Author Topic: Annoying things people ask us about your gaming hobby/gaming collection.  (Read 9393 times)


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I need a list of about 20-25 good ones for a future show. and if you would like to come on and answer some of them (or rant) let me know.  ;D

1. Aren't you a little to old to play video games?
2. If you like retro games so much, why not just download the ROMs?

And go.
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I get this all the time... "why do you collect games?"  " I don't get it" ...."what are you going to do with all those games?" ... "why dont you just play new games?"..

I just laugh and continue on with my day... but i really wanna punch them in the face.  ;D


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I get asked a lot why I don't just trade my games in at Gamestop when I'm done with them, as if that were actually an option that was worthwhile and not counterproductive to the whole "collecting" part of game collecting.

The only one I have heard, because my parents are collectors of a sort and I work with fellow gamers, is "yeah, enjoy wasting your money on stupid stuff while you can, because when you decide to grow up and be responsible and have bills you won't have the money for that shit and will regret wasting your money."  Bought a house, pay bills, and I still buy stuff.

"Are you sure you're not addicted?"

Actually, that's a fair question.

I write for a video game/movie/book review blog that can be found here


"Is it for sale?"


" Why don't you get more normal hobbies, instead of wasting your time with this video crap?"
- family member as they continue to watch TV

"You should sell your collection and buy a *insert expensive noun here*."


"Are you ever going to grow out of that?"

"Sitting all the time is the new smoking."

Both of which came from my mother dearest.


When enough is enough? From my gf.


"Are you sure you're not addicted?"

Actually, that's a fair question.
Classic concern troll.


Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you really need all of this?
Is this worth anything?
Why don't you sell some of it?
Who still wants to play this old stuff?

My Dad asks me this, a lot of friends as well. Most people thinks it's cool though.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


"How much did all this cost?"


The most common questions I get asked is.

1.) How much is it all worth?
While not "annoying" I always say the same thing. I have no idea but the last guy that sold a collection like mine got well over $200k.

2.) What would you do if it was all stolen or in a fire?
This is an annoying question to me. It's like showing off a new car and they ask what if someone crashed into it?

3.) Do you play (or beat) all of them?
While not "annoying" It's kind of a stupid question. With a collection like mine I can't play every game. Many I sample to see if its worth coming back to and sport games are lucky if they even get tested. lol

4.) What is the most valuable game you own?
Again not annoying, I just say there's a few worth over $1000 in my collection.

5.) I bet your Wife/Girlfriend hates you?
Well one I'm not married and two my GF thinks its the coolest thing.  :P
In fact most of the women I show I game room to love it and act like a kid again. It's awesome.

6.) Do you have "name any game/console here"?
99% of the time the answer is yes. lol

7.) can you help me find a game or console?
In most cases I tell them I'll let you know if I find one. The only time it gets annoying is if they ask me to find them a rare/pricey game and expect me to sell it to them for $5. I always say the same thing, if you get up early and do the footwork and spend gas to help find it then yes you might get it for that price. Otherwise I'll give you the best price I can so I can use the money to get something I want.  ;)

8.) How much did you spend buying this?
Its like people think I'm rich, I bought it all in one weekend. I tell them over the years I spent a lot of money but its over 20 years of collecting, a little here and a little there. Most from garage sales (as you guys know) I also do a lot of selling and trading to get the games I need so I don't have to spend so much. I kinda have to nowadays.

9.) Whats the point, in ten years no one will want this stuff. The discs will rot, there's going to be a market crash on games. Its all going digital and no one will want psychical media. You should sell it now before it become worthless.
This is an annoying thing I hear sometimes. Those people who want to dump on what you love. When I first started collecting old games, people looked at them as people look at VHS tapes today. I never did it because of "value" it's because I loved it.

10.) You should open a game store?
While yes it has crossed my mind, but I don't want my hobby to become my job.

I'm sure there's more but that's the top 10 I could think off.
"Happy game hunting!!!"


I have had many of the questions from this thread asked to me as well.  My favorite ever though was when someone just looked at me with a face of concern and simply asked "Why?"  ;D
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)