Author Topic: Is Pokemon sun/moon better than x/y?  (Read 1029 times)

Is Pokemon sun/moon better than x/y?
« on: November 30, 2016, 05:05:00 pm »
I might pick up pokemon moon tomorrow :) I am excited to get the new pokemon. I might trade a spare NES I have lying around for one :D.  I just wanted to know so far which you like better? did they made any vast improvements and if its truly a better game. I loved Y a lot :).     


Re: Is Pokemon sun/moon better than x/y?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 08:06:45 pm »
Eeehhh... I don't know. In terms of gameplay Sun/Moon feels like it's got a lot less going for it than previous games, but they put a little bit more focus into story/characters this time around which I like. Maybe a little bit more mature too. It feels like there's a lot missing from it though.

Re: Is Pokemon sun/moon better than x/y?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 01:02:07 pm »
I'm about halfway through Sun/Moon and so far no, Pokemon X/Y is way better. Probably my biggest complaint is no gyms in Sun/Moon.