Author Topic: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?  (Read 5686 times)

Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« on: September 05, 2016, 10:59:52 am »
Of course it's worth around or over $500. You just need to go on ebay to see that.

What I'm asking is does this game's entertainment value justify its steep price? I know this is a subjective question, but I would like to get people's thoughts on this who have actually played/beat it.



Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2016, 11:44:12 am »
No, no game is worth that much to me personally. It is a pretty good game though.


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2016, 12:07:55 pm »
Well considering its rarity (30000 copies ever made if I'm not mistaken), the fact that the code for the game has been lost forever (eliminating any chances of official re-release or re-make), today's inflation of anything video game related and most importantly, the high quality of the production, I'd say yes it does worth it, actually it worths it more than Earthbound and Snatcher that are two games way up there (CIB) and, ''IN MY OPINION'' are nowhere near the awesomeness of PDS in categories of gameplay, story and graphics. But I'd still recommend to watch some (not to too much so it won't spoil the story) gameplay an/or digitally(  8) ;D  ) try the game before jumping on the bandwagon.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 12:13:20 pm by retrogemcollector »


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2016, 12:39:39 pm »
It's a rare game but also considered to be one of the better RPG's by the hardcore players.

I think It's a combination of the two making It's price so high except for the japanse version that is.

Haven't touched my own copy as of yet but i wonder if it is really that good since it was not a game that was high on my list and the only reason that I actually own a copy is that I managed to aquire mine for free.

Regarding if the entertainment justifies It's high price, well opinions differ if i might say so.

Take a look at musha a game that goes for a crazy amount, some people find it to be so much fun that the price is justified while others don't.

Panzer dragoon saga is on the list of the excellent expensive games however no matter how fun a game is, that the entertainment justfies the value of a game is an opinion that one can have.

To be fair I'd say that certain games deserve to have a certain value but I'd always refrain from buying games at market price since I have plenty wich i haven't played yet and i might come across them in a future deal for nothing or bargain prices just like panzer dragoon saga.

Are you planning on buying one in the near future?

Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2016, 12:44:55 pm »
Playing it now actually.

It's a game that breaks all the cliches of what the Saturn could do.


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2016, 12:47:45 pm »
I've never played it, but in my opinion no gaming experience no matter how good, is worth anything near that amount of money. If someone took away my favorite game of all time and said I could only play it again if I paid $500, I'd tell em' to keep it.

I don't think any game is worth much more than what the original asking price was. The price is really about the item, more than it is the game. There are tons of great games out there, many of which are not expensive at all.

If you are really, really feeling the itch to play this game, I've heard you can mod a Saturn to play any burnt game.


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2016, 12:55:27 pm »
I've never played it, but in my opinion no gaming experience no matter how good, is worth anything near that amount of money. If someone took away my favorite game of all time and said I could only play it again if I paid $500, I'd tell em' to keep it.

I don't think any game is worth much more than what the original asking price was. The price is really about the item, more than it is the game. There are tons of great games out there, many of which are not expensive at all.

If you are really, really feeling the itch to play this game, I've heard you can mod a Saturn to play any burnt game.
It's not just a game. It's history and a legacy if  a doomed system that still threw punches even when close to death. A game that was beyond a nightmare to program an almost cancelled many times and three people died making this game which almost lead to it being cancelled again, but they decided to come together and make this game a reality, and they succeeded.

So you're not just buying a game.


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2016, 12:56:28 pm »
I've never played it, but in my opinion no gaming experience no matter how good, is worth anything near that amount of money. If someone took away my favorite game of all time and said I could only play it again if I paid $500, I'd tell em' to keep it.

I don't think any game is worth much more than what the original asking price was. The price is really about the item, more than it is the game. There are tons of great games out there, many of which are not expensive at all.

If you are really, really feeling the itch to play this game, I've heard you can mod a Saturn to play any burnt game.
It's not just a game. It's history and a legacy of  a doomed system that still threw punches even when close to death. A game that was beyond a nightmare to program an almost cancelled many times and three people died making this game which almost lead to it being cancelled again, but they decided to come together and make this game a reality, and they succeeded.

So you're not just buying a game.


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Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2016, 01:27:52 pm »
Well considering its rarity (30000 copies ever made if I'm not mistaken), the fact that the code for the game has been lost forever (eliminating any chances of official re-release or re-make), today's inflation of anything video game related and most importantly, the high quality of the production, I'd say yes it does worth it, actually it worths it more than Earthbound and Snatcher that are two games way up there (CIB) and, ''IN MY OPINION'' are nowhere near the awesomeness of PDS in categories of gameplay, story and graphics. But I'd still recommend to watch some (not to too much so it won't spoil the story) gameplay an/or digitally(  8) ;D  ) try the game before jumping on the bandwagon.

Why can't it be remade? I can see it not being re-released in it's original form, but remade would mean from the ground-up again, right? So why can't that happen? Sega seems to be sitting on a lot of money, if they were to do that. Tons of retro gamers want to play that one, but not pay the price.

And the news of the guy that recently cracked the Saturn's DRM means that the code can now be retrieved again, right? (I'm not a techie guy, so forgive me if that's a stupid question.)


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Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2016, 01:37:46 pm »
As a game?  Probably not.  There have to be other ways to play it since the Saturn DRM has been cracked.

As a collector's piece?  If someone wants it, has the spare cash, and it makes them smile; absolutely.

Off topic: Can a game not be reverse engineered to get the source code?  I'm asking because really don't know.


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2016, 02:27:24 pm »
As a game?  Probably not.  There have to be other ways to play it since the Saturn DRM has been cracked.

If your going the emulator road than for every game you could basicly say that even only 1 buck spend is one to much.

Many games that cost quitte allot can be played for free with the emulator way and panzer dragoon saga is no exception especially since the sega saturn has been cracked.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2016, 02:57:33 pm »
Some good responses so far.

I am very much so on the fence about this; on one hand I have heard from many people that it is an experience unlike any other (which to be honest, is hard to imagine) and is up there with FFVII as being one of the best JRPGs in a generation filled with some of the best of the genre.

However, I am a believer that almost no game, no matter how enjoyable is worth more than $300, tops. The only exception I have ever made to this and much of it was  my undying love for the first two was Shenmue 3, which I dropped nearly a grand on. The only way I could ever fathom spending $500 on PDS is if it ended up becoming a top 10 game for me.

I guess the jury is still out for me. I guess I have plenty of time to consider it since I am currently not in a position to drop that kind of cash on anything :p


Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2016, 03:15:41 pm »
To be fair I never understood the reasons why people say that one should never spend so much on a single game.

It is a hobby after all and if it is worth it to you than so be it.

Some people spend 500 or more on a single game while others drop a couple grand on binoculars.

Both things are pretty much worthless but they both do give some entertainment depending on the type of person you are. It is only a hobby after all.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Panzer Dragoon Saga: is it REALLY worth $500+?
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2016, 06:21:05 pm »
Some people spend 500 or more on a single game while others drop a couple grand on binoculars.

I guess it really is all about perspective (oh the puns!)

I guess the part that tears me up the most is knowing that I could have got this game for much cheaper than it is now, but here I am, more or less forced to pay $500 or potentially wait for who knows how long to find a better deal on it. I've seen this game a handful of times over the years at game stores ranging from $250 to $350, which while better is still expensive as shit.

But yes,  would rather drop $500 on this game over a fancy designer sweater, a fancy watch, or a pair of binoculars :p