Hey there, I stumbled upon this fine site through another forum and I hope to get to know a few fellow collectors with whom to talk retro games and trade a few duplicates
As for myself, I am coming from Germany and currently 37 years old, started gaming with my dad in 1984 with the VCS 2600 (sweet memories of Space Invaders
), and then went on to the C64, NES and SNES. I focus on collecting NES- and Famicom-games, but I also pick up Genesis/Mega Drive, SNES, Gameboy and Game Gear-games on my trips to flea markets and the like.
Besides that I collect Transformers, like to scribble caricatures, doing various art projects, listening to music (mainly Punkrock, Hardcore, Psychobilly, Rock N Roll, Singer/Songwriter-stuff) and playing music myself (bass guitar). So well, hope it‘ll be a fun time on here.