Author Topic: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?  (Read 2748 times)

Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« on: August 26, 2016, 12:08:59 pm »
I wanted to share with you my favourite games for the Gamecube. I absolutely love this console and have so many good memories with it.

Video here -

Twin Snakes

As with most Nintendo consoles, the company has had a hard time shaking the notion that there machines are specifically designed for children… And its not hard to subscribe to this idea as Nintendo have consistently released family friendly titles since the NES days. During the Gamecube era Nintendo secured many titles in order to shake this image, With Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes being one of them. This is one of my favourite games for the machine, As fans of the show will know, I absolutely adore the MGS franchise so when the news hit about a remake coming to the Gamecube, I completely lost my shit! Twin snakes brings with it a remarkable graphical upgrade as well as several mechanics from MGS 2, including the ability to shoot in first person mode as ell as being able to hang of ledges in order to avoid detection. Along with the various graphical and gameplay updates, there were also several changes to made to the games cutscenes, instead being handled by famed japanese director Ryuhei Kitamura. These changes didn’t go down to well with loyal MGS fans and I agree with there concerns but thats another topic for another video. When it comes to stealth action on the Nintendo Gamecube… You’ll be hard pressed to find anything that tops Twin Snakes.

Wind Waker

Wind waker is by far my favourite Zelda game and I know this stance will probably get me some hate, but this game holds a special place in my heart. For many reasons upon being revealed to the public, there was much backlash pointed towards the game, mainly due to the cel shaded style of the games graphics. And Trust me I get it, I mean here we had the next game in the franchise presenting itself in an entirely different manner than what we were used to… But it just worked for me. Wind Waker picks up after the events of Ocarina and depicts a Hyrule that has succumbed to a great flood. The kingdom has been transformed into a great sea, populated by various islands.… It is your job to sail the seas in hopes of bringing down the evil forces behind the sinister events that have occurred.

In usual Zelda fashion you will find yourself exploring the various locations found throughout the game, whilst acquiring many knew items that will aid you in your quest. The story will take you through some surprising turns as you unravel the various mysteries that make up the plot. If Wind Waker is not your cup of tea… You can always try out Twilight Princess which is also a fantastic adventure worth your time.

P.N 03

As part of an exclusive deal with Capcom that saw the developer bring over key titles to the Gamecube, P.N. 03 is one of those games that unfortunately hit under the radar. I myself love this game and would defend it to the hills. It hard to describe, other than a rhythmic shooter that sees you busting moves whilst taking our enemies in style. You play as VANESSA, a freelance mercenary who works on colonized planets. She is contracted by a mysterious client to destroy the robots populated throughout the game world that have gone berserk. Storywise it is surprisingly good with a few twists and turns that will keep you guessing. The gorgeous clean graphics captivated my attention long before the release and delivered upon my expectations. If your a fan of devil may cry or possibly even vanquish... I would say that you would enjoy this one!

Resident Evil 4

Resident evil 4 was a clear turning point in the series... Abandoning the pre rendered goodness of the previous titles for a more realistic and fluid real time environment. But that's not all that changed, the gameplay was deeply revised and saw the birth of the popular over the shoulder shooter genre that has admittedly become a little populated these days. The story picks up after the events of the third game, following Leon Kennedy who is now responsible for the safety of the presidents daughter. She unfortunately managed to get kidnapped by a mysterious cult known as Los Illuminados. Throughout the game, expect the usual Resident Evil craziness including characters that just won’t die, grotesque giant trolls and insane high pitched midgets. But all joking aside, Resident Evil 4 is a really solid game and a testament to Nintendos commitment to shake that childish image.

Metroid Prime

Released in 2002, Metorid Prime bought the series into the first person perspective and as you can imagine many were skeptical as to how the transition would turn out… Up to this point The series was well known for its side scrolling action and had become one of Nintendos much beloved franchises… Retro Studios had a lot to prove and they delivered in every way possible. The game largely tales place on a planet known as Tallon IV formally inhabited by a race known as the Chozo… Throughout the adventure you will encounter many different enemies to sink your teeth into as well as some of the best boss fights you will find on the gamecube. The controls are responsive and go a long way to enhance the fluid combat and exploration found in the game

Super Mario Sunshine

Hopes we’re high that Mario could deliver after his absence at the Gamecubes launch and for all intent and purposes he did. Super Mario Sunshine was the first 3D mario to arrive after super mario 64, so you can imagine the type of pressure that was on the title to perform. Now I tend to liken this game to marmite, you either love it or you hate it. Many fans were not at all pleased with the new FLUDD mechanic that saw you squirting around the games environment using the power of water… But i got it, Marios a fucking plumber so it totally made sense for him to do this right? The game takes place on the tropical Isle Delfino, where Mario, Toad and Princess Peach, are on holiday. They learn of a local villain vandalizing the area with graffiti who is known as shadow Mario... Unfortunately due to his appearance Mario has to take the rap for the vandalism and is handed the FLUDD to clean up the mess. Regardless of wether or not you are a fan of the FLUDD system, you cannot deny that Sunshine is a solid Mario game… with all the platforming goodness and challenge present… There is no other platformer on the console that can stand close.

Eternal Darkness

A technical marvel at the time of release, Eternal Darkness is one of the most innovative games in the horror genre that deserves your time. There are so many great things to say about this game. The story is presented in such an eerie manner, with incredible music and great voice acting only adding to the tension as you make it through the games many locations.

The game centres around a gameplay concept known as the Sanity meter… A green bar that is present on the screen that can be depleted due to various factors but also restored by completing in game actions. If the player lets the bar run down… thats when strange shit starts to happen…  strange distant cries, whispers…. distorted camera angles… Yeah seriously some strange shit. If your a fan of the horror genre, this one will be right up your alley.

Luigis Mansion

Many were disappointed when the Gamecube launched without a mario title, instead Nintendo handed the reins to Luigi in order to show off what the system was capable of. Trading in his jumping shoes for a hoover that would clearly make dyson jealous, the game sees you sucking up ghosts that inhabit a mysterious mansion, that mario has managed to loose himself in. Throughout the game you are aided by a character know as elvin gadd, the person who invented the poltergeist 3000 hoover. He will pop up on your trusty Gameboy horror to fill you in on your objective as well as the ghosts you will encounter. This was the first game I picked up for the console and I love it! If you don’t feel like going back, the sequel has been released for the Nintendo 3DS, so check out that version.

Rouge Squadron 2

Appearing on the console at launch Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2 delivered what I can only describe as a premier Star wars experience… Everything about the game felt alive and true to the original source material. From the first opening level that recreates the ‘attack on the death star to cruising along the icy plains of hoth. The game truly is a testament to the power of the machine and the fact it appeared at launch is further testament to the talent of the development team behind it. As mentioned the game recreates various moments of the entire trilogy so expect a wide variety of locations as well as mission types. Early on your are restricted to what type of craft you can use for each mission but as you complete each level you are given the option to go back and choose from any craft you have available. If your a Star Wars fan this one is a no brainer!

F-Zero GX

This quite simply has to be the best futuristic racing game ever made. It was Brought to us by the great minds of Sega in conjunction with Nintendo and was released in to the arcades under the different title of Fzero AX. The premise of F-zero is simple… you Hop into your racing ship and fly around tracks at insaaaaaane speeds… I mean you literally blink and you crash and because of this the game has managed to acquire a reputation for its crushing difficulty. But if your up for the challenge you will find a highly rewarding story mode as well as time attack and various others that will keep you busy for quite sometime!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 02:34:38 pm by tuet0ne »


Re: Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2016, 12:44:54 pm »
I would add to this with:
Super Mario Sunshine
FE: Path of Radiance ( even though its pretty expensive now)
Viewtiful Joe 1+2
Pikmin 1+2
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
one of the Mario parties ( 4-6)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Monkey Ball 2


Re: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2016, 12:57:57 pm »
What actions restore the sanity meter in ED? The only time I could restore it was with restorative magic.

Re: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2016, 01:03:56 pm »
What actions restore the sanity meter in ED? The only time I could restore it was with restorative magic.

You would also get some back from performing finishing moves on enemies, as well as the restorative magic. Such a great game!


Re: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2016, 01:06:08 pm »
That's right; the finishing moves restored a tiny amount.

EDIT: And I forgot to mention that both Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcardia: Legends would be on a list like this.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 01:15:52 pm by kashell »


Re: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2016, 02:43:44 pm »
Gotcha Force
Dragon Drive: D-Masters Shot
Kururin Squash!
Doshin the Giant
Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest
Star Fox: Assault
Amazing Island
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Ace Pilot
Zoids Vs (series)
Bomberman Generation
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 02:52:20 pm by stealthrush »


Re: Top Ten Must Have Gamecube Games! What are yours?
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2016, 06:57:51 pm »
Man, reading this and thinking of 10 games really made me realize just how little of an impression the Gamecube's library has had on me in the long term. I was just finishing middle school at the time of it's release, and Nintendo was my preferred company because the SNES was crazy ridiculously good and the N64 had a lot of timeless classics. I begged my parents to get me one, and I did spent a lot of time with it, but that was because it has games with a lot of replay value with friends. When I think back I spent much more solo time on the PS2 my dad got solely for it's DVD capacities, and now consider it the only system on par with the SNES. I could probably make a top 50 for PS2 exclusive games, but I really am having trouble with doing 10 exclusives for the Gamecube. At least the Gamecube has an infinite amount of better exclusive games than the Xbox, which sits at a big fat 0 to me. Well, I'll make the list as I am able for Gamecube!

Super Smash Brothers Melee - I played this game relentlessly all throughout high school. It was pretty much the go-to game me and my friends would play. It's what we would talk about playing when school was over, and anytime we where bored we would pretty much just play it. It was the reason I wanted a Gamecube so much from the start. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the game I had put the most time into second only to World of Warcraft. As much as I loved it then, I can actually hardly play it now. Brawl and Smash 4, despite what elitist will tell you, are superior pretty much objectively. I don't miss falling like a ton of bricks and having less control. However, as those began in my adult years, I had less time to play them and less friends to play them with. In the end, it's still the Smash I had the most fun with because of this.

Mario Kart Double Dash - I didn't get this until late high school, but god damn it was amazing. In Smash, my brother and I where nigh unbeatable among anyone we ever met locally (I rarely lost ever in Brawl, and it wasn't until 4 I had dulled and people online could wreck me) but things where more balanced in Mario Kart. My brother and I where still usually the winners among our friends, but much less so than Smash so it was a lot more exciting. We would stay up all night screaming and laughing pissing off my parents because it was so fun. I've played a lot of Mario Kart iterations quite a bit, but I think Double Dash is the best in terms of design and multiplayer fun. There is still nothing like the chaos of 4 players on Baby Park.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Paper Mario was great, what can I say? The RPG system was always enjoyable, but the characters and settings and humor is always what made it king. I don't remember it as fondly as the first game, but that is almost certainly because of how late I played it. Too bad Paper Mario as a series is now dead. RIP. So sad vandals covered your tombstone in paint and stickers...

Mario Sunshine - I had been waiting for a new Mario since Mario 64 and Sunshine did not disappoint. I mean, it didn't disappoint me personally, it did for a lot of other people. To me it still had all the great workings of the collect style gameplay I loved about SM64. I knew it wasn't as good, and in hindsight there where WAY too many sprites from blue coins, but I loved the moves the FLUD let you do and had so much fun just slinging around. It also was a LOT harder than 64 with the FLUDless platforming sections, and the final volcano raft part. The Galaxy games moved further way from SM64's hub and level style, so Sunshine is still my second favorite 3D Mario.

Wind Waker - I don't know, especially with how little I care about graphics now, but I was one of those jerks who was pretty salty about the GC demo Zelda vs. Wind Waker's final cellshading. It took awhile for me to get the game, but I really did end up enjoying it. Not too excessively, though. It wasn't the same as LTTP, OoT or MM to me, and replaying it a few years back it was still a bit mehish. I loved exploring the oceans, but I wish there was a bit more to it and it was a bit less tedious (something the remastered version apparently fixed). It was very solid in terms of gameplay, but it's smaller dungeon library left the same taste in my mouth as MM's did, but MM's setting was a lot more memorable.

Animal Crossing - I kind of sleep on just how much I actually played this game, but I played it a LOT. There is something about games with no real endgame goal like it, Harvest Moon, The Sims, etc. that really get me hooked. To be honest, I never really played the first Animal Crossing legit, always opting to change the clock and give Tom Nook furniture codes from online. I was able to recite from memory dozens of those furniture codes back the, with 28 characters, numbers, upper and lower case letters and symbols back then... it was ridiculous. I didn't play Animal Crossing again until New Leaf, which I played legit and put hundreds of hours into. Still, the original started it all.

As far as GC exclusives that are really memorable, that's kind of it. I played a lot of some other games that weren't exclusive on the GC like Sonic Adventures 2, Phantasy Star Online and Alien Hominid. I also like Bomberman Generation, which I think is exclusive, but I played it's multiplayer dodge battle with friends much more, I can't really remember the main game well. I haven't really played through some classics all the way like Metroid Prime, which I wished was 2D, and Luigi's Mansion. I also played through every map of every Mario Party (4, 5, 6 & 7) game on the Gamecube with a friend, one a week throughout a year which was fun, but none where as memorable as Mario Party 2.

So all in all... the Gamecube is actually not all the memorable to for a big library, but more for a library of a handful of games I played a lot.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 07:01:00 pm by hexen »
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!