Author Topic: Intro thread  (Read 320836 times)


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1185 on: May 24, 2016, 03:44:00 am »
Hi there, I'm new here. I am Bubsystation.

Of course true to my name I have all the Bubsy (and have promptly added them to my collection) Bubsy 1 and II (and SUper Bubsy) are pretty decent games. I fell 3D, which itself was ambitious just came out after two better games, kind of gave the series a bad rep, it was a pretty popular series to.

I play modern and classic games, though the upcoming ideas for how modern consoles will work like PS4K for example have me questioning where I'll go. I may go PC. Or if Xbox doesn't actually copy them I may just stick with only 1 console.
You must be the only person I've ever come across who is so into Bubsy that they'd name themselves after him.

For the record I've never played the originals but I have played 3D; and a friend and I used to joke it was the worst game he owned.

Anyways welcome :)

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1186 on: May 25, 2016, 03:34:24 pm »
Hello, My name is John I've been playing and amassing games the majority of my life but have been actively collecting for 7-8 years. I was looking for a good way to catalog what I have when I came upon the site (still working on getting everything on here haha). I've been lurking for awhile but decided I might start posting so here I am to say my Hello Worlds.   


PRO Supporter

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1187 on: May 25, 2016, 03:59:23 pm »
Welcome John!

Obligatory Beware of the Soera post!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1188 on: June 06, 2016, 10:34:34 pm »
Hi, my name is Matt and my daughter(Novi) and I are going to start collecting cartridge games and game systems. We plan to start with NES and SNES.

I plan to get at least 80% of our collection in person, for example trade someone locally, pawn shop, thrift stores, flea markets, or meet up with someone in a parking lot i found on craigslist. I want to avoid ordering on Ebay or stuff like that because again its something i want to get my Daughter, and starting young at 5yrs old and eventually my 2yr old daughter as well. Kinda a father/daughter bonding thing. That is the hope at least.

Look forward to shareing with all of yall what we find and maybe even trading with yall once we start getting duplicates.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 12:48:46 am by cloud1771 »


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1189 on: June 07, 2016, 04:33:05 am »
Hi, my name is Matt and my daughter(Novi) and I are going to start collecting cartridge games and game systems. We plan to start with NES and SNES.

I plan to get at least 80% of our collection in person, for example trade someone locally, pawn shop, thrift stores, flea markets, or meet up with someone in a parking lot i found on craigslist. I want to avoid ordering on Ebay or stuff like that because again its something i want to get my Daughter, and starting young at 5yrs old and eventually my 2yr old daughter as well. Kinda a father/daughter bonding thing. That is the hope at least.

Look forward to shareing with all of yall what we find and maybe even trading with yall once we start getting duplicates.

Welcome. That's a nice idea, getting them locally is much more exciting for your daughter :D

Novi, that's a very unique name, not sure I've ever heard of it before; what's the origin?

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1190 on: June 07, 2016, 04:58:29 am »
HAHA its Novillee, my wife got it from the movie Where the Heart Is (2000) from Natalie Portman's char name... just changed the spelling a bit.
We always get "well thats a southern name."


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1191 on: June 07, 2016, 09:00:11 am »
Welcome, Cloud!!


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1192 on: June 07, 2016, 10:39:04 pm »
Welcome to VGCollect Cloud!  :)
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1193 on: June 18, 2016, 08:33:16 pm »
Hi guys!!,
               My name is Nicholas, I'm a Chilean video game player since I was 4 years old (My brother gave me his Atari 800XE as birthday present and screw up my life  ;D). I started collecting video games since 2015 mainly Gamecube (JP), PSP and PS3 games to recover the games which I spent a lot of time playing through my life. I hope to spend a great time here in the forum and share all my treasures with all of you  ;D

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1194 on: June 25, 2016, 06:11:01 pm »

I joined recently, and so far I'm really enjoying the site! Really nice to see so much content in the database, and I love adding information when I come across games missing artworks or information.

I go by the username Keikuina everywhere on the internet (except Twitter, where it's Keikuiina because someone took it for some reason D; ), and my name's Olivier. I'm from Canada, and I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old, erasing my dad's save files in NHL Stanley Cup on the SNES.

Now, I've been collecting games since around 2008, slowly and steadily, and it's a lot of fun! But it's an expensive hobby. A few months ago I got started on my Youtube channel, and have been updating my video game pick-ups weekly, which will now change to biweekly. When I have more time, I'm planning on doing Let's Plays! Mostly of games I've never played before, but there are games I have played and didn't finish, and this whole channel gives me more reasons to play that huge backlog of games!

I collect for pretty much every consoles from Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, and the original Xbox. This includes the Famicom and Super Famicom. There are still consoles I want to get, but I can't at the moment, so that will have to wait.

So far, my biggest collection is my PS2 library with 192 as of now (or 201 if I count duplicates and some games I wanna sell).

While I probably won't be very active on the forums, I'll still look around if I need information for one thing or another. I hope we get along :D
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 06:57:24 pm by keikuina »
Tumblr: [LP Channel Under Construction]


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1195 on: June 25, 2016, 07:56:16 pm »
Greetings and salad dressing. 

Joined a while back, still sorting through what I have to add to my collection here, plus a few things that aren't here yet.  Plus, I keep adding games to my collection, making my backlog of games even longer than it should be.  Doesn't help that there's a store with used games at the mall I maintain - I have spent way too much on consoles and games there.  I have a few oldies, but nothing older than an Intellivision or a few games on 5.25" floppy at the moment.  Also, I've nothing I consider rare yet, just a couple imports and an Atari board with a Road Blasters ROM installed to take home at some point.

Been gaming since the pre-NES era and even got to play some computer games at school on an Apple II (complete with green monochrome monitor), stuff like Castle Wolfenstein, Montezuma's Revenge, plus I got to play Karateka and Elevator Action on the IBM that had a color monitor.  Good times.  My first console was an Intellivision (which I still have), then we had a Magnavox Odyssey 300.  My mom later bought me an NES (still have the orange zapper, but that's it) in 1990 and I bought my first two games after renting some games at a video store - Final Fantasy and Gauntlet II. 

Now, 25 years or so later... I'm still playing games.  Just wish I had more time to finish them before moving on to another; it's bad habit of mine to start playing games while I have yet to finish others.  I may learn to stop doing that some day.


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1196 on: July 02, 2016, 09:41:26 am »
Hi all, new member to this forum. Just a quick intro to who I am. I'm a middle aged retro gaming enthusiast from St. Louis. Grew up with the NES and SNES but started collecting all systems in the late 90's/early 2000's thanks to ebay. Own nearly every home console from late 70's to the early 2000's from Atari to Intellevision to Coleco to Nintendo to Sega to Sony. NES is my favorite system due to the iconic games and nostalgia but also enjoy collecting for TG-16, Sega Genesis/CD, Saturn and Dreamcast consoles. What I'm playing and looking for is constantly changing but this allows me to play all the consoles I own.

I'll slowly be uploading my collection to the database as I go, so far I have only uploaded my Genesis/32X/CD collection since that is what I'm playing. Thanks for the great layout of the database and the forum to discuss retro gaming with others.
Check out my retro gaming blog, Cartridge Corner


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1197 on: July 03, 2016, 08:32:56 pm »
never made a post here cause intro forums usually aren't my jam but ye

ahhh i got into collecting around... idk, age 15 or so? around 2008/2009.
i'm 23 in a week now... but collection is pretty small because life circumstances over time makes me have to sell some games here and there, you know.
(especially when i was younger, now it's last resort type deals)
i'll admit i'm more of a modern collector, if only because retro games are hella expensive and i can't afford them

i got into collecting due to feelings of 'inadequacy', tbh. i'm not good at games, but i enjoy them, and being a gamer who sucks at games with nothing to back up their cred kinda sucks, so instead of being all 'imma git gud' i was just like
*pours a fountain of cash into game stores and flea markets lmao*
i guess i suffer from inadequacy complex lmao, but i like collecting them (probably more than playing... oops)

i live in poverty these days, and no one buys me games, so it's slow coming but i persist. i have to be choosy, i guess, i miss out on a lot of CEs and stuff i'd love to have, but that's all right.

as for games i do like, i like games with cute things in them. usually when i have to answer 'what's your favourite kind of game' my response will usually be 'if it doesn't have cute girls i don't play it'.
i also like chill games.
i don't play multiplayer and i don't play online.


also my psnprofile is lacking a lot because most of my trophies synced to the wrong account when i hooked back up to the internet after months of no internet, so a lot of them got lost to the void, haha.

my, eh, proudest purchase so far is the hyperdimension neptunia re;birth 1 collector's edition... 1/1000, and i love it. very happy i nailed that one. gone in a few seconds that night.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.


Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1198 on: July 14, 2016, 01:16:33 am »
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.


PRO Supporter

Re: Intro thread
« Reply #1199 on: July 14, 2016, 10:00:59 am »
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.

Australians.... An entire country of criminals.  Hold on to your wallets, folks.   ;)

I'm kidding man.  Welcome to the site.  I hear things are tough to find down there.  Are you into old stuff, new stuff, or what?  Any cool finds?