I'm sorry when I picked up Arcana Heart (PS2) and Otomedious Excelent I thought I was going to have to kill someone with the looks I was getting.
Haha, yeah, even people in game stores will look at you weird when you're not buying the latest super popular game, or anything that seems sort of strange. I bought Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers when that came out on the 360, and the guy behind the counter at EBgames was just confused and looked at me weird until I left the store. Fun times.
Game store employees are the most bias and full of themselves folks in all of retail. It's not just GameStop, I've seen folks at shows or other retail stores too. Some of them think they know WAAAAAY more about gaming than your do, just becasue they work at a video game shop. Others think they are on some other level of status than the general public. One guy I know worked at a Game Crazy and was a total ass, opinionated and super Sony fanboy. If you mentioned something he would attempt to one up you. And I witnessed him, more than once, talk crap about customers to other employees after hanging up/ they left. Asshat.
I got lucky with my GameStop that I used to frequent, and the dudes that worked there were pretty cool. But they all moved on since and I rarely go there any more. Fun fact, that's the same GameStop where I met matt.