Santa lol
But with that aside here are some others I used to believe

1. Babies were delivered from the sky by angels
2. Godzilla was going to come to life and invade japan

(Still believe this one)
3. The horror movie villain scream was living in my closet waiting to kill me
4. I could move objects with Telekinesis if I tried hard enough.
5. WWE was real
6. If you beat Super Mario 64 in 1 hour You get to ride Yoshi.
7. India was where the Indians (Native Americans) went
8. Ronald McDonald would be at McDonalds some day (never happened

9. A dream is a parallel universe that you enter and return from during the night (Still believe this one)
10. School was invented so parents could have alone time or bother with other kids
11. Chicken Fingers were actually chicken fingers
12. My TV was possessed by the villains in my video game
13. Obama was going to change things.