Author Topic: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)  (Read 1736 times)


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VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« on: October 06, 2016, 06:34:37 pm »
I thought this would be a fun thread for people to engage in. I was going to share a short videogame timeline for myself. Consoles and games that stand out in my decades of gaming in a historical timeline fashion. Hopefully everyone will share their own!

As you will notice I didn't detail every console or game that I purchased throughout the years otherwise this would be a 1000 page timeline. I tried to just pick out key events that stand out to me when I look back over time.


Tapper - First arcade game that really fascinated me and I loved playing.
Caveman by Tomy Tabletop Game - First in home video game
TRS-80 - First Computer I played games on (Magic Carpet is the only one I can remember)
Atari 2600 - The first console I ever played games on.
Q-Bert for Atari 2600 - The first two video game cartridges I chose on my own to be purchased.
Video Pinball for Atari 2600 - The first video game I received for a birthday present.

Legend of Zelda for NES - The first video game I borrowed from a friend to play.
Baseball Stars for NES - Created a league in my neighborhood to play through season mode.
Mega Man for NES - First time I bought a video game with my own cash at the store. ($20 at Toys R Us)
Dragon Warrior for NES - My first JRPG


Super Mario Bros. All-Stars for SNES - Religiously played this game while listening to 90's alternative rock everyday after school

Nintendo 64 and PlayStation - First two consoles I purchased all by myself. Drove myself to the store, pulled out my own bank card and paid. I remember being so upset that I had saved enough money to buy them both and then when I went to buy them I realized you had to buy memory cards or they were worthless. I ended up getting the N64 first and saved up a little bit more to pick up the PS1 a week later.
PS1 - First console I pirated games for (I had pirated games on IBM platforms before). I ended up taking the pirate chipset out when my legitimate copy of Legend of Dragoon wouldn't play when it detected it in my system.
Final Fantasy VII for PS1 - First video game that I couldn't stop playing. I would even dream about this game when my body couldn't stay awake any longer and fell asleep as I grinded levels.

Dreamcast - First console I picked up at launch.
Dreamcast - First console I played online with.


Super Smash Bros for GameCube - Used to play strip matches with my girlfriend (now my wife). Smash Bros has never been so much fun.

PlayStation 2 - First console that my girlfriend (now my wife) bought me. She also picked up Final Fantasy X for me. Surprised we still got married after she saw how many hours I poured in to gaming.
Dynasty Warriors 3 for PS2 - The first game that my girlfriend (now my wife) and I really got in to. We used to play this game all the time because we didn't have any money to do anything else.

Neo Geo AES and Sega Master System - First two retro consoles I purchased that I did not own from the original release time period.

Famicom Disk System - First foreign console I purchased (I know it is an add-on...)

Xbox 360 - Achievements. Changed how I gamed. I didn't want it to, but it did. I live with it and seek counseling.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One -  The first generation of gaming that I have had a hard time coming to terms with. I feel like either the video game market or I have changed too much to appreciate the new generation of gaming. It looks amazing though, but my systems are collecting dust.

Wii U - First console that I shared with my daughter. Super Mario World 3d was the first game we played.
3ds - First console that I shared with my son. He checked out Mii Plaza the first time he played it.

Ok - someone else share, please!

The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 07:20:59 pm »
I unfortunately have kind of a shit memory, so I forget a lot, but I'll try to remember what I can.

Early 1990's
NES - My family was given an NES around 1990, with a few games from a family friend and was our first console.  This was around 4 years old for me. Had games like Super Mario/Duck Hunt, Bible Adventures, Legend of Zelda, and a couple others. Legend of Zelda was the only game my dad liked playing with me.
SNES/Genesis - I did own a Genesis and an SNES, though I don't really remember why I got them from.  I do remember games like Lion King, Sonic, and I use to rent SNES and N64 games from a local video store.

Mid 1990's
N64 - Parents buy me an N64 and it very quickly becomes one of my favorite consoles.  I ended up getting a new N64 when the colored systems released, getting the Ice Blue.  My sister got the Grape Purple for herself.  I still have the Ice Blue system. Played a good bit of Goldeneye with friends and I certainly remember the palm burns from playing Mario Party.
Playstation 1 - A local card shop had a PS1 with a few games and it's where I played it a lot.  Crash Bandicoot, Twisted Metal 2, Tekken 3.  Great guy still owns that shop.

PC - Our family gets the first PC where I play games like the old Command & Conquers, Warcraft, alot of strategy games on there.  Another game I use to love was Command & Conquer: Renegade, an FPS version of the series that I remember having good multiplayer.

Early 2000's
Halo 1 - My friends got an Xbox and we had Halo LAN parties every weekend.  It was pretty consistent up through like Halo 2 and even Halo 3. I did get an Xbox, but don't remember a lot about it.
PS2 - This was going to be the first console I bought myself, I begged my parents at the time for it, having earned the money, knowing the small electronics store in town had some, only to get told that I slightly ruined my birthday present surprise lol
Star Wars Galaxies - First MMO I ever played and still the only one that hooked me for a very long time, outside of some of the time I put into WoW when that launched.  I put tons and tons of hours into it, almost obsessively at times in High School, but I loved that game.  Then they ruined it.  I'm still sad to this day because SWG was pretty original and impressive even by todays MMO standards.

Resident Evil 4  - I always wanted to like the RE games, I basically dabbled in most of them, only beating RE3 and Dead Aim, but when this released, I must've beat it a half dozen times and I didn't even own a Gamecube.  It was an amazing game that I also bought on PS2 to play more.  Right now, waiting on the HD texture mod pack to get finished and I'll go back and beat it again on PC.

Nintendo Wii - First system I ever bought at launch along with grabbing Twilight Princess for the Wii.  Buddy and I spent awhile in the car before having to stand outside in pretty cold weather for an hour or so.  Ended up kinda regretting the purchase, but like a year later sold it to a friend lol
Dead Rising/Xbox 360 - I waited on the 360, wasn't sure about it, didn't really have the games for me, but Dead Rising actually sold me on getting a 360.  It became my console of that generation as I didn't even own a PS3 till practically a year or two before the PS4 came out.

I'll add a few more later.


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 07:31:47 pm »
I was born in 1994, and just a few months after I was born, my favorite video game title of all time was released:

Donkey Kong Country was released for the SNES on November 25, 1994.

was originally released as "Mother 2", though it would reach North America until the summer lot the following year. I think it's worth mentioning because it is one of my favorite RPG titles of all time.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the final game I'll mention for 1994 as it is my favorite in the series. I could go on with more titles, but I'll stop. Just know that 1994 was a great year to be a gamer.

Now, I'll go into my personal history with video gaming, as to when I started playing and collecting etc.
I'm pretty sure the first video game titles I was exposed to were PC games, as my Dad loved to play them back then. I didn't really play them, I just loved to watch them being played.
The titles that stand out to me personally from that time in my life are:

Outlaws                                      3D Cube Hopper                     Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
The first time I actually played any video games were on my older brothers' Game Boy color systems. We didn't have a lot of games, but I remember playing the hell out of:

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
as well as

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
For my birthday in 2002, my mom and dad surprised me with my very own Glacier Blue Game Boy Advance system!

They got me

Sonic Advance which I played the hell out of.
For Christmas of 2003, Santa brought me a Nintendo GameCube

It was my first very own console gaming system and I still love and cherish it to this day.
Over the next few years, I got a lot of games for both my GBA and GameCube, most of which I still have.
For Christmas of 2006, my mom surprised the whole family when she brought a final secret package out. Turns out my mom stood out in line in the cold for 6 hours to get us a Nintendo Wii console, the hottest time of that particular holiday season.

I remember playing Wii Sports with my whole family for hours on end, it was just pure simple fun my whole family could enjoy.
The following years were good to me, in 2007 our friend Nick gave us his old XBOX console and in 2008 I got my own SNES and Sega Genesis console as well as a Nintendo 64. In the years following, mostly when I was in High School, I didn't buy a single video game, or even play any. I call 2009-2011 the dark ages of my history.
In 2012, fresh out of High School, I got a summer job and was able to finally start buying games and whatnot. I'd go to 2nd & Charles and Thrift Stores after work and buy everything I could.
Since 2013, I've been collecting pretty consistently, In 2015 I added over 150 games to my collection. In 2016, I'm on par to add 200 or more titles to my collection.

Video game collecting has kept me going through all of the hardships and drama of the "real world." As a man on the brink of being a full-on responsible adult, this site has really kept me going. I love contributing to the forums and submitting info for the database. I can honestly say that the people on the forums and the admins of this site are just incredibly amazing individuals. Long live VGCollect!

Can't wait to read everyone's gaming timelines. It should be very interesting!
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 10:07:27 pm »
I'm only a baby 21 year old so I can't really break mine into decades. I like Aliensstudios' format so I'm gonna nick it. Kinda. I mainly just want an excuse to ramble on.
1997 - 1999
It begins!
The first few years of my life are a complete blur, we had a game console in our house when I was very very young but that wasn't mine but I've never been able to find out what it was and I barley remember playing games on it. So instead:

First game I remember playing, Alien Trilogy on Sega Saturn. I would have been either 2 or 3 years old at the time and this game is a Doom-style action horror, so yeah. Not a very tame entrance to gaming. I never managed to make it past the first level at the time, I was too scared of the drones. It made me want to get a console of my own though. And so:

On the Christmas of '98 my mum got me a PS1 and with it the first game I owned, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. Still one of my favourite games of all time today. Some point not long after I also got my own copy of Alien Trilogy on PS1. And I did finally get past the first level.

'99 was when I first played what has since been my favourite game of all time and my first entry in my favourite series, Final Fantasy VIII. My cousin had a PS1 and I dicked around on his copy of FF8 for a few minutes when I was at my auntie's one day, then at some point down the line I ended up borrowing it off him and thus began my descent into my life as a shut-in.

And my other favourite games during the 90's (and ways into the 2000's):

2000 - 2003
"I'm not going to get a PS2, my PS1 is better"

A few things to note here, I'm not sure when they happened. Firstly, not long after its release I get my first experience of a non-PS1 gen console, watching my brother's friend play a GTA-esque game on his own PS2. I'm not sure what game it was, but it was very GTA-ey. I played other peoples' PS2s around this time for a while but it was a long time before I had my own. As for the first we had in the house, eventually my brother borrowed his friend's Xbox and never gave it back way up until I red ringed it.

The first 6th gen game I remember playing, Halo. My brother had it on his Xbox, and I have really fond memories of constantly playing Assault on the Control Room on co-op with him on it. Great times. For the sake of saving space on the page I won't make another section for it but he also had the first Unreal Championship which I loved and also led to me becoming a fan of the series later.

I don't have a clue how it got there but one day I stumbled across a game I'd never heard of called Morrowind in my sister's room, I took it downstairs to try it out on my brother's Xbox and ended playing it non-stop for the next god knows how many months. First WRPG, and the first Elder Scrolls game I played, worth noting as it's one of my favourite serieseses now.

2004 - 2008
Moving up in the world

Guessing the year from the games I had at the time, on my birthday in I assume 2004 I finally got my second ever console, my own Xbox. After years of wishing I'd one day have it I finally got the new Oddworld game along with it, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, along with a couple of other games that aren't really worth noting.

Sometime in Summer 2007 I saw the South Park episode about World of Warcraft and I thought it looked interesting, I decided to look it up and it soon became the game that's consumed more of my life than any other game. I'm disgusted with myself for how much time I've spent on this.

Some point during this time I also got my first handheld which was a DS, but I wouldn't say it really had enough of an impact to have a section about. I got Nintendogs with it initially though.

Not really any other milestones of note from this time, so as these were my last 6th gen years, a few of my other favourite games around this time:

2009 - 2011 Q2
Social life? What's that?

I finally catch up with the new gen and get an Xbox 360 in the Christmas of either '08 or '09, along with Fable 2. Loved Fable in the last gen. Fable 2 was a little disappointing. At least it wasn't Fable 3 though. Got some other games. That's about it for this section.

2011 Q3 - 2013 Q2
Stop saying social life, I don't know what that is

In August 2011 we moved out of the town I grew up in and from my 'share' of the money from the sale of our old house my mum let me have a PS3. inFamous and LittleBigPlanet were the games that made me want a PS3 so I got those with it. I started going to college and made some friends who were just as into gaming as me so I got even more into games than before, and more avenues of gaming. Found out about loads more games than before, started getting into retro gaming, and became a proper part of the gaming community.


Alright, now this is where things get real. Persona 3. I'd tried a few SMT games before and never got into them but for some reason I always wanted to try Persona. Didn't know anything about them or what to expect. I finally decided to get a copy of Persona 3 FES in July 2013 and my life questions were answered. I love that game so much. I almost failed my college course because I spent the whole of August when I was supposed to be finishing my outstanding coursework playing P3. I finally got my work done when I finished the game. Moved onto P4 not long after and loved it nearly as much. I still haven't decided whether Persona 3 is a joint-first favourite with FF8 or my second-favourite game. Either way, I love it.

2013 Q3 - Today
All hell breaks loose

(Not my room)
So prior to this time I started seeing game collectors on YouTube, saw their game collections and started to wish I could have something like that someday. Having a massive library of games to pick and choose from sounded amazing. I'd never get that lucky though, I thought. Then I got a job. Then I started collecting. Then it consumed my life and my money. Oh no.
I went from having less than half a bookcase full of games to filling my entire room up and completely running out of space in here within a year. I've squeezed more in since but I've had to put a hold on collecting until I get my own place and have more space. Most of the other consoles I have I got during this time.

That wraps up this gen, though this gen spawned some games I absolutely adore. Along with Persona, 3 other games put put their seriseses into my top 5 around this time:

And finally:

Bought a PS4 in 2016 and sneaked into the current gen. Got BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend and the MGS5's with it. Not much else to say there, kind of disappointed by the thing's small number of games I'm interested in so far.

And that's me. Sorry for taking up so much space. Suppose that wasn't so much a timeline as an article. I enjoyed writing it though.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 10:11:44 pm by LeJason »

Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 09:27:48 am »
My memory is shotty, so I'll try my best.  I'll slowly add images so you don't have to read if you don't want to.


Gameboy - I was young, like I can't even remember young, but I had a Gameboy.  I can only really recall 2 games, Tetris and TMNT Fall of the Footclan.  I played those games so much.  Never really touched the system after I got my Game Gear.  Until Pokemon Red came out.  That game changed EVERYTHING.  This was honestly my first experience with an RPG game.  I had dabbled with Breath of Fire 2 and Super Mario RPG, but never really played those games.  I was so hooked.  I watched the anime and recorded all of the episodes.  I bought playing cards.  I did tournaments.  I had gym badges, merchandise, and even had the hat.  I got Pokemon Yellow, which was pretty cool with it's few new additions, but it was the same experience.  I was bored with the franchise by the time the next full entry came out.  Never really played it.  Don't know if I ever even beat the remakes.

Atari 2600 - My family had a 2600 before I was born, but it wasn't popular and they packed it away.  Eventually, someone decided to unpack it and set it up to show it to me.  I fell in LOVE with this system.  I really don't know why, the games are so freaking basic.  But they were fun.  Games like Surround, which is basically like the TRON lightcycle game, and Maze Craze, which is described as a cops and robbers game, but it's really about who can get out of the maze the fastest.  Then you had the basics like Tennis, space invaders, pac-man, and some racing game I can't for the life of me recall the name of, probably indy 500.

Game Gear - I don't remember adverts or commercials or any reason why I knew I wanted this system, but I freaking wanted it.  Honestly, this was probably the first game system I acquired near or at launch.  I only ever owned a handful of games for this system, but like any kids, I played them like crazy.  I wasn't fortunate enough to have good tastes as a child, I only owned maybe 3-5 games for the system.  Sonic, which was probably the best game I had for the system, I never had Sonic 2, which I believe was the common pack in title at some point later after launch.  Surf Ninjas, which was one of my favorite movies and used the Game Gear a lot, but was actually kind of a horrible game.  Itchy and Scratchy, which I really don't to this day know what the point of the game was other than to beat each other up, but it was hella fun.  Ren and Stimpy, a moderately good platformer.  And Power Rangers, which was actually a pretty weak fighting game.  But that thing ate up batteries so badly, eventually we just bought an AC adapter and I stayed tethered to a wall outlet because my parents were tired of buying batteries.

Super Nintendo - I wanted so badly to get a Sega Genesis.  I loved my Game Gear so much, so I wanted a Sega Genesis so badly.  It was X-mas time, and I saw a big gift wrapped, suspiciously shaped like a boxed game system, I knew this.  So as a shitty little kid, I undid the wrapping just a little to see the corner, and I saw some basic design on the side and felt like I knew I was getting a Genesis... I was so freaking happy up to X-mas.  The big box was handed to my eldest brother.  I was confused.  He opened it.  It was a Super Nintendo.  I was so freaking devastated and felt so betrayed.  Then we set it up and all took turns playing Super Mario World, this game opened my eyes.  Sega was shit, Sonic sucked balls, Nintendo owned me, and I was Mario's little bitch.  Honestly, I don't think I ever really bought a game for the SNES, I got gifts sure, but I think most of the games were my brothers.  I rented games a lot, but that was it.  At some later X-mas, I was given Donkey Kong Country 3.  We were out of state for every X-mas, but this year, my eldest brother had to go back home earlier than everyone to go back to work, so he asked if he could borrow my new game since he was taking his SNES back home anyway.  I said sure.  By the time we got back to town, he had already pawned off my game.  I never got to play it.  To this day, I still have not ever played DKC3.  That experienced kind of fucked up that game for me.  I own it sure, but I haven't played it.  I played so many games on this system, there are probably games I've played that I'm not even aware I've played before.  I remember stuff like renting Super James Pond when I was sick.  Or wanting to rent Mega Man Soccer and Earthbound but they were never in stock for renting.  I remember renting Pieces very frequently and my whole family taking turns playing against each other, but never actually purchasing the game.  I remember playing Tetris Attack and Tiny Toon Adventures Wacky Sports Challenge with my sibling unit.  I remember playing Mega Man X and pretty much playing through the intro and the Penguin stage and then turning it off, for some reason I never had any interest in progressing past that.

Nintendo 64 - Before this system came out, we were seeing the adverts and getting the VHS advert tapes.  We knew we needed this system.  We got it.  I think this system was given to my slightly older brother for his birthday.  We got Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64.  Honestly, if you only had 2 games for this system, those would be mighty fine choices.  A great single player experience and a phenomenal multiplayer experience.  This system was the first home console that I went out and bought games for.  I still rented games of course, but it was a new experience for me, going out and buying my own games.  I remember owning, and subsequently losing, several copies of Goldeneye 007, and just absolutely wrecking everyone who would play against me.  I remember Donkey Kong 64 renewing my short lived interest in the DK franchise.  I remember playing Pokemon Puzzle League and South Park Chef's Luv Shack with my siblings like crazy.  These games, both SNES and N64, that I would play with my siblings, this is stuff we would do up until a couple of years ago when shit got really bad between us (mostly everyone hating me).  I remember my kid brother being really jealous and pulling the carts out of the system while we were playing if he wasn't the center of attention.  I remember him breaking my copy of Quest 64 and microwaving my copy of Rush 2, spoiler it caught on fire.  I remember collecting the Mountain Dew cans in Rush 2 and doing insane stunts in Rush 2049.  I remember making our own hostage game mode in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour with laser tripwires.  I remember thinking Yoshi's Story was so funny because it sounded like they were singing "You're an asshole".  I remember buying the Mad Catz Steering Wheel and playing Cruis'n USA, doing the in car camera on certain levels and bugs and bird shit hitting the screen.  I remember having WWF No Mercy on all night because I would make it play the wrestler's music videos all night and change the colors of my bedroom walls.  I remember playing South Park and thinking the Yellow Snowballs were just the funniest damned thing.  I remember playing Super Smash Bros with my brother-in-law before everything went to shit with them.  I remember playing Pokemon Snap and just thinking how damned cool that game was, being a pokemon game in 3D.  I remember Mega Man 64 blowing my freaking mind and becoming one of my favorite games ever, I still have a weird crush on Tron Bonne to this day.  But then our N64 burnt out.  No games to play for like 6 months.


Playstation - My birthday came up.  I asked for a PSOne.  Yes, PSOne, the smaller Playstation system, that's how late to the game I was.  I think this was a few months before the PS2 was coming out.  I got a couple of greatest hits games with the system.  WWF Smackdown and Driver.  I played through these games so damned much until their respective sequels came out.  Driver 2 was such a freaking mess, I don't think I played it more than maybe 20 minutes before never touching it ever again.  WWF Smackdown 2, I played that game so damned much, I played through the story mode for so damned long too.  I was stupidly into wrestling in my youth, not that it is stupid, but I was into it to a stupid point.  At some point a friend's family was having a yard sale or something, and my friend wanted money, so he asked if I wanted to buy a game from him.  He kept trying to sell me on the game, but I just didn't give a damn.  Eventually I wore down and gave him the $1 he was asking for and told him I didn't care, but he insisted that I take the game because it was such a good game and that I'd like it and he was done with it.  It was Wild Arms 2.  I ignored that game for so damned long.  No joke.  Eventually I got the nickname Ignition and found out the game was referred as 2nd Ignition, so I finally played it.  I'll be damned if it wasn't my first experience with a true JRPG (I hardly count Pokemon) and I fell in love.  It was also my first experience with playing a game with a walkthrough, and one where I renamed all of the characters, so when the walkthrough referenced a character by their canon name, I had no fucking clue.  Now I never rename characters.

Playstation 2 - Oh man, this one is going to be hella long if I'm not careful.  About 6 months later, I had asked for a PS2 for X-mas.  My family tried to joke with me and hand me Grand Theft Auto 3 and WWF Smackdown 3 but no game system.  I could see the gift hiding behind someone's chair, shape and size of a game system box.  (Funny borderline irrelevant story)  A year or two back, my nephew had been wanting an Xbox 360, and asked for one for X-mas.  My brother in his infinite wisdom, bought him an Xbox 360 game, Velvet Assassin, I think, and gave it to him for X-mas.  He was so fucking thrilled, he knew he was getting a 360, much like I did.  He didn't get one. (Back to relevance)  I was not given a memory card with the system, which I should've know I needed one honestly, but for some reason I didn't I guess.  So I played Smackdown and 100% completed the game without a memory card with in a day or two of getting it.  I got a memory card a day or two later, but I had already turned off the game, so I 100% completed it again.  With GTA3, my friends and I would take turns activating the cheat or working for it, and getting 6 stars and seeing who could last the longest.  I had a habit that if a friend would leave to use the restroom, I would hurry and drive to 8 balls bomb shop, arm the car with a bomb and drive someone less suspicious, and get out.  As soon as you get in the car it would explode.  So they would come back and I'd say "Oh, I died, your turn"  and they would immediate hop in the car and die.  This rolled over into Vice City and San Andreas.  San Andreas being my favorite entry, even to this day.  I had no interest in that gangsta shit, but it grew on me.  I love that stuff now.  Luke Cage is my show right now, obviously.  But the gangsta stuff aside, it is a giant game with so much content, my personal favorite feature is the Gang Wars stuff.  Eventually I got a copy of Gran Turismo 3, mostly because my buddy had the game and showed me all of the customization you could do.  I wound up tweaking the Suzuki super car to do wheelies and hit like 500 mph.  My kid brother wanted to buy a game at Gamestop/Funcoland and picked Timesplitters and I kept trying to convince him not to because I really couldn't tell what the game was about, he just wanted it because of the pretty much naked Robot on the cover.  The fucking robot looked like it had fucking nipples.  I don't know how that cover got approved, honestly.  That game was pretty great, felt like a slightly upgraded Goldeneye experience, duh of course it was, I just didn't know better.  Then Timesplitters 2 was coming out and it had been advertised as "Heir apparent to Goldeneye" and it all just came together.  This game blew my freaking mind, it was so freaking great.  At this point, there was a kid who lived a block over who I hung out with a lot, this guy was my best friend.  We would take turns making story maps to challenge each other, but he had a Gamecube, so we would have to play each others maps at each other's house.  I can't recall how, maybe I just wrote everything down and recreated it, but I had a memory card that had all of the maps he had made and stuff.  Maybe I had a GCN memory card and I lent it to him to make stuff for me, for simplicity.  Eventually he passed away, and my nephew corrupted the memory card.  I no joke cried for like 2 days.  It was the thing we did the most together, it was one of the few, if not only, things I really had to remember him by, and it was gone.  Eventually Timesplitters Future Perfect came out, and while that game's multiplayer mode was a little bit of a let down after TS2, but the story mode was the most wonderful experience I had ever had the honor of having.  It was Doctor Who level shit.  As much as I knew I wanted the game, I waited several years to finally purchase Wild Arms 3.  This game is hands down, my favorite JRPG ever.  I don't know if any RPG will ever topple it, it has a great story, great characters, and I personally love guns over magic and wizardry, and I like western settings.

I think I mostly ranted and rambled through all of this.  I'll just stop here.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 10:02:03 am by ignition365 »

Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2016, 10:23:19 am »
Remember, I'm from '98.

2000-2005. I remember enjoying gaming from a very early age. I loved playing games on our old bulky XP PC. Such classic edutainment games like Freddi Fish, Gary Gadget, Nickelodeon 3-D Cartoon Studio, and some obscure Dutch edutainment games

Anyone ever played this?

One date somewhere in that period. I was in the hospital (don't worry, nothing bad), and I vaguely remember drowning a character that has to be Mario because I couldn't figure out how to swim. Based on what I remember that must've been Super Mario 64.

Who would've guessed my Nintendo life would start with this image?

2007. My life changed forever. I remember playing Wii for the first time at my cousin's home, bowling strikes and whatnot. I also saw someone play a Ben 10 game on DS at school. I was blown away by both of them. Amazingly, that same year my parents got me both the Wii (as a gift for the summer) and after some begging a DS Lite for my birthday. I was absolutely addicted to them. I got the systems with titles like TouchMaster (DS) and Cars (Wii), but it naturally wasn't long before I got introduced to amazing franchises like Mario, Kirby, you name it. You couldn't get me away from my Wii and DS, and even if you did I'd always be rambling on about Mario and co. Needless to say, I was raised as a Nintendo-fan.

The two consoles to shape my childhood.

2009. The DSi was announced. I saw it on the Nintendo Channel. Naturally, I was hyped. A camera? Downloadable software? Hit me up! So I begged my parents and got it for my birthday. I fondly remember spending hours and hours on Flipnote Hatena, constantly getting new DSiWare games.

Don't know why we were so addicted to this, but we were.

2010. I got Pokémon SoulSilver. As a kid, I watched Pokémon, but I never got into it that much. Because I was a dumb kid I thought the games were based on the show and I ignored them. That is until HeartGold and SoulSilver came out. Two of my friends had it, and it looked really fun. But the thing that really drew me in was ironically enough the PokéWalker. I relucantly bought it, tried it, and it jumped up to become on of my favourite videogame franchises of all time. I became completely obsessed with Pokémon. The monsters, the games, the merchandise, funnily enough still not the TV show or the cards, but still. Even today Pokémon is still in my top 3 favourite franchises, and I passively collect Pokémerch now too. Definitely a game that had a huge impact on me.

Who would've guessed that THIS THING dragged me into possibly my favourite franchise ever?

Somewhere in the period 2008-2010. Couldn't tell you what year exactly though. My dad got us Super Smash Bros. Brawl...but it didn't work on our Wii. Because I didn't want to send in the Wii in fear of losing save data, we gave it away. After that I got the original Super Smash Bros. on the Virtual Console. It immediately jumped up to become my favourite franchise of all time, and it still is. Hugely addictive gameplay, an all-star cast of characters, what more could you ask for? Later on we got a cleaning kit for our Wii and we dit get SSBB back, and it's probably my most played game ever. Smash Bros is the kind of game I never get tired of playing. Hell, my 3DS has been send in for repairs because it couldn't handle how much I had abused the Circle Pad while playing SSB3DS. This is when that love started, and it will never fade.

A franchise very close to my heart.

2013. In 2011, the 3DS was released. Because I was a poor kid, I decided to skip the 3DS and Wii U and buy the next consoles that would come out after those two. However, then they announced Pokémon X and Y and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS; two new entries in my favourite franchises of all time which both looked groundbreaking and amazing. I couldn't control myself anymore and bought a secondhand 3DS. Definitely the right decision. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS jumped up to be my favourite game of all time, taking what the previous games did right and perfecting it even more. It's still an amazing console I play on almost daily.
Also worth mentioning is the hype I went through for Smash 3DS. Never before had I experienced the hype train from announcement to release, and it happened for my favourite franchise! I have literally screamed from character announcements, it gave me a feeling of hype I never had before for a video game. Smash 3DS deserves a lot of credit for that.

Jumping into the current generation.

2015. The first time I played Bayonetta. This overall is a pretty minor thing; I just played that game for the first time. However, Bayonetta is probably my second favourite game of all time, so I felt it was worth mentioning.

Fly me to the moon!

2016. I got a gaming laptop. Before this, I had been using a crappy ASUS laptop which couldn't even render YouTube videos on a higher quality than 240p, so I was never really a PC gamer. However, I'm studying Communication and Multimedia Design, which requires a very powerful laptop. So naturally, I decided to go with a laptop that was perfect for my studies, but was also capable of gaming. So I ended up getting an MSI Apache Gaming laptop. While I do game on PC a lot more now, mostly using my Steam backlog, it still can't beat the feeling of playing on my good old 3DS or Wii.

Finally joining the masterrace.

Today. Tonight I'm probably going to buy a secondhand Wii U (finally). With Super Smash Bros coming with it and Bayonetta 2 already laying by my side here, who knows, maybe a new thing to add to the timeline :)
Update: I got it :)

I'm not going to sleep tonight

Of course there are tons of other games that deserve a spot on here. Wii Fit, Super Paper Mario, Mario Party 8, Mario Kart Wii, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Scribblenauts, all amazing games I have very fond memories of, and the list only goes on from here. Praising all games I hold dear would take an entire book, but I guess that's also the beauty of it. Everyone has their own gaming path, and I'm very happy with how mine unfolded itself.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 04:43:46 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2016, 12:08:13 am »
I'm gonna give this a try! I decided to put a key in here so you guys can pick out some key points.

Bold – Personal firsts and milestones
Blue text – when I played some of my favorite games of all time.

Early 1990s
Some of my earliest memories of gaming, I think I remember watching some guy playing super Mario 64 when I was in preschool or something
Early 2000s
A couple of the first games I played on PC in my parent's computer room. I loved Toy Story 2, but couldn't get past the Garbage Can Boss. Lego Racers I was a boss at though.

Got a Game Boy Color, my first handheld. It was purple, I never played anything interesting, except Pokemon Crystal, which is probably the first game that is still on my personal top ten of all time.
Favorite games of my childhood:

Got my PlayStation2 as a Christmas gift. It’s the first home console I ever owned. I still play it regularly to this day. I have some really great memories playing games with my brother, and getting into a lot of different franchises and games on this system. When I was a kid I would play a lot of Harry Potter and Need for Speed games. Star Wars Battlefront II was the first T rated game I ever played.
First game played on it:

Favorite games of my childhood:

Got my Game Boy Advance with Pokemon Fire Red, another Christmas gift with Pokemon LeafGreen. I have fond memories playing and trading with friends on the bus, and it was the first game I completed 100%. I was a huge Pokemon fan in several spurts, from 2001-2007, from 2011-2013, and now, 2016- ; it was and still is a big series for me. I still use my GBA to play games on my GameCube. Also played one of my favorite games of all time on this console, LTTP ( though I didn’t know it was a SNES game at the point)
First game played on it:

Favorite games of my childhood:

Got a Nintendo DS lite! – it’s a little busted, but still works fine. I played a ton of games on it, and did a ton of trading and stuff just like with the GBA.
First game I played on it:

Some of my other favorites:

Got a PS3 with Black Ops bundled in. Black Ops was the first M-rated game I ever played. It kicked off my guilty pleasure of these kinds of shooters :P
First game I played:

At around this time, my friend introduced me to role playing games for the first time. My first few RPGS were introduced to me by a friend in high school. I still remember borrowing these from him and really enjoying them a lot.
Got my 3DS, the Aqua Blue one
First game played:

Some of my other favorites:

This was the turning point for me. This was where I seriously got into gaming and collecting, and it started with this game

I love this game, still is my favorite game of all time, and I will love it until the day I die!. Because of how SH2 changed my perspective on games, I started playing a ton of other different things. At the recommendation from a friend of mine I picked up some different RPGs too like Persona and Tales. I also got into another one of my favorite series of all time, Ace Combat!

Lastly, I also played my third favorite game of all time, Mother 3 (on an emulator, of course :p)
Bought a GameCube, the first console I spent my own money on
First Game I played:

Some of my favorites of college:

Signed up for VGC (my first account). I also got an XBOX one, but I rarely use it, my brother plays it now. The first game I played on that was Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Sold my 3DS to get the New 3DS in red, which is what I use currently. I also received my first retro console ever, the SNES, for secret Santa on this site! (thank you, turf). Lastly, I played what is probably my second favorite game of all time, Ace Combat!

I think that's it! Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post :)
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


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Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2016, 05:03:14 pm »
Great responses everyone. I like reading these. Ignition365 - your brother sounds like a real piece of work!
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 11:07:48 pm »
ories of gaming[/b], I think I remember watching some guy playing super Mario 64 when I was in preschool or something
Early 2000s
A couple of the first games I played on PC in my parent's computer room. I loved Toy Story 2, but couldn't get past the Garbage Can Boss. Lego Racers I was a boss at though.


Damn I played the hell out of LEGO Racers also! I can't believe I forgot to put it on my timeline!
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2016, 11:14:43 pm »
I think I remember watching some guy playing super Mario 64 when I was in preschool or something
Early 2000s
A couple of the first games I played on PC in my parent's computer room. I loved Toy Story 2, but couldn't get past the Garbage Can Boss. Lego Racers I was a boss at though.


Damn I played the hell out of LEGO Racers also! I can't believe I forgot to put it on my timeline!

Yesss. I remeber abusing the hell out of those green powerups and worm-holing all over the place. And the spooky castle was really memorable for me too. Good times :')

I loved that game so much, that's why my parents got me Drome Racers with my PS2, which is also pictured on my timeline.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 05:00:28 am »

When I was about 7 years old in around 2003. My aunt who is now deceased and whom I loved alot had found an Original Nintendo NES console in her attic. With many games :D.  This huge memory in my childhood was truly a blessing and i could never thank my aunt and my mom and dad enough.  I loved my NES. It was just simply obsolete to most at the time but to me it was the world. As a younging even though born into a more 90's baby era of being brought up on N64 and PS2.  I was able to experience the roots of all the fun titles I had grown to love like Mario kart and Mario in general. I had a PS2 but I always found myself playing the NES.  It was yellow and was tricky to get to work. I used to ask my brother for help getting it to work because he was a 80s baby and grew up with a NES. he was a master at it.  my favorite game at the time was Batman. I can't recall if the game came from my aunt or my brother.  I was a huge batman fanboy as a kid. And being a kid superheros were all I cared about.  and the game was so amazing to me. Still is. The dark 8 bit tone and the soundtrack of that game give me the feels to this day. At the time I didn't appreciate that it had been released almost a decade before I was born. It felt new to me. All the NES games did. they are timeless masterpieces.  to me it was brilliant and one of the best games I had ever played.  And I always hold onto those memories dearly.  it represents a simpler time and a huge piece of my childhood. and also reminds me of my aunt who I miss a lot. She died very short after and NES in my mind is very much a special thing that was given from her to me :( . In a way I use video games as a window to my past. NES represents a huge window into some of my favorite memories in my childhood home.  I really loved my old childhood NES.  I cant recall what happened to it.   

NES and specifically Mario 3 also represent my decision to start collecting retro video games, many years later my childhood memories and wanting to recapture those feeling made me seek and buy my first retro console that would spark my collecting fever forever. An NES from a retro shop in my city.  I remember walking into a basement and seeing hundred of thousands of old cartridges. the sight was almost as intoxicating as the smell and for a moment I felt young again. and I remembered my old NES. it was then that I was bitten by the collecting bug. my love and passion for games has harbored through the NES for quite some time. and it will always have a special place in my heart. I wasn't born during the 80s and I never experienced it in its hay day. I often wish I could have.  but the memories I share with NES are quite favorable.  Mario 3 represents the first game I got bundled and Batman represents a game that I loved a lot as a child.



My childhood :)   Jet Force Gemini was the first video game I ever played and the first time I ever picked up a paddle.  I was purchased an n64 for christmas in 1999 by my dad and I was 4 years old. I remember extremely vaguely unwrapping it and seeing donkey kong on the box and being overcome with joy :D.  The jet force Gemini game was fantastic. however I don't like it as an adult lol.  my tastes changed quite a lot.   One game I had during this time was Mario Kart 64.  a game in which I used to play with my best friend.  the heated sessions of battle with the balloons were so memorable and this era of gaming is probably my most nostalgic by far.  other games I loved during this era include super Mario 64, Pokémon stadium and Cruisin exotica.



What I refer to as the golden age in gaming  ;D. by far bar none the greatest console in my opinion PS2 was released.  My dad "Santa" lol also baught me this, somehow he managed to buy me this on launch with 3 games while supporting 3 kids. To me that Is remarkable, and my mom and dad are nothing short of super heroes for the life they gave me and my brothers and again, I can never rethank them . but long story short.  Jak and daxter pre cursor legacy was a masterpiece I got when I was young, I binged it and put at least 300 hours in it as a kid lol. beat it dozens of times.  GTA vice city was literally everything lol.  and I was the only kid allowed to play it in my school. I was 7-8 at the time I believe. maybe older. not sure. amazing times.  my favorite era in gaming.  :D  and of course, marvelvscapcom2.  a fighting game me and my brother used to and still play daily. its our brotherly bonding in a nut shell and my favorite fighter of all time.



My adult memories up until now have been some of my most amazing :D. Xbox one has done nothing but pave its way into my heart thus far in its tenure and will most certainly be looked at as one of my favorites.  It has given me my favorite controller ever released. A flawless and amazing UI.  along with some of the best games ive played in recent memory. :)  Naughtydog's Last of us is nothing short of a masterpiece to me and a game has never thrown me on such an emotional rollercoaster. I can't find many flaws with it and PS3 hit so many home runs for me.  And last but not least. super Mario galaxy. my favorite Wii game.  and a highlight for Nintendo in the modern age.  reliving all the Mario gloriness in modern day gaming. reviving our childhoods and is truly an epic game. 

I feel like this is an Oscar speech because I left out so many games  ;D, dozens of games.  Punchout, crash bandicoot, tomba, parappa the rappa, tony hawk, WWF n64 games, bioshock, kingdom hearts.  all played huge and I mean incredible roles in my love for gaming. and are pieces of the puzzle that is my life.  but I cant fit that many in an already monsterous post lol.   

I would just like to say that this thread idea was amazing and the replies everyone has posted are incredible and fun.  amazing thread OP :D.


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 10:46:49 am »
This is a great topic. I'm really enjoying reading these. I'll give it a try. See pictures below if you're too lazy to read. ^.~


I was a child during this wonderful decade, so I didn't have much exposure to the realm of video games. I would play Frogger when I visited my family in Ft. Wayne, IN but that's about all I can recall. Most of the 80's was spent watching Thundercats, Jem, and He-Man all while rocking my Osh Kosh jean jacket.


I remember it like it was yesterday. I walked down three houses to see if my friend wanted to play with Legos. He met me at his front door and told me he just got a Nintendo. My first question was, "What's a Nintendo?" Well, we went up to his room and I learned of the crazy world of Tetris, Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt. When it was time to go home, I couldn't stop talking about the Nintendo. A few days later, I was invited over to another friend's house to color. That same friend just got a Nintendo. There was no way in hell I was coloring; goombas needed to be jumped on! Eventually, I got a Nintendo.

1991 through 1993

The Nintendo was shared amongst the siblings, so you can imagine how much demand there was for it. We had to take turns, which was never fun. But, we did or we'd get in trouble and then grounded from it all together. My favorite games during this time were Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Faxanadu, Battle of Olympus, and a few others that are slipping my mind.


Picture it, Sicily it, my 10th birthday in suburbia Ohio. By this point, I was a master at Mega Man X and Samurai Showdown. A few days before my birthday party, my friend called and asked if I liked RPGs. I didn't know what those were, and he said, "You know, games like Final Fantasy?" I wasn't going to turn down a game as a gift, so I said yes. The truth was, I didn't know jack-crap about RPGs. The only time I was exposed to them was when I was at a sleepover and I watched someone play (horribly, BTW) Final Fantasy II on the SNES. My birthday arrived and he got me my first RPG: Breath of Fire.

I. Was. Hooked. Breath of Fire lasted me over 30 hours. I was taken to another world with characters that had more than a few lines of dialogue. There were dragons and magic spells and weapons and side-quests. Plus, the game came with a huge instruction manual, and a map/monster guide.

1995 - 1998
Following Breath of Fire, I knew I needed more. I got more with Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Illusion of Gaia. Just to name a few. I was still a huge Mega Man fan. I also became a devoted Kirby fan thanks to Kirby Super Star. However, the RPGs on the SNES won my adoration and my game time.

Christmas 1998
By now, the PlayStation was the hot topic due to Final Fantasy VII. It wasn't until the Christmas of 1998 that we finally got one, along with the aforementioned classic. Just like the Super Nintendo, I spent thousands of hours on the PlayStation mainly due to its RPGs. Here are a few favorites.

Intermission, fall of 2000.

During this time, I was playing both Valkyrie Profile and Thousand Arms. For some reason, I decided to head to That same day, I created the username Kashell Triumph based on the two games I was currently enjoying. I can't believe I've used that name for over half of my life. Around nine months later, I wrote my first video game review. It was for Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth. Spoiler alert, the game is bad so don't play it.

1999 - 2002
Indeed, the PlayStation got some heavy use from me and the rest of the siblings. When Final Fantasy X was released on the PlayStation 2 in 2001, I knew that I had to get one. In the summer of 2002, I saved my money from my summer job and purchased a PlayStation 2 with Ephemeral Fantasia. There's a long story behind the acquisition of this game that would take too much space. Either way, the PlayStation 2 is my favorite console of all time. One of the reasons is because it was the first console I purchased myself with my own money.

That same summer, I dove headfirst into more fantastic RPGs. See below for a small sample.

2002 - 2006

The college years were rough for a variety of reasons. Luckily, video games were always there for me. Despite enjoying Tales of Symphonia on the Game Cube, my happiness continued with the PlayStation 2's vast library. Obviously, I played RPGs for days, but I also got to enjoy other games. See below for some examples that proves I'm more than just your average RPG-er. ^.~

2007 - 2009

By now my PS2 library was getting huge. I knew that a PS3 was in my future. With the purchasing of the PS3 came Valkyria Chronicles.

Intermission, 2011 to 2012

The PlayStation 3's trophy rating was interesting to me, but I never cared much for it until I got Star Ocean 4 for my birthday. It was a daunting task, but eventually I got the platinum trophy for one of the most difficult games of all time.

2012 - Current

I'm not sure if I ever made the decision to say, "I'm going to collect video games." I just decided that I didn't want to part with lots of my stuff since I wanted to either replay it or hold onto it for nostalgia. I collect for franchises that I enjoy, many of which are no longer continued. Other consoles, games, accessories, guides, soundtracks and much more have been acquired at some point throughout the years. Some of them are gone, some of them I never want to see again, and some of them I regret parting with.

There are sooooooo many more games, consoles and events (specifically the Louisville Arcade Expo and Retropalooza) that I want to mention, but for the sake of space I think I covered some of the more important ones.


Re: VideoGaming Personal Timeline (Everyone Share!)
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2016, 10:33:16 pm »
I was born in '84, so my memories start around the late '80s.

1987 - Saw and played my first video game The Legend of Zelda on the NES my parents bought. I didn't know what to do, and just dropped bombs because I liked the sound effect. It remains the only NES game my dad knows how to play.

1989 - Obsessed with Nintendo and all things Mario. In kindergarten, I brought a big Mario plushie to show 'n' tell. Also, the Super Mario Bros. Super Show ruled.

1990 - Got Final Fantasy from a garage sale, along with many other NES games. It fueled the craze! My parents instituted a system where I was banned from playing games on weekdays, thinking I played it too much. (this caused me to play on the weekends A LOT, further reinforcing their fears)

1992 - Begged for (and got) a SNES for Christmas with Super Mario World! Happy times were here, until the system mysteriously vanished from the living room one morning. To this day I still don't know if someone broke in and stole it, if my parents took it away and eventually lost it, or if my older brother took it. My older brother picked up a part time job and bought a Sega Genesis with Altered Beast, which was the only Genesis game I ever played in my youth.

1993 - My parents randomly bought me Super Mario All-Stars and Mario Paint one night, giving me an interest in animation and computer graphics.

1994 - After asking to rent Super Metroid so many times, my grandma finally bought it. Good times were had!

1995 - My grandma got me Final Fantasy III, leading to a complete craze amongst myself and my classmates. We'd act like Magitek armor on the playground and invent a wrestling game on the bricks of some planters called "Fallen One", after Kefka's infamous attack.  ;D  Yeahhhh...

1996 - The Dark Year!! I was caught playing Final Fantasy III on a weekday morning before school, sending my mom into a rage where she destroyed my SNES, and took away all my games while I was away at school. I didn't get them back for over a year. This was also the year the N64 came out and I couldn't go near it!  >:( I somehow skirted the rules by playing computer games on the Mac Performa we had.

1999 - Bought my first game with my own money Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for Game Boy Color

2005 - Working while living at home, I randomly decided to buy a Neo Geo AES to fulfill a childhood wish.

2011 - Sold the Neo Geo AES to pay for my wedding, and had enough left over to buy a consolized MVS. :D

In retrospect, my parents never had a whole lot of money, but were always very generous around birthdays and Christmases when I was a kid. I'm thankful for that.