Collection related goals
1) Knock my wishlist back down to around 50.
2) Hit 5000 items in my collection (I'm hoping to buy significantly less next year)
3) Reinventory collection again.
4) Inventory guides/magazines.
5) Sell/Trade off dupes.
Game playing goals
1) Beat the Souls franchise (Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Dark Souls II done)
2) Beat the left over spinoff Assassin's Creed games
3) Beat Uncharted Golden Abyss
4) Play through the Metal Gear franchise (Metal Gear/MGSV done)
5) Play through the Resident Evil franchise
6) Play through the Ace Combat franchise (AC1-3 done)
7) Beat 104 games
1) Wishlist down to 50 - it's at 72 right now. I did get down to 50, but then I added the N64 games I want to get closer to completing the set. (All but sports games)
2) Hit 5,000 items in my collection - Done.
3) Reinventory Collection - Still haven't worked on this one, might maybe try to possibly do this next weekend after I rearrange
4) Inventory Guides/Magazines - Nope
5) Sell/Trade dupes - Gonna give up on the trading, but I've been slowly selling dupes. Bought ToeJam and Earl, Rule of Rose, Kuon, and a bunch of other high end titles with the money and I still have more to get rid of.
Game playing goals
1) Beat the Souls franchise (Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Dark Souls II/BloodBorne done)
2) Beat the left over spinoff Assassin's Creed games
3) Beat Uncharted Golden Abyss
4) Play through the Metal Gear franchise (Metal Gear/MGSV done)
5) Play through the Resident Evil franchise
6) Play through the Ace Combat franchise (AC1-3 done)
7) Beat 104 games (55-6 games beat so far.)