Author Topic: End of online features for Littlebigplanet PSP and Karting. Levels and Memories.  (Read 1614 times)


US specific information: multi-player and all online features for Littlebigplanet Karting will be terminated and will no longer be available on August 31, 2016; July 31st for LBP PSP. 

Even though I would love to further lament the lack of permanence in modern gaming, I instead want to celebrate my time with these games and use this opportunity to trade stories, levels/tracks, and memories.

Although I enjoyed LBP Karting, it never got into it as much as I would have liked.  In short, I like Modnation's gameplay more, but LBPK's creation tools more. 

LBP PSP however, I thoroughly enjoy.  The story levels are fun and well put together and the creation tools, although more restrictive than it's console counterparts, are still robust and competent enough to allow for some really surprising and enjoyable user creations.  My PSN ID is TTTTop and I have three levels published on LBP PSP.  Would you consider checking them out before they are lost to time?

'12 Room Remix' is a standard obstacle course style level that is an adaptation of my 'Rooms' series that I published on LBP PS3. (80 plays at time of publishing)

'Buzzsaw Survival Challenge' is, of course, a survival challenge level.  I feel that it has a pretty good risk/reward system going for it.  The buzz saw is easy enough to avoid, but you want to get those score bubbles and keep your multiplier.  (43 plays at time of publishing)

Lastly 'The Sawmill' is a level that to this day I think is a favorite thing that I've created.  It's a straight forward level with some story, exploration, obstacles, and light puzzle elements.  It has several cleverly hidden, but not impossible to find prize bubbles.  I am particularly proud that the setting portrays a fairly believable space (at least in the beginning).  I just played through it for the first time in years and of course playing it with fresh eyes I can see it's flaws that I wish I could change, but I would like anyone here interested in having one last go with LBP PSP to please consider trying it out.  (43 plays at time of publishing)

Please share your memories and comments here too.  I know I'm not a super great creator so by Monday I'll share some of my favorite LBP PSP levels from other creators here. 


Man, it had a pretty damn good long run. LBP is one of my favorite games ever because of it's philosophy and tools for creation. I never got the PSP one, but I would sure recommend anyone who has it to check out the levels Topspot has created.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


PRO Supporter

Anyway to down load and save our favorites before termination?


Anyway to down load and save our favorites before termination?

On LBP PSP you have to download a level to play it, and it stays on your 'downloaded levels' until you delete it.  I've been trying to 'rescue' good levels myself. 

As for LBP Karting, I haven't booted it up much since it was new, so I don't remember, but I'll be checking into it.  That game might only allow downloads if the original creator chose to.


I know I'm not a super great creator so by Monday I'll share some of my favorite LBP PSP levels from other creators here.

Until the end of this month I am going to try to share several great LBP PSP levels here, in August I'll try to switch over to LPPK or maybe even Project Spark, since that game's online features are also leaving in August.  But now as promised here are a few of my other favorite levels that others creators have made.

A Million To One by Bovrillor:  This is a standard platform and story level, the kind that Littlebigplanet games are best known for, but it features great gadgets and aesthetics that really show off it's creator's skill.  No arbitrary difficulty spikes, or torturous platforming demands; a fun romp.

_________ by abchits: That's nine underscores for the title, by the way.  I don't know why abchits filled his level's title and description with blanks, but luckily I tried it out anyway.  I don't want to give too much away, but this is somewhat a cross between an auto level and a roller-coaster.  I find it mesmerizing to watch!

And finally today, PacMan (Survivial Challenge) by darcyh_.  In just about every user created content centric game, part of the fun is seeing how closely existing games can be remade using this games tools.  While this is always interesting, often times the end result is a poor substitute for the original.  But what darcyh_ has done here is to adapt PacMan's core game-play, but still use what is properly fun about LPB.  It looks great as well. A wonderful survival and score challenge.

That's all for today.  Please check these out while there is still time.  If you like them, look for these creator's other levels as well.  I will highlight different creators and levels later this week.  Have fun!


Only one week remains before the servers are pulled for this game!  With that in mind, here are a few more levels for your consideration!

Scorching Scamper by jackofcourse is a well put together platforming level.  The design and decorations make this one stand out as on par with the main story levels.

Shallow Springs by amazingflyingpoo is quite a different kind of level.  It features a creepy narrative and vibe that is unique for LBP PSP.  Plus a well designed mid level puzzle and a boss fight.  Quite nice.

And lastly this time Sprocket Town by SalieriAAX.  This is one of my favorite levels in any LBP game.  It is not only well put together, but it's aesthetic design really stands out and looks great.  One very memorable level. 

All of the creators that I've mentioned in these posts have several other great creations in this game as well, I just chose to only highlight one each here.  I might try to share a few more levels later this week, but it seems I might be talking to myself here...


Final hours.

Hi creators.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations.
Unfortunately the servers must now take a
permanent rest.
On 7/31/16 they'll go offline which means
you'll no longer be able to share your creations.
Before it happens you might want to grab your
favourite ones, rest assured you'll be able to
continue exploring and building content
offline to your heart's content.
Thank you very much.
The LBP PSP team.


Well, it's over. 

I want to thank WoodburyRaider.  He published a bunch of incomplete levels and concepts last night before the servers went down.  I grabbed a few of them, but I had reached the download limit, so I had to leave a bunch behind as well. 

Now, as a reminder, at the end of this month Littlebigplanet Karting and Project Spark will both have all of their online features removed.  If you have any appreciation for the user generated content of these games, this is your last month to experience them.  Enjoy your gaming!