Now I'm not gonna pretend that Power Rangers is untouchable and was amazing, it's aged terribly and it's so goofy, but I still have a soft spot for it and at the time as a kid, that stuff was great. I grabbed these nice newer action figures they released a little bit ago of the Green and White Rangers which are just great to me. Would love to find a Dragonzord someday, but man they are pricy.
I don't hate the new suits, they are a little busy, but they have the shape and feel of the original, so I give them a pass. Better than what we got with Ninja Turtles for sure in keeping true to the material.
The Megazord? Fuck no, they threw everything from the original out and gave us just...This wouldn't look cool if it was completely separate from the movie.
Maybe it translates better in the movie, but damn that looks like ass. The original Megazord hasn't aged well, it's goofy and boxy, but we live in a time of freaking Pacific Rim. You can make sick looking giant robots. All this looks like is a large guy who strapped random crap onto him and then had to pull his feet out of hardened concrete. Why make him incredibly agile if he has big square block feet?
With Ninja Turtles and this, I just have to wonder who the hell is designing this stuff? I wasn't really super interested in seeing this movie, but that makes me even less interested.