Just for fun...and because the forum is kinda dead right now and work sucks!~

My choice is Android, specifically the Galaxy line. I've owned every iPhone from the OG model to the 5S, and now both of my daughters have the 6S. After the 5S, I switched over to my first ever Android, the Galaxy S5 Active. And I have never looked back since. Sure there are some things that Apple has/does that I wish my Galaxy S7 Edge (current phone) did/had. I miss buying one game/app and using across multiple devices. I wish Android firmware updates weren't beholden to your carrier as with iPhone, Apple releases an update and all phones get it simultaneously.
Other than that? For me personally the S7 Edge blows the biggest & best Apple has to offer in every way.
Waterproof for one. How many phones have been demolished by a dunk in the crapper or being caught out in a heavy rain? No need for a LifeProof case here.
Samsung Pay is like Apple Pay...except it works any place that has a card swipe. Retailers don't have to have special equipment and it's simple & quick on the S7. Samsung even rewards you for signing up and using Samsung pay for the first time with a gift card.
The Super AMOLED display has a significantly higher resolution than the iPhone, which especially comes in handy when paired with the Gear VR headset to minimize the "screen door effect." Looking at my daughter's iPhone screen through the lenses on my Gear VR (just to see what the screen looked like really, really close-up) really highlighted the difference in resolution.
The S7 Edge (as well as all other Galaxy phones) uses a standard micro-USB connector that you can buy a charger or cable for anywhere dirt-cheap as opposed to Apple's expensive lightning cables.
The S7 has expandable memory in the form of Micro SD card storage. So adding 32 gigs of storage to my S7 is about $20 give or take depending where you buy your SD card. The iPhone on the other hand is $100 more to go from a 32 to a 64 gig model.
And speaking of VR, Apple has no version of VR gaming or apps. Niche product, fad, non-mainstream or whatever you want to call it, I cannot tell you how much fun I've had strapping that thing to my face and just exploring virtual environments. Luckily so far, I haven't become ill while playing which bodes well for my thoughts on picking up PlayStation VR.

Another huge feature I cannot overstate is wireless charging. It is one of the biggest conveniences for me to not have to fiddle with wires in the middle of the night, before bed or getting up in the morning. Just set the phone on the plate and it charges.
Ringtones can be downloaded easily and free from any variety of app, unlike iPhone where you either have to specifically buy a ringtone or use your computer to chop down an audio file, rename it with a different extension and copy it back over to your phone.
Widgets such as weather, clock, distance walked and a sea of others are available on Android and not on the iPhone. You can even customize your app icon grid by size, number of rows & columns and you can place an icon wherever you want. On iPhone, it will automatically drag your app icon back to whatever the first available slot is.

On top of these conveniences and features, throw in things like live wallpaper, emulator support and a wide variety of Bluetooth controller options and it's a no brainer IMO.
So...what is your favorite and why?