I couldn't help but laugh as Tormund Giantsbane seductively ate his chunk of meat while eyeing Brienne up and down! 
Hahah, my bf was loving that part!
LOL...it was a highlight on an already great episode. As soon as they came through the gates, Tormund was eyeing her. I really like his character and hope he plays a significant part in upcoming episodes.
In other GoT news, I really, really hope the theory on John Snow's lineage is true. I don't know if you have read the books or not, but there are some very interesting theories about him and Tyrion. The rumors that Tyrion may very well
not be a true Lannister were (to me at least) given an ounce of credibility when he removed the collars from Rhegal and Viserion whom have allowed no one but Daenerys to even get close to them.
Oh and kinda off topic a bit, damn South Park for getting the "Weiner Weiner Weiner" song to the tune of the opening GoT music stuck in my damn head!