Author Topic: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?  (Read 22363 times)


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2016, 07:43:38 pm »
You know, it's kind of a funny question, it really depends on when you made your find. I first started game hunting around the tail end of when a typical weekend out meant raking in a bagful of goodies on maybe a $20 bill. Everything back then was just a find, but by today's standards it's all like hitting the jackpot. You could literally pick up a copy of Mario All-Stars every single weekend for maybe $3, and now you'd be extremely lucky to even find a copy at a flea market at all. I don't think I saw any games this summer other than from resellers. Although, a resller did hook me up with a copy of Tomba! for the PS1 at only $3. So by today's standards, that's a great deal. Had that happened eight years ago, still a good deal but probably not as much.


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #76 on: November 28, 2016, 12:18:16 am »
yes just recently I bought a set of dark superchargers for $5

Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2016, 08:01:36 am »
Well, I did just see this. I'm not sure whether I should get it or not, since I do want to save my money, but at €65 it looks like a really good deal.

Because it's in plastic I can't check the quality, but it apparently includes:

  • Game Boy Advance SP - Tribal edition + box
  • 3 player Link Cable
  • SpongeBob: Lights, Camera, Pants (complete)
  • Tom & Jerry: Infurnal Escape (complete)
  • Madagascar (complete)
  • Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (complete)
  • Frogger's Adventure: Temple of the Frog (complete)
  • Home on the range: It's hero time (complete)
  • Nemo & The incredibles (complete)
  • Pokémon Sapphire (cartridge only)
  • Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (cartridge only)
  • Something he calls '3x Pokémon, silver,red,yellow'. Whether that means all three games are in there or he means a bootleg cart, I have no idea.

He's asking €65 for the whole lot. What do you guys think, should I go for it?
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #78 on: December 12, 2016, 05:04:37 am »
Well, I did just see this. I'm not sure whether I should get it or not, since I do want to save my money, but at €65 it looks like a really good deal.

Because it's in plastic I can't check the quality, but it apparently includes:

  • Game Boy Advance SP - Tribal edition + box
  • 3 player Link Cable
  • SpongeBob: Lights, Camera, Pants (complete)
  • Tom & Jerry: Infurnal Escape (complete)
  • Madagascar (complete)
  • Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (complete)
  • Frogger's Adventure: Temple of the Frog (complete)
  • Home on the range: It's hero time (complete)
  • Nemo & The incredibles (complete)
  • Pokémon Sapphire (cartridge only)
  • Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (cartridge only)
  • Something he calls '3x Pokémon, silver,red,yellow'. Whether that means all three games are in there or he means a bootleg cart, I have no idea.

He's asking €65 for the whole lot. What do you guys think, should I go for it?

It's an okay deal at best if you collect everything. However if I look at the picture it seems fake the cart is black seems like the sapphire cardridge.

the gba sp mario bros 3 and pokemon sapphire combined should fetch around 70 outside of ebay. excluding shipping.

as for the rest It's worthless 10 15 euro's for the whole lot.

There is a big difference betweem 5 to 10 euro titles that sell wich are popular and wich won't and with lots of supply these fit in the last category unfortunately. most 5 to 10 euro games are just job lot material.

An okay deal if pokemon sapphire is legit and you save shipping costs, also some bootlegs sell for some nice money but it can take a while to sell.

However I think he means the 3 seperate games, legit pokemon blue red and yellow those 3 games alone that's pretty much the cost of the whole lot wich makes it a pretty nice deal.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #79 on: December 17, 2016, 01:59:44 am »
mmm, unrelated to games themselves, a 48" 1080p tv via dumpster diving. price tag: $0. completely functional.
related to that: i also found a genesis (1st gen one too) and NES in the ditch... both still worked and had their cables tossed with 'em. the NES just needed a quick 72-pin replacement and a controller~
really, all my best deals are from dumpster diving, regardless.

otherwise, i got a slim xbox 360 for $50 the other day, which was pretty nice. thank the sun for meth addicts~
a psp and a stack of the games for it for $50... i flipped the games to pay it off, and this was when psps were still like $100.

i can't really think of anything else. these deals aren't the best in the topic of course. but i don't go yard saleing or anything. sometimes i get lucky and find games for pretty cheap, but never super cheap or anything. my idea of a good deal is "thank god i found all these games for really cheap in one place"... so, under ebay prices and such, all in one place, in good condition. that's how most of my ps2 collection was found, actually... someone dumped their ps2 rpgs at gamestop, so i was getting games worth $35+ on ebay for gamestop's $15 prices or whatever. being able to get a stack of games for cheaper than typical used market price is a better value... time is money, after all, and i have too many hobbies to spend a lot of time 'on the hunt'.

edit: oh, oh right. twilight princess, wii version, for 8 smackaroos from the pawn shop was a pretty awesome grab ngl
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 02:05:59 am by necrosexual »

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2016, 04:57:59 pm »
So a couple weeks ago was by far the best find I ever had. I signed up to this site just so I could keep track of what I got (which games had manuals, etc). Got all this from a guy on Facebook for $250. He said he got it all from his granddad's attic. It would have been a great find without the Halloween, but finding that just in the wild made my heart skip a beat.


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2016, 09:41:28 pm »
Wow that is an amazing Atari lot :o
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #82 on: December 30, 2016, 12:16:24 am »
Wow. Nice Atari score!


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #83 on: December 30, 2016, 02:13:44 am »
Ive had a few. Bought an entire game store for $200 a long while back. PS1 kiosk complete for $100. 4 sealed games. Both Zelda oracle games and Gamecube versions of Zelda collectors edition and Ocarina of time master quest. Got them for $4. Got almost the entire set of Duo World/Turbo Force/Turbo Play magazines for a $5 bundle at HPB. Vanguard bandits brand new for $2 (sadly I opened cause didnt realize anything about sealed collecting then). CIB Rule of Rose for $20 at Vintage stock. Traded a Tool "Undertow" CD for a Turbo Duo.

Im sure there are others, just cant think of them atm.


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #84 on: December 30, 2016, 09:04:32 am »
Nice atari haul

Such huge deals always take allot of work but in allot of times well worth it.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


  • Guest
Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #85 on: May 23, 2017, 11:42:00 pm »
My best deals were far between but do country 2 & 3 super Mario world and 4 volume ps2 games at a garage sale for 5 bucks a box full of  ps2 games 22 total and a slim console for 12 bucks and a trade on a non working of Xbox and I recieved a top loader nes with paper boy and smb 2 for free from a friend that wanted them taken care of and used well I'm sure there is more but these were my personal favorite scores from my collection and justifies my purchase of contra and super c for 90 bucks lol


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2017, 10:54:59 pm »
I got a top loader NES with 13 games for $70 from one of my co workers. Typically I see Top Loaders go for over $100 with no games on Ebay, so I had to snatch that up. I only wish that it came with the dog bone controller, it did come with two controllers though.

Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #87 on: May 25, 2017, 08:15:05 am »
Years ago, I bought a top loader with 30 or 40 games for $104.  At the time, I think that wasn't really a steal.  But it had a lot of good games that had yet to jump like Vice Project Doom.

Back then, buying stuff was so easy.  :(


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2017, 10:18:39 am »
I honestly cannot remember. I did, however, like picking up Metroid II for like $5.


Re: What is the best deal you have ever gotten in the wild?
« Reply #89 on: May 25, 2017, 11:25:08 am »
I honestly cannot remember. I did, however, like picking up Metroid II for like $5.
That's a pretty good price haha. I remember getting Pokémon Blue, Red and Yellow all for 3.99 at GameStop circa 2003, now the average price is 10 times that lol
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."