Author Topic: Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?  (Read 2863 times)

Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:26:21 am »
I recently made a video about some of the best games for the GBA! This is just my opinion so please let me know your favourites!

Here's the video:

If you don't fancy watching you can read it here instead =)

Advance Wars

Advance wars is a turn based strategy game that sees you taking up the role of an army CO to counteract various forces set on taking over the land. The game was originally intended to stay exclusive to the Japanese audience due to Nintendo feeling that the other territories would not be interested in turn based games…. Well I’m glad they chose to release it as advance wars has to be the best strategy game I have ever played. Offering various modes that range from map creation to a fully fledged campaign, you’ll find it hard to run out of things to do. As mentioned the battles within the game are turn based… Two to four armies, each headed by a commanding officer, take turns building and commanding units on grid-based maps, while attacking enemy units, moving positions, holding ground, or capturing various strongholds such as factories and airports in which you can then create more units for battle. This game really shines when it comes to multiplayer… And has been know to force people to leave and not speak to each other for days… so you know its good.

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Now the fact that Crawfish interactive actually managed to get Street Fighter Alpha 3 running on the GBA is nothing short of a miracle it was an absolute technical marvel at the time of its release…. I mean here we had a game that consisted of over 30 characters and stages all fully voiced and running as smooth as a fighter should. Obviously there were some compromises that had to be made such as using the same voice for most characters with just different pitches to distinguish them from each other. Various stages were also missing from the other versions that had been released, but all of this still cannot bring down the fact that here we had one hell of a good fighter running on Nintendos handheld hardware. If you love your fighters and are looking for something to get your teeth in to on the GBA… Look no further…. Street Fighter Alpha 3 will scratch that itch!

International Super Star Soccer

Now I’m not a huge fan of sports games but for some reason I’ve always had a soft spot for International Superstar Soccer…. Maybe its just the nostalgia but every time I pick this up, Im reminded of how good games can be when they are stripped down to the basics… And thats what it is… A basic football game. Offering various modes including championship, friendly matches and multiplayer there is always something to do. This is essentially the same game that released for the Super Nintendo which is probably why I enjoy it so much. If your looking for a great pick up and play football game for the system… This is the one to get!


As fans of the show will know I absolutely love the F - Zero games, there truly is nothing like blasting around tracks at break neck speeds all the while avoiding other racers who all seem to want to kill you. As with most games for the GBA this again is essentially the Super Nintendo game shrunk down for the handheld system, it manages to capture all of the magic that made the original such a blast and adds more features and racers into the mix. Released in 2004, packing 30 playable characters, various tracks and a fully fleshed out story mode, the game was well received amongst critics and proved there is still life in the F-zero serious that so desperately needs a new release. The Japanese version of this game included support for the E reader that added the ability to purchase cards at a store that would add extra vehicles and tracks to the game, this feature was sadly missing upon its American and european releases.

Nintendo have ignored there spoofy sci/fi racer for far to long, heres hoping we might get a new game in the series for the NX.

Super Mario Advance 2

The main reason this Mario game is on the list is the fact that it is basically Super Mario World… You know that little game that made growing up in the 90’s so fucking cool! Released in 2002 the game brought with it all the levels and features that made the original SNES release so god damn fun. Various changes were made to the game in order for it to run on the hardware efficiently, including the games resolution being scaled down as well as its soundtrack being significantly compressed. But all of these changes do not deter from what is one of the best mario games ever made… I mean who could turn down Super Mario World on the go in 2002, having the ability to play the shit out of it on the bus on the way to school or on the way home after a hards day work was a proposition that was hard to turn down… So many great memories with this one…. If you want a mario title for the system make sure you pick this up as you will not be disappointed!

Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire

Im going to let you in on a little secret when I was 10 I won the Burger King Pokemon Championships and as you can imagine being a little fat kid growing up with a passion for catching pikachus and burgers… I was over the fucking moon. After receiving my prizes, I then heard the news of the Pokemon games that we’re coming to the GBA… I remember that day so vividly as At this point I had invested stupid amounts of time into Gold and silver and began to think to myself of all the possibilities that Ruby would bring. It didn’t disappoint… With a ton of fresh Pokemon as well as an impressive graphical overall… The game fulfilled my lofty expectations, so much so that this is the first Pokemon game I decided to introduce to my son who has now taken on the mantle of the families Pokemon master! This game holds a special place in my heart and it one of the main reasons to own a GBA.

Metroid Fusion

Released in 2002 Metroid Fusion saw all of the elements that made up Super Metroid successfully migrate to the handheld system… But this wasn’t just some remake it was a compltley new game that thankfully was developed by the same team that crafted the original SNES adventure. It was the first game in the series to utilise the use of animated cutscenes that would depict the games story elements to the player, the game follows Samus Arans journey to a biological space station that has been overrun with organisms carrying a  virus known as X parasites. Its her job to kick ass and clean up over a campaign that takes about 10-12 hours to complete, all the original metroid goodness is present, with many interesting locations and bosses to overcome. If you also own Metroid Prime for the Gamecube you can take advantage of exclusive features when linking your game to the home console that I will let you discover yourself!

Golden Sun

Developed by Camelot software, Golden Sun was one of the first games for the gameboy advance that proved it could be a serious player within the RPG genre. Released in 2001 the game depicts the escapades of a band of magic-attuned "Adepts" whose purpose, as it is revealed early on, is to protect the world of Weyard from alchemy, a potentially destructive power that was sealed away long ago. As you can imagine the game includes all of the features any RPG fan has come to expect… A fantastic battle system as well a plot that will keep you guessing at every turn. The game was praised for its visuals and sound that are a testament to the GBA’s hardware and to Camelot software who intentionally spent as long as they could nurturing and crafting what has to be the GBA’s premier RPG title.

Final Fantasy Tatcis Advnace

Developed and published by Square, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is a spin off to the popular Final Fantasy franchise and shares several aspects with the 1997 release of Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation, Although not being a direct sequel, The player assumes the role of various characters as they battle it out over a grid based arena. Released in 2003 the game centres around four children who are tasked with getting back to there world after being transported to a different realm… Offering four main mission types and over 30 different jobs that govern a characters stats, equipments and abilities, you will find plenty to keep you busy as well as giving the multiplaye a go which is nothing short of greatness. It took me a while to get into the series but seriously if your a fan of the series I highly recommend giving this one a go!

Fire Emblem

Released in 2003 and developed by Intelligent Systems, Fire emblem is a tactical role playing game that takes place 20 years before the events in the previous game, You take the role of Lyn, Eliwood and Hector who set off on a journey in search Eliwoods father who disappeerd under mysterious circumstances. sharing elements of the Advance wars series, the game was well received and praised for its deep story and characters that complimented the the tactical gameplay. You are tasked with moving a small group of units around the grid based areans and defeating enemy units that occupy the space. It was the first game in the series to be released outside of Japan mainly due to the series characters that had been included in super smash bros melee on the Gamecube. This game is seriously addictive shit… You will not be disappointed!


Re: Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 08:34:10 am »
No Castlevania games? You break my heart!

Just kidding. I really enjoyed the three Castlevania titles on the GBA, so those are the games that I immediately think of when it gets mentioned. Great video!


Re: Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 07:26:33 pm »
Personal favorite I've spent the most time playing

Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Advance Wars
Gunstar Super Heroes
Drill Dozer
Advance Guardian Heroes
Metal Slug Advance
Sonic Battle
Motocross Maniacs Advance
Konami Krazy Racers
Blender Bros.


Pocky & Rocky with Becky
Double Dragon Advance
Final Fight One
Ninja Five-O
The King of Fighters EX
River City Ransom EX
Gekido: Kintaro's Revenge
Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX
Super Dodge Ball Advance
Kuru Kuru Kururin


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Re: Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2016, 01:19:45 pm »
Advance Wars
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Metroid Fusion
Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon


Re: Top Ten Must Have GBA Games! What Are Yours?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2016, 12:23:56 am »
Aside from what other members have already said, I would add the Mega Man Battle Network series in there somewhere.