Interesting questions, though the DOA section felt a tad iffy and everything was centered around "censorship", when I think there's instances that are definitely less about censorship and more about localization and making sure a game is more easily accessible, especially in the case of Nintendo. People in the west are gonna have issues with sexualized teens in Xenoblade and Fatal Frame, so they altered the clothing options a tad. The breast slider in Xenoblade was probably abit overboard though.
Censorship can be too broadly used sometimes. DOAX3 was never a censorship issue, it was just a situation where someone on Team Ninja...or the community section I think it ended up being...felt like the atmosphere in the west for a pervy game like theirs would create negative attention, so they chose purposefully themselves to not release it here. I think it was mostly just them not wanting to spend any extra money to ship the game over here, since the game was never gonna sell well in the first place cause it's a niche perv game.
If Senran Kagura and the Onechanbara games can get released over here, or any regular Dead or Alive game can get released here, there's really no good excuse to not bring DOAX3 over lol
Good luck with the project.