth level threat. Given his rather weak rogues gallery, Hector Hammond probably would have been the best choice as I'm sure characters like The Shark, Tattooed Man or a fellow who goes by the name Evil Star wouldn't go over well with audiences.  :P Once the Earthly threat is contained, they then should have opened up the mythos at the end of the movie and shown that Hal was just one of a couple thousand active duty Green Lanterns. Up until that point at the end of the movie there should have been no Guardians. No Kiliwog, Tomar Re or any other GLs. Definitely no Parallax. Sinestro should have made a brief appearance at the end to fetch Jordan and that's it. That way, people anticipate a sequel and if they were truly ambitious about having a Cinematic Universe in the vein of Marvel's, they could have dropped plenty of references throughout the movie like equipment bearing LexCorp or WayneTech logos, made allusions to "the alien protector of Metropolis" or revealed other Easter eggs like showing  footage of an "Aquaman" hanging out on some rocks by the ocean who dives into the sea when he realizes he's being filmed.  :P

Based on what I've seen in the trailers, BvS appears to be heading down that same path as the GL movie. I want it to be entertaining and a foundation for a good Cinematic Universe but them dropping Doomsday on us doesn't exactly get my hopes up.  :o

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2016, 10:31:28 pm »
Batman v Superman is not the 30% it is on Rotten Tomatoes, but it has some big issues.  I can put them down to three major issues, two of which I was expecting, one I didn't.  I won't spoil anything story related, but I have some opinions and if trying to go fresh as possible, best to not read below.

-They are rushing the next movies to build up to Justice League, so they shove everything they needed into this one movie to set up everything.  Wonder Woman was handled well, I was fine with her setup.  Same for Batman.  They hint at some things we kinda already saw in trailers, but it would lead into the Batman movie that could be good.  The problem is, they are not only trying to setup plot elements of the Justice League movie, but they blatantly show us Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman.  And not in a quick tease, but like there is a moment where we get good long looks at all three.  It stops the movie for no reason.  They teased them perfectly before, but then it's "NO, JUST LOOK AT THEM.  THEY ARE COMING".  Them doing this adds like 15 minutes to the movie at the very least for both of the future movies setup.

-Lex Luthor is awful. Eisenberg was a miserable choice. You know what he should've been cast as? The Riddler! He might've made for the best Riddler in the Batman movie. In this movie, Lex is not intimidating, he's not scary, he isn't threatening really beyond some actions he takes in this. I don't know what they were thinking. It's a shame that Kevin Spacey was wasted as Lex in Superman Returns. You have Kevin Spacey here as Lex, you got yourself an incredible Lex Luthor.

-Batman kills people. This isn't like in the recent Arkham Knight game where Batman driving around in his car that stuns guys as he hits them and they want to play it off that they are fine. I'm fine with a brutal Batman. No, he kills people on purpose. It's such a problem, because I think Batman in this is great. When we get that Batman movie, I'm so excited, because this is a great Batman. Affleck nails it, the suit looks great, there's some serious story they tease about what happened in his past that could make for an amazing movie. But he kills people and it's never in a Man of Steel kind of why, where it's a huge struggle for Superman to not kill Zod, no he just doesn't care if people die in this. Which makes one great fight scene later kind of a problem, because if Batman will kill people, there's no reason for him to just not turn into the Punisher.  It's something that I think they could do away with in the Batman movie by just ignoring the kills in BvS.  It makes me wonder what the R rated cut of this will be, because it could just make Batman even more violent.

Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2016, 08:39:00 am »
-Batman kills people. This isn't like in the recent Arkham Knight game where Batman driving around in his car that stuns guys as he hits them and they want to play it off that they are fine. I'm fine with a brutal Batman. No, he kills people on purpose. It's such a problem, because I think Batman in this is great. When we get that Batman movie, I'm so excited, because this is a great Batman. Affleck nails it, the suit looks great, there's some serious story they tease about what happened in his past that could make for an amazing movie. But he kills people and it's never in a Man of Steel kind of why, where it's a huge struggle for Superman to not kill Zod, no he just doesn't care if people die in this. Which makes one great fight scene later kind of a problem, because if Batman will kill people, there's no reason for him to just not turn into the Punisher.  It's something that I think they could do away with in the Batman movie by just ignoring the kills in BvS.  It makes me wonder what the R rated cut of this will be, because it could just make Batman even more violent.
There was a conspiracy theory I read about this, which would have been AWESOME, basically, these movies are part of the Christian Bale batman trilogy, the head of wayne enterprises is now Slade Wilson, and Slade has donned the mask of the Bat, but since he's Slade, he's willing to kill.  I don't know, I would have been more okay with that than Batman actually killing people, isn't that Batman's number one no no?