I never really got into Ratchet & Clank, but I loved the first Jak & Daxter...Then Jak & Daxter became Ratchet & Clank lol I know that they weren't copying Ratchet, the timeline doesn't work out that way, but they went in a similar direction that didn't interest me too much at the time by adding guns and other stuff to it. Maybe they did kinda get inspiration and ideas since they were both from Sony focused companies.
Not that Ratchet or the next Jak games were bad, but what Precursor Legacy was, it felt like it was at the end of those type of 3D Platformers that were prominent back in the PS1 and N64 days. Super Mario Sunshine would probably be more at the proper tail end of it around 2002 and I'm sure there are a few others to fit in there too that I'm forgetting, but we just stopped seeing stuff more like that, which is nice we are getting somewhat of a resurgence with A Hat in Time and Yooka-Laylee.