Author Topic: The Final Fantasy Thread  (Read 6697 times)

The Final Fantasy Thread
« on: November 20, 2016, 08:39:51 pm »
I figured with Final Fantasy XV coming up in less than two weeks, we could just kinda start up a thread to talk about what we enjoy in the series, what you are wanting from Final Fantasy XV, and just kinda everything Final Fantasy for the fun of it.  No getting upset over what someone likes or getting feisty, there's a lot of different Final Fantasy fans.

For me personally, I'm not someone who's played anything before Final Fantasy 7.  It's a tad hard for me to get invested in some of the older turn based stuff nowadays, though I do plan to get into Final Fantasy 6 someday. 

FF7 - I beat this game at a friends house as I didn't own a PS1.  Was a tun of fun and still a favorite of mine, though I haven't replayed it in many years.  Lost my copy to a so-so friend in high school that borrowed it and moved lol I'm pretty stoked for the remake.

FF8 - I only played about half the game.  I didn't like it as much as FF7.  The draw system was kinda annoying and it felt less...interesting, I don't know, it just wasn't working with its style, even though I kinda like the modern/fantasy mix usually.

I need to go and play FF9 sometime.  Never gave it a fair go at the time and barely touched it.

FF10 - This is the only other one I basically beat and at the time it blew me away as a PS2 game.  The story and writing is kinda garbage, with poor voice acting for some characters, but the summons were great and I liked the sphere system.

Barely touched FF10-2, but it seemed silly.

FF11 - I played abit of this, up till around level 25, which sounds low, but that game is brutal and takes forever to level lol I kinda liked it, but it was a game that required teammates every time you played, so I kinda fell out of it.

FF12 - I only put like 10 hours into it and while there was stuff I like, it didn't pull me in as much.  I might try the remaster out sometime.

FF13 - And screw this garbage...It's pretty, but garbage.  I heard 13-2 is slightly better, but nah.  And didn't touch 13-3.

FF14 - Only played the intro stuff and while it seems cool, just not into MMO's much anymore unless they have something really unique and interesting going on.

Haven't played any of the other Final Fantasy off shoot games.

I'm pretty stoked for Final Fantasy XV.  It's got a lot I'm into design wise, with open world stuff, the setting, an action RPG oriented combat system, and after watching Kingsglaive and seeing some of the action shown off in trailers for the game, I hope for a true spectacle in terms of battle and cinematics.  I'm also wary of the game not reaching it's supposed hype, but as I've seen brought up, this is Squenix's go at rebuilding the FF franchise after FF13, which was financially successful for them I believe, but outside of Japan, a lot of people did not like the trilogy.  They then had that Final Fantasy 14 screw up, though they turned that around and I think that is what needs to happen with FF15, which is what I am thinking with them going all in on FF15.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 03:21:53 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2016, 09:58:21 pm »
FF1: Played a bit of the GBA version. Got lost and died of poison. Fun! I do wanna give an honest effort to beat this game though.

FF4: Played up to where Cecil meets Rydia for the first time. Yeah, I didn't get very far.

FF5: Only played up to the Wind Temple thing in the very beginning of the game, so I can't really give an opinion.

FF6- I am playing this game at the moment and I quite like it. In my head this ties with FF7 for my favourite.
FF7: First (and only as of writing this) FF I beat, I enjoyed it quite a bit. certainly my fav of the ones I beat... ha... get it.. cuz... its.. the only...

FF8:Got partway through disc 2, haven't really played it since, but what I did play I enjoyed.

FF10: Not very far in yet, but I hope to beat it one day.

FF14: Had a free 14 (or however many iy is) day trial, hardly took advantage of it. Its okay, combat was super repetitive, but the scenery was nice. The game lagged my computer kinda badly, but my computer is not that great anyway...
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 08:50:42 pm by hatkid »

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2016, 11:10:13 pm »
I'm looking forward to XV but probably won't grab it for a while.

I only this year finished X, I'm in the same boat, I enjoyed the gameplay and design of the world, and theoretically, I liked the plot, but the actual layout of the story and the voice acting, terrible!

I played 14 for a while but I'm not an mmo player at all so I played for my month trial and stopped after that.

I've also played VII, VIII, and 13 a bit but no more than a handful of hours.

Its a series I've always been massively interested in just never have pushed myself to stick to them, besides X semi recently. I never played them when I was younger though, I played X at a friends but never owned any until I started getting into collecting. Now I have a goal of picking up at many of the titles as I can and playing through them eventually. 


Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2016, 11:15:18 pm »
Ive spent a lot of my game time playing FF games. I have beaten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Ive played 8 and 9 ... then 10 came out. I tried to play it but really couldnt get into it. And as of right now, my current game is World of FF. I did play through the original XV demo and it seemed pretty interesting.


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Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2016, 11:46:14 pm »
Despite starting out with 8 and it being one my all time favorite FF games, I did go back and play the pre FF7 games so as it stands I have played the first 10, not 11 or 14 since MMO, 12 and 13. Here's a quick run down of what I think:

FF1-Pretty simple, not much to it but it was okay
FF2-It was meh but I really enjoyed some of the music to it
FF3-Was rather BS considering that you can only save before going into a dungeon. Although it introduced the job system to the series
FF4-One of the better games in the series, great characters, great soundtrack.
FF5-Expanded on the job system even though the story was okay but still an underrated game
FF6-My most recent one and really enjoyable from the characters, the music, the battle system. I can see why people love this
FF7-Really good and memorable but I wouldnt call it the best in the series, also music
FF8-My first, my best. I love it despite the hate it gets and the only games OST I own for this game
FF9-Havent played it years but again the music and it feels like a throwback to the earlier games especially after the later installments
FF10-One of my all time favorite RPGs on the PS2 and I put the most time in this than any RPG I have ever played second to Pokemon Gold and music
FF10-2-I mean it was weak in the story department but I give it point for the class system with the dresses and the battles were fast paced which I did not mind.
FF12-I had to use a guide to get through this one. I wasnt too fond of this one but had some good tracks per custom
FF13-Way more linear than FF10 and well pretty weak

I have played the side games like Mystice Quest, Tactics and anything else I may be missing. The recurring theme with what I wrote was music so even if I didnt care for a game, I give it some points if the music in game is something I can go back to since I think gaming in video games especially RPGs is important. I do have 13-2 and Lightning Returns but havent gotten around to it. I have played a bit of FFXV demo and I liked what I saw and I have some good hope for this one if they are indeed undoing what they did with FFXIII.

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2016, 01:39:11 am »
I only played the short Carbuncle demo for FFXV, though I did watch the first one through a lets play, I didn't play the first one or the more recent one that was Japanese only, which I heard is basically like the start of the game.  Feel like I'm going in reasonably fresh as I didn't watch a lot of the new gameplay they released, but I heard they really cleaned up the gameplay.  I did see they had some cool combo moves, seeing the one with Noctis and Prompto that was pretty sick.

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2016, 08:49:24 am »
I've never actually played through a FF game.  I've played FFXI in my youth and my wife made me play/watch some of FFIX, but I know I didn't catch the whole game.


Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2016, 09:21:48 am »
Here have been my thoughts of the FF games I've played

FFV - Haven't beaten this, but I found the job system to be super enjoyable and the story was pretty decent. I'm enjoying my playthrough of it.

FFVI - I tried to enjoy it, but after beating it and restarting the game again I just couldn't get into it. I have no idea why, since it's so popular. It just wasn't for me. I still don't understand why it didn't grab me  :(

FFVII - I love this game! Have played it through multiple times. I love the music, the story, and those special moments that were scary and sad.

FFVIII - Not a fan of this game unfortunately. It has great music, and good graphics and environments, but in my opinion bad characters and a very convoluted and confusing story.

FFX - This game is one of my favorites of all time. It has a lot of sentimental value to it and was the game that got me into RPGs. I love the story, the characters, the music, the graphics and the world/setting. I'm a huge fan of the game, and I always love talking about it.

FFXIII - Sorry guys, I really don't like this game.  :( it's my least favorite FF game by far. I can't stand the story, the characters didn't have any depth, and the game was too linear for my taste (even though linearity isn't a bad thing). At least the soundtrack and graphics were excellent.

FFTA - This game rulez. Tactics Advance is such a fun game with great game design and a decent story, even though the game plays really slowly.

FFTA2 - More of the same as FFTA, though the story wasn't as good as the first game. I want to play the first tactics game on the PlayStation.

FFCC: Really a lot of fun if you can find all the cables and GBAs and enough people to play with. Playing it single player probably isn't as good, it's really supposed to be a multi-player game.

So with that, I'm looking forward to FFXV, but I really want to play some of the other FF games as well, like IV, IX and XII. And Tactics.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 09:25:44 am by telly »
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Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2016, 10:16:20 am »
I'm a pretty big fan of the series. I'm going to be a copycat and kind of do what others did and just go game by game.

FF: Basic, but enjoyable. I played the original on the NES, the update in FF Origins, the similar version in FF: Dawn of Souls and the updated update on the PSP. I only finished the Dawn of Souls and PSP versions.

FFII: Surprisingly enjoyable. I played it in Dawn of Souls and on the PSP. I finished the PSP version not too long ago. Far from perfect, but fun.

FFIII: My least favorite. The dungeons are long, the balance is off, the music is dry and the plot is even more lacking than the first two. Still, credit needs to be given for the job system.

FFIV: The first game in the series I ever witnessed. In some ways, this was my very first RPG. It's still my favorite of the numbered entries and I've finished it on the SNES, the PlayStation via Chronicles, the PSP and DS.

FFIV The After Years: Unfortunately, I just cannot get into this. I've tried multiple times, but nope.

FFV: Underrated and under appreciated. The story is weak, but I adore the characters, setting, music and the vastly improved job system.

FFVI: A fan favorite for sure, and I'm one of them. It still retains that classic, 2D look. However, the steam-punk, industrial story and darker setting really set it apart. Plus, there are tons of characters to get to know and the Esper System is my all-time favorite when it comes to learning magic. I played it in the FF Anthology, but the only time I finished it was when I played it on the GBA.

FFVII: This was -THE- game to play. I still enjoy it. There's not much to say that hasn't been said.

Crisis Core FFVII: This was a great game. You know how it ends, but it doesn't make the ending that less painful. Plus, it was fun to play as Zack.

FFVII: Advent Children: I know it's a movie, but this is my list. ^.~ Anyway, it's farfetched and nonsensical, but still a good time.

FFVIII: Again, underrated and underappreciated. It was different, which was something those with FF7 on the brain didn't care for. The Junction System was unique, but it took me a while to warm up to it. With the card game (Triple Triad?) you could literally break the game in a few hours.

FFIX: My favorite game of the three numbered entries on the PlayStation. Zidane is such a great leading hero, especially after seeing the angst of Cloud and Squall. Plus, you get to see Freya do some Irish Dancing.

FFX: Another one I could never get into. Aside from Lulu and Yuna, I can't stand any of the characters. The Sphere Grid system is pretty neat, but it's restrictive.

FFX-2: Interestingly, I finished this game twice. I love it. There's girl power, tons of fierce outfits and Payne makes a solid addition to the team.

FFXII: Boring. Plus, I hate furry Ivalice. Great music, though.

FFXIII: I'm one of the few folks that actually seemed to enjoy FFXIII. In many ways, it's similar to FFX which is a game I don't like. First, I think Lightning is awesome. Second, I like the Crystarium. It feels similar to the Sphere Grid, but I love how each character specializes in two or three certain jobs at the start. Third, the battles are a blast. Paradigm Shifting mid-battle is a rush. I could go on about what I like about it, but I'll stop. It -REALLY- missed the mark with it's initial chapters. FFXIII is a story-driven game so I understand why it's simply a "hallway" RPG for a while. But, yikes...those first chapters can be a slog. On the other hand, that's how it was in FFX until the very end when you get the airship, so...yeah.

FFXIII-2: I thought the game could have ended on a high note with FFXIII, but nope. Still, this was a fun game. It was also much easier to platinum than it's predecessor.

Lightning Returns: This is my favorite of the FFXIII trilogy. It's a fun game and it's farcical as hell. It wraps up the series nicely, too.

I haven't played FFXI or FFXIV. Here are a few more side games I've played.

FF Mystic Quest: The most basic of the basic. I finished it for the first time this year.

FF Tactics: One of my favorite games of all time. So, so good.

FF Tactics Advance: Fun game, but I hated the setting, characters and music. Furry Ivalice...ugh.

FF Crystal Chronicles: Awful. You need a few (hundred) accessories to seemingly enjoy the game.

FF Type 0: Surprisingly, this game had a lot to offer. The only downside is that all that it offers can be ignored. I enjoyed it.

Theater Rhythm and Curtain Call: Fun, but grindy. After a while, hearing your favorite song over and over gets old.

Whew, I think that's it. I'm really enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on the series.

As for FFXV, I'm in no rush to get it. I like the idea of a boy-band RPG, but I have so much other stuff to play and with Tales of Berseria coming out soon I will want to focus on that.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 01:46:14 pm by kashell »

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2016, 03:22:25 pm »
I ended up redoing mine in the same style just because it's more visually convenient lol


Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2016, 03:24:36 pm »
In order of first ---> last played:

III DS: I like it, you can get straight into the game fairly quickly, no huge plot dump.  The purest FF experience I've had so far and it's portable, more comfortable for me. 

XIII: First game I played bundled with the 360, my brief encounter with III was enough for me to realise that it was different, I very quickly lost interest and traded-in.  I picked it up on PS3 since now fully aware of it's 'impact' to see if it even stands on its own merits, delve deeper shall we? 

VII: I respect this game a lot, it might not be the best RPG or even the best FF but I can definitely see how it was important.  The Materia system left me a bit confused but I think I got the gist of it. 

Explorers: Man, Monster Hunter isn't all than appealing single player

Chocobo Tales: Take Final Fantasy, Mario Party & Yu-Gi-Oh and mix em' together and you might get a game like this.  It's so adorable and simple dumb fun, lots of nods towards past games through the OST.  It definitely helps me embrace my inner child with its fairy tales associated to each mini-game. 

Type-0: Not the best game for my first hands-on with the PS4, the sensitivity of the camera and vastly different characters threw me off.  After coming back to it a few days ago I warmed up to it.  I heard this played similar to Crisis-core, same Director and stuff
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 04:44:13 am by indenton »


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Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2016, 04:42:34 pm »
Final Fantasies have always been a little too linear for my RPG tastes. I like to explore an open world, but FF likes to take you on a guided tour instead. The graphics and music are usually really good, though. I do like watching the movie scenes.

I did really like the first one. It felt like a Dragon Quest game, with a little different twist to it.


Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2016, 05:40:11 pm »
Ooo, I like this thread.

FF: Never managed to play much of the first one, but I actually kind of enjoyed what I played of it. This was the Origins version mind. It was pretty simple but simple can be fine. Interesting to see that this was how the series started out.

FFII: I couldn't get that far into this cause I was playing the PS1 disc (Origins) on PS3 and the game crashes permanently at a certain point if you try to play it on PS3, which sucks. Wasn't a fan of what I played though. I liked the idea of the leveling system but that encounter rate can go straight to hell. Though I've got it on WonderSwan so I may play more of that version. Has my favourite overworld theme of the series too.

FFIII: I've only played the DS version and I didn't like it. Any Enix remake of an old Final Fantasy game leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I want to play the original version someday. Didn't play much of it.

FFIV: Not a fan personally but I wouldn't say I dislike it. I've been meaning to give it another shot though. Again, didn't get that far. I got distracted by FFV.


FFV: I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this one. This was where the series started to get great for me. It deserves more love. The job system in this game is so damn addictive. Still haven't finished it though. I need to get round to that.

FFVI: Nothing needs to be said about this one, it's awesome. I wouldn't say I like it quite as much as the die-hard FF6 fans but I do really like it. Still need to finish it. It was actually the second Final Fantasy game I owned, I found a PS1 copy of it as a kid and had my auntie buy it for me. I'd only played FF8 before then though so I was really confused by it and ended up selling it on a car boot. Got it back later though after I realised it was actually supposed to be a great game.

FFVII: By the time I'd first played it I'd already had half the main plot points spoiled by the early internet FF7 fandom and Advent Children so I didn't get that into it, but on subsequent playthroughs I loved it. Watching the Completionist series about it definitely helps set the mood to get into it. This one I have finished though. Huzzah!

FFVIII: Oh my god don't even get me started. My favourite game of all time. FF8 is my baby. I love it like a son. First Final Fantasy game I played and one of my earliest gaming memories. I don't care what y'all say about this game or how different it is from others or how much of a dick Squall is, this game is my bae. Surprisingly I only finished it for the first time a few years ago. I always used to keep starting again when playing it as a kid. I don't really know why. Every core gamer has that one game that defines their gaming life and means a lot to them, this is mine.

FFIX: This was the first Final Fantasy game I heard about after playing FF8, I saw an amazing trailer for it on a PS1 demo disc my auntie had and I needed it in my life. Imagine seeing this as a kid when FF8 is your favourite game and it had never occured to your child mind before that there were other games in the series. I found a copy of FFIX sitting on a shelf in Asda and I spent hours while my mum went around the rest of the shop doing the weekly shopping just staring at it. It was a good several years before I finally got it but I love this one. First Final Fantasy game I finished too IIRC.

FFX: This one tends to be divisive, but I like FFX personally. I consider it to be my least favourite FF of the ones I do enjoy. I think I can see why some people might not like it so much though. First played a demo of it on the demo disc that came with the PS1 version of FF6 and I needed it in my life. Eventually found out my next door neighbour had it and I hated him for it. I didn't hate him for it. But I wanted it. Then I got it and it was pretty decent. Finished this one for the first time pretty recently.

FFX-2: Eeehhhhhhhhh. Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nah. Let's forget this one exists.

FFXI: Does this one count? I only played it for a few minutes as a curiosity but I didn't expect much from it. I'd already learned to hate Enix and everything they stood for at this point.

FFXII: This was the first Final Fantasy game I played that genuinely disappointed me. It lead to me learning exactly what the Enix merge was going to do to my beloved series. Haven't finished it and I doubt I ever will.

FFXIII: Yeah, everything's been said about it that needs to be said. I actually prefer it over FFXII purely because the combat feels more like proper FF combat to me than FFXII, though that isn't saying much. None of the criticisms are exaggerated. The whole game is one giant self-playing corridor, the characters are terrible and the story is confusing. Mind you the soundtrack is pretty fantastic. One of the redeeming features.

Dissidia/Dissidia 012: Fantastic games in terms of gameplay, but the Final Fantasy characters are so badly recreated it makes me angry. Pretty iconic of everything Square Enix has done to the series since the merge.

Dirge of Cerberus: I actually found myself surprisingly enjoying this one. I can't accept it as a canonical entry to the FF7 story because Square Enix and no Sakaguchi but it was pretty damn fun.

Theatrhythm: It's a fun enough time sink I suppose. Pretty typical of Square Enix to charge extra real money for all the songs they know people want to play though.

I feel like I'm forgetting a couple of other spin-offs but that should do.

Edit: Since we're talking about FFXV, I probably won't ever buy it. I've given up on Final Fantasy at this point. There don't seem to be many people that agree with me but in my eyes the Final Fantasy I love has been dead and gone for a long time now. And just looking at the FF7 remake makes me sad.
VIVA LA TEAM FF5 - 10!  ;D ;D ;D

I've jumped aboard the Persona ship now because that series has yet to stop being amazing.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 12:33:09 pm by LeJason »


Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2016, 10:52:44 pm »
I used to really be into the series. I still enjoy all the classics I grew up with from the SNES-PS1 eras. But after FF10, I can't get excited for any new game in the series. The modern ff games just look stupid. Full of annoying characters that look like j-pop rejects.

It's to bad...  :-\

Re: The Final Fantasy Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2016, 11:08:33 pm »
FFV: The only "old school" FF I ever sunk serious time into via FF Anthology on the PS1. The job system was interesting, but I remember not caring too much for the story. Got board with it and quit about 10-hours in. Haven't played it since probably 2002.

FFVII: My favorite FF game and my third favorite game of all time. This game got me into RPGs and still to this day I love it despite horribly aged 3D graphics.

FFVIII: imo this is the most under appreciated and misunderstood FF. I feel like most people shit on this game for one reason or another, but it's still a timeless classic for me that I struggle to find faults with.

FFIX: I really enjoyed this FF, but not as much as the other two main FF games on the PS1. It was the first FF I bought and played when it game out.

FFX: I absolutely adore this game and it has my favorite leveling system of any FF game in the franchise (the junction system). Interesting story, I actually got to purchase and play this game two weeks before its official release due to a local Target breaking street date. It was awesome!

FFXI: Even before FFXI I knew I wasn't big on MMORPGs, and sadly it took a $60 purchase of the game and about two months of me being a subscriber to realize even an MMO with Final Fantasy in the name wasn't enough to spike my interest either. I essentially cannot stand this game and personally do not consider it a real FF game.

FFXII: I bought this game the week it came out and after trying really, really hard to like it for about the first 5-hours I couldn't do it anymore and stopped playing it. I plan on giving it another go someday, but I just had a hard time getting into it.