Author Topic: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?  (Read 1844 times)

What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:54:21 pm »
Does anyone have any unique gaming memories that they have had with their dads?

I will never forget being 7 years old and my dad bringing me home my first Gameboy advance. It was the gold pokemon center one. :D. and we put batteries in and played it. I had advance wars and pokemon ruby.   and when he bought me an N64 for Christmas and we were in awe over the graphics because we had SNES before.  And all the hours we spent playing madden and halo 2.  A lot of my fondest father son memories come playing original xbox or n64.  Amazing times :)

Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2016, 03:02:07 pm »
Both me and my Dad would play the original Legend of Zelda together on the NES when we were given one from a family friend around 1990.  Only game he's ever loved.  Once he retired, he went on to play through nearly all the Zelda games, except for ones with touch controls or motion controls.  I'd definitely say he's played way more Zelda than I have over the years lol


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 03:07:26 pm »
My dad never played video games with me :(

Haha I'm just just kidding, but yeah, neither of my parents are gamers in any way. He did watch me play FFXIII one time and he thought Sazh's shooting looked ridiculous lol.
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Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2016, 03:34:20 pm »
My dad wasn't ever into gaming at all but I do have one as being a dad and that's my son completing Dragon Quest heroes. My dream as a dad was to have kids into the same thing I am and when he decided to play that, I realized my dream.


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 07:56:20 pm »
My dad wasn't ever into gaming at all but I do have one as being a dad and that's my son completing Dragon Quest heroes. My dream as a dad was to have kids into the same thing I am and when he decided to play that, I realized my dream.

Alright, that one's pretty touching!  I'll have to think about what game I would like to share with a Son/Daughter/Nephew one day

Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2016, 08:23:03 pm »
In third grade my father bought me a Nintendo 64 and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. We played through the game taking turns.


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2016, 08:56:58 pm »
I was the ring bearer for my uncle's wedding and as a gift I got Faxanadu for the NES. I was barely seven at the time so I had no idea what I was doing and my dad saw my frustration. He helped me understand how the game worked, how to use the mantra system, etc.

We also played a ton of Dr. Mario together.

Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2016, 09:39:13 pm »
I have a very sorted relationship with my dad and really despise the guy, but I do owe it to him for purchasing my first game console for me (the Genesis) on my 5th birthday.


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Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 10:18:31 pm »
My dad doesn't play games; never has.

I do have a few with The Boy though.  I really think the first time that we finished Contra together on my PlayChoice-10 will be hard to top.  He was 4 and loved playing the "big games".  What a kid.  I'll never forget that.

Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2016, 06:54:13 am »
Probably playing Boot Hill in the arcade in the 70's and then Outlaw on the 2600 when we first got the system. It was one of the first games we got because we both loved Boot Hill.


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2016, 10:20:42 am »
When I was a kid, I remember taking turns playing Super Mario Bros on NES. When I was older, we used to play GTA IV and Williams Pinball Hall of Fame on PS3. He had tried other games before, Diablo II and Quake 3 on PC but he never got into those.

Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2016, 10:27:30 am »
The only gaming memory I have with my parents at all is we would occasionally rent Tetris & Dr. Mario and Pieces for SNES and play those as a family and take turns swapping controllers when you lose.


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2016, 10:59:53 am »
Watching my Dad play Outlaws on the PC in the late '90s. He'd come home from work, we'd go to the park and play, come home, then sometimes he'd boot up the ol' PC and fire up Outlaws. Many of my earliest/fondest memories involve playing on the PC with my Dad or watching him play games. Me and my Dad still play Intellivision a ton because he had the system as a child. I've had a lot of fun with that too. My Dad's not really a gamer, but I'm glad he at least enjoys some of it.
Usually in the Fall, we try to do a season of Tecmo Super Bowl, my Dad'll be the Giants (he grew up in Jersey), I'll be the Broncos (Colorado native here), and my brother is the 49ers because they're the best team in the game. I'm not great at the game, but my Dad and brother get very competitive at it. It's all pretty darn fun.
I'm sorry not everyone's Dad played games with them, but hopefully if/when you have children, you can create gaming memories for them too. Here's to all the great Dads, regardless if they gamed or not.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2016, 11:14:24 am »
My parents always said that if I played games to much someday I'll became an idiot, they were right but am still playing so I don't have any good memory with my father, even at this moment he hasn't touched any controller or keyboard to play neither with me or his grandchildren  :'(

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Re: What is your favorite father/son gaming memory?
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2016, 06:19:54 pm »
My dad never really played videogames a lot, but he love Frogger. Frogger 2 specifically, we played it all the time taking turns per life.