Author Topic: Mass Effect 3  (Read 2082 times)


Mass Effect 3
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:52:49 am »
Has anyone played it? I've noticed it got excellent reviews, but people are complaining all over the place about the endings. I've read up on them all and I can see where folks could be miffed about them. But also have read up on some folk's theories and can also see their point. Most importantly, I'm interested in the actual gameplay it's self.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 01:03:20 pm »
I have tried a couple of time to get into the first one but I just found the game too big. I like to have a bit more guidance as to where to go.


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 01:34:42 pm »
I just finally sat down with the original game. I bought the GH version of it shortly after they dropped the price on it. I tried playing it a few times but once I got passed the Citadel, I had no idea how to navigate the galaxy. Not to mention when I finally got on a world, the Mako was a pain in the ass to drive. So I left it sit on the shelf.

Now that I've gone back to it, I am understanding things a bit better. And I still hate the Mako. But I played it til 5 am last Saturday and found myself hooked on it.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2012, 04:30:10 pm »
@scott, I have a weeks vacation coming up in a couple of months so maybe I will try it again then when I can focus on it.


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2012, 03:39:30 am »
Has anyone played it? I've noticed it got excellent reviews, but people are complaining all over the place about the endings. I've read up on them all and I can see where folks could be miffed about them. But also have read up on some folk's theories and can also see their point. Most importantly, I'm interested in the actual gameplay it's self.

The game is phenomenal! The ending is very weak and I am not fan but up until those last ~10 mins it is one of the most immersive and well written games I have ever played. It is definitely worth a play through all three if you enjoy Bioware's games or like Sci-fi games.


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 11:16:24 am »
I've enjoyed all three games. I think I played through the first one three times, the second twice, and now I'm on my second time for the third. Each one does tend to have that one bad feature. The first one's Mako driving can be a pain, especially if you spend the time driving around every planet. There is so much barren space between items to locate, and always a mountain range blocking you from going directly to an item. The second game has an awful scanning feature instead of planet exploration. So instead of landing on planets you control a slow moving reticule as it moves around an image of a planet. You get a bunch of probes and try to find the highest mineral resources. It's very tedious. The third game actually simplifies the planet scanning as there is only one item to get on each planet and the scanner points the way. However, you do have to locate which planets have items by scanning the area which can be interrupted by enemies but it's much faster than the old ways.

I know there are a ridiculous amounts of complaints about the ending but I didn't mind it. My Shepard had a choice of three ways to conclude the game and I've only seen the one I chose thus far. It's not a visual feast of cinematics, and you don't get to see what happens to everyone after your choice, nor is there any kind of medal ceremony. I guess that's what people want? It's more about giving you something to think about. Although Fallout 3 had a number of complaints with their ending, most games don't get this kind of press coverage over complaints. Maybe because the game is a RPG trilogy that provides many choices that impact the main character and the world? Though in most cases the choices really just lead to different dialog in later games I think, as the game often substitutes a new NPC in place of a major character that died in a previous game.


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 07:26:52 pm »
Nice, I hope this fix they are working on comes in the form of a patch, rather than a DLC. That would be a fist to the gut of their fandom.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 07:39:29 pm »
I wonder if they will release a new disc version too, Mass Effect 3: Directors Cut.


Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 06:52:43 am »
I finished the game a second time yesterday with my other Shepard. Chose a different ending but it was actually not that different. That does bother me a little since I would have thought the final 30 seconds would be changed more. It's probably just a way to set up DLC unless they place that before the ending.