Having Tears for Fears stuck in your head is like having a wad of banknotes stuck in your wallet - nice. Must admit Head Over Heels and Everybody Wants to Rule the World are my faves, but Mad World's tasty.
Last week I got a few interesting finds, a few Xbox 360 FPS I don't have already (Quake Wars, one of the Unreals), got a boxed Beatmania PS1 controller/game, also got a Corvo from Dishonored face mask made from plasticky/fibreglass material, there's a crack on the bottom of the chin, but you can't see it if the mask is on the wall for instance. Not sure if the mask is a promotional item, part of a special edition set or a hand-made thing. Intend to get a few photos up, maybe you guys can shed some light. Intend to wall-mount it somewhere.