Author Topic: Subdirectories Suggestion  (Read 530 times)

Subdirectories Suggestion
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:04:11 am »
I'm new, and this might have been requested already, but I think having subdirectories in your collection would be super helpful.

Like the main collection page is just a list of consoles. Click on it, then it takes you down a level, to hardware, console accessories, games, etc. Then you look in those directories at your specific games.

That way you can browse by console without having to do a search/sort and it would he more organized than having just a large master list with several systems/games/etc. All just mixed together in alphabetical order.


Re: Subdirectories Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2016, 11:09:30 am »
There is a breakdown already. When looking at your feed, on the left side there are categories.

I think that at some resolutions this might be hidden. If you do not see the category breakdown on the left side, then at the top there are 3 dots. If you click that, then the sidebar will appear.